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Day 31: The mean Greens

57 secs ago

The Green team members have been patting themselves on the back ever since they secured the kitchen but now a crack so big has appeared, there is every chance they won’t be able to patch over it.

Three Greens – Arron, Deana and Becky - are up for eviction and joined Conor in the Diary Room for some questions from BB.

The boys took the chair leaving the ladies to sit on the floor – chivalry is clearly not alive and kicking in the House.

During the session the boys’ answers upset the girls causing Becky to lose her rag.

Deana has been feeling the stress of living with some big personalities for some time but Becky revealed Arron’s attitude had upset her.

She said, β€œWhen you got in that Diary Room, I’ve never seen a character change so much – you became this big green mean machine.  I think deep down you are an absolutely lovely lad but you are a nasty person when you come out in your character.”

Arron tried to leave it there but Becky was not willing to roll over and let him have the last word.

He said: β€œWhen I have tried to bond with you, I feel like you take the p**s out of me.”

While the argument went round and round in circles, the Blue team larked about in the living area creating a picture of a team united.

Will this rift cause the Green team to fall apart during the next task leaving room for the Blues to step up or will they pull together when faced with a new challenge?



Day 31: The Bail Out task

9 mins ago

They have been chilling out in the garden all day, splashing in the pool and working out on the lawn but one team is about to lose their outside privileges.

Today’s first task, Bail Out, is going to require skill, determination and plenty of stamina.

A pair of housemates from each team will have to board a boat with two holes in the bottom, blocked with bungs. When Big Brother gives the word, they must pull out the bungs and start bailing.

The team whose boat tips over or sinks first loses access to the entire garden. It will be a best of three and team members must be chosen before each round.

The Greens have been feeling smug, spending a few hours picking out their luxury shopping list whereas the Blues almost seem resigned to failure. With the majority of the more dedicated smokers – Lauren, Luke, Ashleigh and Shievonne on the Blue side, you would think they’d want to hold onto the outside.

BB has made some allowances but the rules cannot be bent.

Rules for the garden:

  • Flags will mark the threshold and cannot be crossed.
  • The white walkway running from the bathroom to the bedroom and onto the large task room will be neutral. All housemates may use this area to access areas they are permitted to enter. They must not loiter and or stand still.
  • The Blue team will be able to access their shower block even if they are unsuccessful.
  • Smokers will be allowed into the garden but only one at a time and only to sit on the β€˜smoking stool’ in the middle of the garden. Once they have finished their cigarette them must leave the garden.
  • Crossing territories is forbidden.

6.23pm: Luke S and Deana are in a green boat, Luke A and Lauren are in the blue one. Both are furiously bailing out water. 

6.25pm: In the words of BB: "The Green Team sunk like a stone." Round one to the blues. The garden is in sight...


6.35pm: Scott and Arron are now taking on Shievonne and Ashleigh for round two of the bail-out wars. Who do you think will win?

6.37pm: The Blue team drowned like rats, making the Green team the winners. 1-1 so far. All to play for...

6.45pm: Up next, we have Conor and Sara vs Becky and Adam.


Day 31: Deana unmasks Luke S

2 mins ago

Move over Peter Parker, we have a new Spider(wo)man in town. It’s taken 31 days for her to reveal her true identity, but today she came out of the shadows and in to the light – of the bedroom.

β€œMy spider senses are right!” exclaimed Deana to Adam earlier this afternoon, as she proclaimed to nail another mystery.

β€œI’ve been right about Conor and Arron, and now Luke S”.

His crime? An act of treachery.

According to Deana, Luke S has banned the housemates from giving Ashleigh any cigarettes – not exactly a crime you may think, but there was more to come. She claims to have heard him say that he’s going to leave the cigarettes out and let Ashleigh get in to trouble with Big Brother – if she falls for his plan and takes one that is.

Dun dun dun.

Unveiling his dastardly plan, she went on to profess that his β€˜real side’ is coming out. This sounds scary - are we about to see Luke S’s evil side? Or has Deana ran away with a flippant comment?

Either way, she did what most superheroes do when they’ve uncovered a crime – she went running to the Diary Room and tattle-taled to Big Brother.

Stay tuned to the website for more crime-busting action.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

9.05pm: Scott and Becky are sharing a bath. Looks like lots of splashy fun. 

9.18pm: Lauren and Shievonne are bonding in the garden and have decided to build bridges. They're marking the event with a cuddle.

Shiv is going to take Lauren to the dark side, isn't she?  Shiv is like a spider sitting in the middle of her web and waiting for her victims to accidentally touch it. 


Day 31: With great power comes great responsibility

42 secs ago

We exclusively broke the news that Deana is on a par with the mighty Spider-man when it comes to sniffing out injustice. But as Uncle Ben said, β€œwith great power comes great responsibility”. In Deana’s case this means the responsibility to accept a diminished reputation as a  result of whistle-blowing.

Shortly after Deana had told a group including Adam and Luke A about Luke S’s dastardly scheme to set Ashleigh up to break the rules, Luke A told Luke S that Deana had been spreading the news. Now Deana is absolutely fuming and has been ranting to Adam in the bedroom using such words as β€œbackstabbing” to describe her fellow-Insider Luke A.

Adam has given characteristically Zen-like advice. A case in point. β€œMake your reaction the best it can be to get your point across.β€œ

This genuinely brilliant wisdom pacified Deana which is a relief.

Peter Parker never had to deal with such extreme levels of power play.



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