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Should she stay or should she go?

2 hours ago

They say you should never let the sun go down on an argument but what if the sun has already well and truly sunk?

Tension reached boiling point in the bedroom late last night when Bieber fringed puppy dog Arron bared his teeth at whiney cry wolf Victoria.

Victoria took great offence at Arron’s suggestion, during an earlier spn the bottle task and game of β€˜snog, marry, evict’ that he would evict her given the choice. She said: β€œI’m pretty sure there are people in here you must like less than me.”

Arron barked back , β€œYou can’t tell people you want to walk and not expect them to say they would evict you. I got bored of you saying you want to walk. If you want to walk, the door is over there.”

Housemates including Conor agreed that it may be time for Victoria to change the record.

This morning Arron is giving Victoria the cold shoulder forcing her back into the arms of Lydia. Victoria said: β€œI’m surprised how naive I am. Some of them obviously want the money and publicity so badly. You are my only real friend in here.”

You would think with friends like Lydia who yesterday offered Victoria a shoulder to cry on before informing Caroline she couldn’t stand her, Victoria wouldn’t need enemies.

Lydia responded with, β€œIt’s you and me. This whole thing has changed into one massive game.”

She added that she is putting her fate in God. We’re not sure he is eligible to vote. Victoria said she is glad she stayed but will she make it to tonight without a whimper?

It’s eviction night and there’s still time to vote to save your fave.








Last edited by Scotty

3.04pm: Caroline has never ever made a bed or poached an egg. What has she been doing?

3.24pm: The ever-curious Chris is finding out from Scott what it's like to be gay

3.35pm: Deana, Lydia, Lauren and Victoria are discussing whether they'd pose for lads mags. Guess who would and who wouldn't...

4.04pm: Lydia's explaining her performing vintage to an encouraging Benedict

4.23pm: Ashleigh is giving Luke S a terribly sensual hand massage. His face is dangerously blissed out

4.50pm: Let us count the ways in which Scott wearing that bandana is not a good fashion move.

A game of Chinese Whispers is going down in the garden whilst Arron and Luke S work out. Again


6.03pm: Sara thinks Conor is safe from eviction. With only a few hours left, what do you think?

6.14pm: Conor, Sara, Ashleigh, Luke S are chatting about the prospect of getting booed by the audience.

6.20pm: We're impressed with Chris' gastronomic vision! Hungry HMs are talking about dinner options.

6.32PM: Adam delegates the task of onion chopping to Caroline. Shievonne is giving Scott a MANicure (*uh huh*)

6.46pm: Big Brother has called Caroline to the Diary Room

6.54pm: Chris is taking credit for Luke A's sauce... "dinner will be done in a couple of minutes, for pasta people" says Chris

7.08pm: Sara is still using the hair straightener even though it doesn't work.. numpty! Aw

7.16pm: Sara's singing 'Ghetto Superstar' while straightening her hair (still not straight enough!).


7.29pm Scott spilled fake tan on the bed, Lydia is wearing Shievonne's dress, and Caroline's hair is bigger than ever!

7.39pm: Caroline has coined the word 'Jubilimpics', but has it lost its currency already?

7.55pm: HMs are getting dolled up for the live show. Chris is going for the "wide boy geezer look"

8.10pm: Adam is getting his hair straightened, "they're pretty hot ain't they?!". They kind of don't work if they aren't.


Sara loves Chris's curves

6 hours ago

Sara and Chris shared a moment of intimacy earlier as it was revealed that the leggy Edinburgh beauty has a soft spot for those with soft spots.  Sara got her gush on, saying: "You're so cute. We were saying the other day that out of all the boys in here it's your physique we like the best. I like a bit of meat."

Lesser men may have blushed under the glare of such praise but Chris gamely plucked the conversational baton. "Some girls really do like Mr Ripped, some girls like a manly man," he philosophised. Good that he realises his isn't the only fanciable body type. Some in the House have yet to arrive at this level of self-awareness.

Caroline chimed in, "I like skinny physiques... yours would appeal to me about as much as Luke S' would." The polite way of saying, "It wouldn't".  Full points for diplomacy, Cazza.

Lest anyone were to see him solely as a physique, forgetting the bountiful brilliance of his mind, Chris let the group in on the secret of his female successes. "I go on personality," he revealed.

Sara and Chris then had a little hug. Bless.




A lot of front

3 hours ago

It's only Day 4 but our forward-thinking housemates have already turned their minds towards what awaits them outside of the Big Brother House. Did they think about founding charities or travelling the world? Not even close. Looking forward to meeting new and exciting personalities? Still stone cold. Nope, Deana, Lauren, Lydia and Victoria were chewing over whether they would pose for lads mags. We've all been there.

Lydia made a distinction between lads mags, which she wouldn't do ("don't have the boobs"), and swimwear shoots. "It comes down to the money," she explained but reminded us that "I'm more of a performer". Naturally.

Victoria said she'd posed in swimwear during her modelling heyday and "regretted it straightaway". Victoria said something negative? This ranks on the surprise-o-meter beside night-following-day and Luke S appearing topless. Just don't let Arron hear. After he evicted her (reason: negativity) during last night's Snog, Marry, Evict game, her rainy outlook has become a potential source of explosions.

Deana mainly kept her counsel but ventured to say that, "it has to be done in a classy magazine." It doesn't have to be done anywhere, chica. Last time we checked, posing for lads mags was not a mandatory part of UK citizenship. Perhaps you meant to say, "I want to do it in a classy magazine." Time will reveal all...

Finally, Lauren blasted into the conversation with, "I'd do it. I want all the money I can have to go back to university with!" We love your honesty, Lauz.




Low key versus high drama

1 hour ago

Since Tuesday night and this year's grand Big Brother entrance, we've seen our new housemates rock into their roles in their own individual ways. Some of them dived into proceedings with merry abandon, caring little about repercussions, whilst others slinked in on tippy-toes and made the lightest of marks with a smattering of polite smalltalk and not much else. The former are probably hoping to make an instant, positive impression whilst the latter might well be playing the long game. So who are the introverts and who are so extravert their personalities are already branded on our consciousnesses like an ill-considered tattoo procured on a drunken holiday on a party-island?

In terms of low-key introductions, despite her ordeal of nominating three complete strangers on opening night, Deana's probably keeping her own counsel the most. Where others have keenly thrown their neuroses onto the table without a care from the off, Deana's held everything back, only really speaking up when comforting Lydia (more of her later) and when slightly feebly but endearingly telling the girls she's worried she's not fitting in. Adam's immediately lodged himself into the nice, approachable guy slot whilst Sara and Scott are, perhaps wisely, taking their time to find their feet.

Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum we have Luke S (not too shy when it comes to ripping his shirt off), Shievonne (a fiery customer and full of laughs), Ashleigh (settled down now after a frenzied opening night) and Conor (who's outgoing but simultaneously the type of chap you feel you've met a million times before). And there's Benedict, whose personality is as loud as his temperament is prim and proper. His profile speaks volumes, but despite the zaniness of his CV, he's turning out to be quite a lovely chap. So far. Also lurking in the middle is Lauren whose single dramatic act – a truly spectacular mid-air somersault – has prompted the attentions of Luke S and Arron. The 'Lauren Sandwich' of yesterday means she can no longer qualify as low key.

And then there are the all-guns blazing crew, firing in without aiming and making waves after only three nights. Victoria's reaction to her nomination might fairly be considered slightly over the top, and she's come out with quite a few strange outbursts here and there. There's bailiff Chris, who's wasting no time in stirring things up, speaking behind peoples backs and playing the giddy goat at all times. There's Arron, who may or may not be a champion kick-boxer and confused everyone by assuming the role of champagne butler as they all made their way in, and there's Caroline, who simply can't be anything other than extravert with that cartoon personality she seems to inhabit. And finally there's Lydia, who seems to have left her self-awareness in her suitcase.

Hands up who'd even heard of Andy Scott-Lee before she went in?

And aside from Luke A, that's the whole of the spectrum covered. The chef from Flintshire merits a special mention, because he managed that very tricky proposition of offering his housemates a revelation like an expert negotiator. Doing the rounds and making sure everyone had any questions they might have answered before he fully committed to being part of the group, Luke A couldn't avoid giving us some high profile TV moments over the past couple of nights, but he managed to do it in a very subtle, low key way that seems to have won everyone's respect and friendship in the early stages of the game.

A good job well done, wouldn't you say?


Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.29pm Scott spilled fake tan on the bed, Lydia is wearing Shievonne's dress, and Caroline's hair is bigger than ever!

7.39pm: Caroline has coined the word 'Jubilimpics', but has it lost its currency already?

7.55pm: HMs are getting dolled up for the live show. Chris is going for the "wide boy geezer look"

8.10pm: Adam is getting his hair straightened, "they're pretty hot ain't they?!". They kind of don't work if they aren't.

Shocked that they have hairdryers/Straightners.In old BB times they had to buy the usage of such things from the shopping budget.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Shocked that they have hairdryers/Straightners.In old BB times they had to buy the usage of such things from the shopping budget.

I remember they used to buy tokens when it was Ch4 but didnt they have them last time ??  or maybe a one off as they havnt done  a task for budget yet have they ?


once again I sat waiting at 9 for the show to start 


8.32pm: Luke S says he'd get Aaron to rugby tackle  if he came in as a  ! 

8.47pm: Conor, Victoria and Lydia discuss pre-show nerves. But wait, what's this? Conor has been summoned to the Diary Room! 

9.08pm: Seriously, the bedroom looks like a proper tip! Ew...

9.23pm Caroline tells Ashleigh she's having a booze-free night...

9.26pm We’re getting ready for live show but will be back at 11pm...


Victoria has been evicted!

49 mins ago

Victoria, our former glamour model from Reading, is sadly no longer a housemate after she received the least amount of votes in this week’s eviction.

She had an interesting and slightly frenetic first night, finding herself nominated after barely having time to take a breath. Big Brother forced Deana into selecting three strangers to guarantee herself immunity and, knowing next to nothing about the newbies in front of her, selected Victoria as one of her three choices. Searching for reasons, Deana cited Victoria’s β€˜evil eyes’ as the reason she should be put in line for the boot. Perhaps understandably, Victoria didn’t take this too well. Since that opening night shocker, Victoria had been a little gloomy in outlook and her β€˜negativity’ was picked up on by Arron who called β€˜evict’ when her name came up in a game of β€˜Snog, Marry or Evict’, which only added to her woe.

But to her credit, despite the disaster of an opening night where Big Brother’s spanner in the works landed at her feet, Victoria kept her head up and soldiered on regardless. She bonded with fellow nominee Lydia, enjoying chats with her new pal and receiving a lap dance from the future Mrs. Scott-Lee on the couch. And she also showered naked, causing plenty of tongues to wag both inside and outside the House.

Having wandered onto the scene on launch night clutching a stuffed puppy that was hurled at her from the crowd, the curvy vegan can at least console herself over the fact that tonight she’ll be reunited with her six pet dogs. And she can fix herself a proper meal, after the meat-eating majority left her feeling rather left out with her salad scraps at mealtimes.



Wildcard Becky enters the Big Brother House

29 mins ago

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Big Brother Wildcard – Rebecca Hannon, a drama student from Blackburn who's bubblier than a year's worth of washing-up suds.

Following Tuesday's night's Big Brother: The Auditions, whereby BBBOTS presenter Jamie East hunted high and low for a potentially-winning wildcard, viewers have been voting for their favourite via Twitter – and the 19-year-old came out on top. Nice one, Bex! Bad luck Bhavesh and Anthony. We love you anyway.

So how will Rebecca shake things up? Well, she has a weekend job in a newsagents which she loves, but she probably doesn't pay too much attention to the papers she sells since she also claims she find politics boring. If her fellow housemates want a stimulating conversation they'd be better off talking about food since she says she LOVES it. Could Luke A become her new best friend? She may also find a pal in Conor since she says she'd like to share her new digs with a nudist (didn't he say he'd walk around naked? Someone should remind him).

And what about potential foes? Well, she says she'll tell her new roomies exactly what she thinks. Some home truths are surely about to be unleashed.

She also added that she'd hate to be in the house with "arrogant tossers and people who think they are amazing". Make what you will of that. Finally, she revealed she doesn't like talking about her nipples. We have no idea why, but let's just hope that topic doesn't come up as we're not sure we want to find out...

Let's see what he's got in store for the House. And what the House has in store for Rebecca. Sexy Bexy as we’re now calling her.




A tricky task for Becky

8 hours ago

You, the Big Brother-loving public, voted larger-than-life Becky as the Wildcard entry last night. And what an action packed few hours it was! She has positively charmed the nation, and we can't wait to see how she tackles her first task.

 On entering the House Big Brother informed her in the Diary Room that she will be vulnerable in Monday's nominations. Becky has been instructed to carry out a top secret mission. To win immunity from next week's eviction she must become somebody's favourite housemate. Sounds pretty easy, for an outspoken and fun-loving gal? Think again. This challenge is laden with complexity.

 In only two days time, all housemates will have to select their favourite housemate. If Becky is chosen by one or more as their favourite she’s safe and will win immunity. If she isn't picked as anyone's favourite she’ll be cast out for the public vote automatically. Harsh, but that's the Big Brother way.

 Becky comes across as an absolute sweetheart, but remember that could change as she settles into the House. As first evictee Victoria admitted earlier, the House changes people. It's an unnatural environment. It’s filled with extraordinary characters. How do you think Becky will fare?




Becky makes herself at home

9 hours ago

Watch out, housemates. Big Brother’s new guest is on the loose – and she’s already making her presence known.

Starting her tenure in style (she divebombed into the pool within seconds of entering the bungalow), Becky’s been meeting and greeting her new roomies and seems to be an instant hit. In the past hour she’s been praising the rippling biceps of Luke S, talking fashion with Deana and discussing fake tanning with fellow skin-tinter Scott. All of this whilst scoffing breadsticks and sipping on drinks.

It’s good to see your Wildcard finally in the house, and it’s also quite cheering that she’s going down a storm with the all the gang. This happy situation may change, given time - especially with her being such an outgoing (and potentially outrageous) character.

So let’s hope she enjoys the good time while it lasts and manages to prolong the honeymoon period a little longer. She’s doing a pretty good job of making herself everyone’s favourite housemate right now.




Day 4 Round up

8 hours ago

One came out and one went in during a thoroughly eventful day in the House. But before the exciting evening’s schedule, which involved the ejection of Victoria and her replacement Becky bouncing into the House in style, there were plenty of shenanigans to be going on with.

The day started with a spot of cleaning, with Shievonne and Luke A scrubbing away and discussing all the previous day’s action whilst everyone’s favourite squeaky-voiced bailiff (it’s a very specific category, admittedly) Chris gave his thoughts on a handful of some of the ladies. And in addition to all that, Scott admitted to fancying Arron, in a discussion about love and romance.

On an unrelated note – probably - Scott also found time to dress up like a lady, ably assisted in the wardrobe department by Ashleigh and Conor. And as if that wasn’t enough drama, Big Brother had a wobble of his own, with a technical difficulty forcing something of a shake-up for the coming night’s eviction.

And then it was upon us. Victoria left the house and spoke to us about how she felt in the aftermath of her brief stint. And before we could all draw breath, in went Becky, flying through the doors and making for the pool like she was a woman on fire.

A fond β€˜farewell’ to Victoria and a hearty β€˜hello!’ to Becky then. Frankly, we don’t know if we’re coming or going what with all this activity.




9.14am: The mystery trumper strikes again! Everyone is asleep so impossible to spot the perp.


9.34am: Becky's sitting up and rubbing her eyes, both from tiredness and "WTF? Where am I? AH YES."


9.59am: Most HMs are now up. According to Caroline, in the middle of the night Chris did a "bailiff knock" on the toilet door


10.04am: "I know I farted at least once." Aha! Benedict, twas you!


Goodbye Victoria, we barely knew you

58 mins ago

Last night, as Victoria prepared for a joyful reunion with her multiple pooches, a group composed of Deana, Luke A, Adam, Arron, Caroline and Sara took a moment to discuss her eviction.

"I've not got a problem with Victoria," began Sara, who is starting to seem like the House sweetheart.

"I was honest with Victoria," said Arron, referencing the verbal joust of two days ago that led to him labelling Victoria "negative" which, in turn, led to her stripping off her  top and bra. If you can't stand the heat, get naked. There's a motto for life.

"I tried to avoid Victoria," piped up Caroline, who'd clearly missed the memo decreeing this is an appreciation sesh. Arron reset the mood saying, "She came to me first to say she wasn't happy in the House."

Sara wasn't done yet either. "She was stunning. If my mum came in she would probably feel left out." A most excellent point, Sara, and one discussed at length during last night's Big Brother's Bit on the Side. For those who missed this fine piece of programming, it featured an interview with Victoria who said if there had been one other older person, let's say male and foxy, then her time in the House would have been a different story altogether.

But it wasn't to be. Victoria, you came, you saw, you did not conquer and were instead evicted. Farewell.



Victoria at the moment of truth.



Almost like a circle of prayer. 



Becky describing her avoidance techniques.



Arron models his serious face. Take note, bookers. 




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