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Day 33: Adam "I'm Public Enemy Number One"


8 hours ago

Major props to Adam. It took record time before he realised that Big Brother had sold him a fast one.

Earlier, he had been called to the Diary Room and told to answer revealing questions as part of a live broadcast to 'viewers'. BB failed to mention that the viewers were the Blue team who sat aghast in the secret room as Adam laid bare his unvarnished feelings.

The drama was immense as we wondered how the Blue Team, particularly Shievonne, would manage to reset their poker faces. Turns out they just couldn't do it. In the words of Adam, "I felt it the moment they came out of the room."

"It" in this context means 'the certainty that they had just seen my brutal Q&A'.

In most scenarios, leaping to the conclusion that you've been secretly broadcast would have you carried away by men in white coats. But in the Big Brother House, it marks you out as canny.

Adam's suspicions were confirmed by Luke A who showed the cords that bind the Insiders are made of stern stuff. "I'll stick by you no matter what," he whispered to his friend. If HBO are watching this would make a touching drama series.

Luke A and Sara were both feeling a touch of guilt for not pushing harder to get someone other than the mate into the Diary Room. The mysterious muscled force that is Luke S is someone they wished had been pumped

Back in the bedroom, Adam was clueing Green team-mates Deana, Becky and Scott into the details of his Diary Room disaster.

"It's a f*****g stitch up," squealed Becky.

Deana put a feisty finger on the issue at stake. "In the Diary Room you think everything confidential. It's not nice, man. Go in there and have a go at them."

Adam managed to keep a smile on his face but it showed the strain as he identified his position as, "public enemy number one."  

Just in case this evening hasn't been twisty-turny enough for you, the Greens are not going to tell the Blues that they know. Phew.




Day 33 round-up



1 hour ago

Day 33. A prank-free house. A torso free house (almost). An Arron free house. Let’s take a look back at how the remaining 12 survived on their first full day without their flesh-flashing fringed friend.

An audible fart from Becky’s behind early this morning set the theme for the rest of the day, with bad smells the focus of Saturday’s proceedings. With the housemates gathered on the sofas (well, the Greens were on the floor obv), Big Brother introduced them to their Turf War task for the day: The Breathalyser.

The aim of the game was for each team member to guess which tasty treat their chums next to them had eaten... by smelling their breath. Stilton, coffee, cheese puffs and cold korma were all on the menu, as, one by one, the housemates tried to sniff out the whiff of their team’s breath through a very conspicuous-looking tube. Not the most hygienic of games.

Anyway, the Blues came out on top â€“ as they always seem to do these days – thumping the poor Greens five to two. Their prize? Entry to a secret room, with a very secret mission.

Of course, today was Shievonne’s birthday, but Big Brother wasn’t ready to hand her a hamper full of gifts. Instead, she was treated to a beautiful, self-penned birthday song from Ashleigh, whose dulcet tones were in no way similar to that of a cat being strangled by its prey. Vocal talent or not, her efforts were rewarded with a birthday cake, drinks and family messages for the birthday girl, Shievonne.

It was at this point that the meandering day took a turn for the intense. Big Brother opened the secret room to the Blues. At first they rejoiced, filling their faces with hot dogs, ice-creams and other frivolous treats. But before even the smallest of food babies had time to form, that familiar voice came over the intercom and announced the most devious task to date.

The Blue Team had to chose four questions prepared by Big Brother and one Green team member to answer them in the Diary Room. An Audience with Adam was full of hard-to-hear verdicts on who's fake, who's playing to the cameras and who's not to be trusted. Predictably, epic tension followed, less predictably Adam clocked the ruse immediately.

Not one to be, in his words, "played as a sucker" Adam has told his Insider pals that he knows, while Shievonne and the Insiders still believe they're secret is safe. Day 33 has ended on a note that's more twisted than a curly-wurly on a roller-coaster and what's more, now that Adam and pals don't trust Big Brother, who are they going to turn to?






 Morning all  


day 34 in the Big Brother House ........  


8.17am: If you're a fan of snoozing, you'd love what's going down in the House right now. It's a wall-to-wall sleep splurge

8.38am: They're all still sleeping tight. We'll let you know if anyone sleepwalks into the pool or anything crazy like that.


9.22am: All remains quiet as the housemates continue to doze




Day 34: Squat's the problem?

45 mins ago

It's important to have a morning routine - and if that involves a spot of exercise then all the better.

In the Big Brother House there's no room for privacy, so any quirks in your dawn gymnastic processes are immediately laid bare for all to see. With so many exercise nuts in the House, anyone who's only passingly acquainted with the world of work-out are bound to garner a bit of mockery.

This morning, Deana saw fit to try out a few squats as she wandered around in her nightie. Sticking her backside out slightly too far and to comic effect, even Becky felt the urge to correct her technique. Deana fought her own corner and carried on valiantly, but out in the garden the criticism was slightly more brutal.

'That girl can't squat for sh*t' said Luke S, clearly miffed that the squatlight was momentarily off him.

'What is she doing?' asked Conor, with a withering look on his face.

She's doing squats, Conor. She's doing Deana Squats.


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