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Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:

1.56pm: Big Brother has told the HMs that they will be seriously punished but left them hanging in terms of how

When Sara 'cheated' it was only her tea who were punished, surely it should only be Arrons team that will be dealt with severely?

I think there has been so many rule breaks,but yes the Green team will more than likely be punished.


Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive

1.01am: Lauren is eating cheese. She should watch out, otherwise she'll be having nightmares tonight.


1.25am: Caroline is very bloated, if you were wondering. (Her words, not ours).

1.38am: That Blue Team bedroom floor looks massively uncomfortable. Conor's face is stoical but not sure he's going to fall asleep

1.48am: Deana is talking about the incident in the Diary Room earlier. She's LOL-ing over the rapscallion comment

Last edited by Former Member

Day 31: What punishments may come...


8 hours ago

As the old saying goes, ‘he that jumpeth in thy pool incurreth the wrath of the powerful one’. It doesn’t, but the point is Arron’s impulsive decision to jump into the out-of-bounds territory of the pool has been logged by the eye in the sky and tomorrow a new punishment will be announced.

Both the Blues and the Greens were called to the sofa area. Arron was the last to arrive as he was busy writing a rude message on his chest. Handiwork complete, he joined the others to hear Big Brother announce that severe consequences were on their way...tomorrow. A sentence delayed is a sentence dramatised, as with this grey cloud of retribution hanging in the air, housemates, particularly the Greens, have been granted the opportunity to think up the worst case scenarios.

Will the Green Team lose their beds or their luxury food supply? Will Arron be singled out and punished? Nobody knows but they’re sure willing to speculate. Why not join them and have a crack at thinking up the punishment in store..



Day 31: Team Arron?


7 hours ago

While Arron went to the Diary Room to calm down after his Hulk episode, the housemates responded in their own diverse ways to his maverick pool behaviour and consequent re-belly-ion (bit of a gag... he wrote on his belly... sorry).

Sara, Shievonne and Ashleigh headed the 'We Heart Arron' society leaping passionately to his defence.

“He’s not done anything wrong. He’s just having a laugh. He’s a young boy,” shouted Sara, emotions threatening to hit the same levels as during Queen chats.

She might not see things so clearly if Arron was on her team.

Luke S, the House “robot” according to Deana and Adam, expressed a measured displeasure at Arron’s antics. He told the Blues that they would naturally find it funnier as they have no stake in the model’s unmodel behaviour. Boyfriend doesn’t want to lose hard-won creature comforts.

It fell to Adam to give Arron a serious dressing down. When, back in Bruce Banner mode, he exited the Diary Room, Az tried his hand at a team apology. Adam was having none of it and explained that if the team lose something tomorrow because of Arron then it’s going to sit as well as Tom Cruise dropping in on Katie Holmes. In other words: the more harshly BB penalise the Green Team, the larger the beef between Adam and Arron.

Let’s hope Big Brother doesn’t stoke the flames of this potential fire with a super-bad punishment. Surely, no one’s that devious...



Day 31: Round-up


57 mins ago

With an eviction looming, you can forgive the housemates for feeling a bit grouchy – and boy did they grouch on Day 31.

They say there's no 'i in 'team', but there is 'meat' and they certainly spent a lot of time 'beefing' with their teammates yesterday.

In the morning we had the Blue team at it, with friends Luke A and Lauren arguing over the indulgent ration behaviour. The disagreement boiled down to a tin of small salted fish, more commonly known as anchovies. We're not judging them, but we definitely are.

Not wanting to feel left out, the Green team also had a tiff â€“ and by tiff we mean a massive row, cumulating in Becky coining the term 'Big green mean machine', which you may agree is rather amusing in the context of all the seriousness. FYI - It may or may not be the fault of our naughty sister programme, Big Brother's Bit On The Side...  (Just sayin')

There may be more storms on the horizon, after Luke S refused to fold to the pressure from the smokers. He is a brave man. Or maybe we're seeing another side to him? That's certainly what Deana has been picking up with herspider senses.

On a task note, the housemates battled it out for occupation of the swimming pool in, the challenge called 'Bail out'. The Green team were a right bunch of sinkers, meaning that the Blue team actually won an area. We don't know about you, but we think the Blue team are winning the lamest areas – we'd take the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom over the living room and pool any day.

However, Arron didn't seem to share our sentiment, as he turned green with envy when he later saw the Blue team having larks in the pool. The little rogue jumped in the pool, breaking the no-go-zone rule and then had a go at being an anarchist for a while.

If he thought Big Brother was going to put up with this behaviour, he was seriously wrong – the housemates have been warned that they will face severe punishments as a consequence. And as you can imagine, the housemates were divided in their reactions to his little outburst.

But hey ho, Eviction tonight, so that'll surely lighten the mood..


10.17am: Okay. A lot of activity at the moment. It's safe to say HMs are unhappy with Arron. Details to follow

10.24am: Arron's a mess having had a washing-up bowl filled with milk, spam, anchovies and olive oil thrown over him by Adam.

10.32am: The bathroom's also out of bounds for all housemates. So Arron's going to have a devil of a job cleaning himself up


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