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Day 29: The next task is Sofa Hoppers


16 mins ago

With Trolley Dash all said and done, the next task the divided gang find themselves entangled in is called Sofa Hoppers – and it's set to decide which team – green or blue – takes ownership of the Living Area. This latest battle will involve our divided housemates hopping around on sofas, in different orders, to rank themselves in various categories. All the while, other housemates will be in the Diary Room, trying to guess what's going on in the Living Area.

At either end of both sets of sofas will be two signs saying MOST and LEAST. Big Brother is set to ask Housemates to sofa-hop into new positions on their settee, according to a particular category.

Once Housemates have settled into their positions, Big Brother will ask their pals in the Diary Room to guess the order their teammates are sitting in.

For every position Housemates get correct they'll win one point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game will win control of the Living Area and the losing team will be banned from the Sofa Area and Dining Table from that point on.

Everybody sitting comfortably? Some of our housemates won't be by the time the result of Sofa Hoppers comes in...




9.11pm: Next up for both teams - Least to most bitchy. Deana and Caroline have placed themselves on top. 

9.17pm: Luke S has chosen Scott as the bitchiest housemate. He's not doing very well at this task.

9.24pm: The green team are worrying that they haven't sent the best man for the job.

9.27pm: The blue team, on the other hand, are backing Shievonne. She may be a better choice than Luke S in the perspective stakes.


9.53pm: Shievonne and Luke S are explaining their choices to their teams. No one seems to be that annoyed - yet

10.19pm: Deana is slowly eating an orange. And we mean it when we say slowly

10.35pm: Becky thinks she would have done better than Luke S in the task. Not hard, really

10.51pm: Deana is helping Scott with his posture, "You're pushing your breasts out too far". Charming.


Day 29: Turf wars - Sofa hoppers


30 mins ago

Our housemates became Sofa Hoppers this evening as the Turf Wars task went tactical. Luke S and Shievonne were picked to represent the greens and the blues respectively, while the rest of the housemates decided amongst themselves how they ranked in a number of different categories. With an odd number of housemates working on the task, Lauren sat this one out and sat on the sidelines to watch the fun.

The categories our pals were forced to rank included 'most to least attractive housemate', ‘most to least bitchy’, 'most to least annoying' and 'who wants to win the most'. While the bulk of the housemates bickered amongst themselves as they perched on the edge of their coloured sofa, Shievonne and Luke S agonised over their decisions in the Diary Room. 

The green team lost confidence in their comrade quite early on in the task, unanimously agreeing that they probably hadn’t put their best man forward in the form of Luke S. Not surprising really, as he got most of the line-ups wrong and managed to a insult a few of the housemates in the process. 

Meanwhile, the blue team had full confidence in Shievonne, and who could blame them - remember the impression task in week one? She’s certainly shown her aptitude for reading people. It therefore came as no real surprise that she scored higher than Luke S, and subsequently won the task for the blue team. 

As a result, the blue team have clawed back some turf and are now sole beneficiaries of the living room. But all is still to play for and we’re predicting that Big Brother will be upping the ante in the days to come.



11.37pm: Arron's ranting in the bathroom about some of the bathroom habits of other housemates. It's all go tonight.

11.47pm: Caroline, Conor, Ashleigh, Arron, Shievonne and Luke S are talking in the bathroom. They've 'got each other's backs'.

11.54pm: While Arron, Conor et al speak animatedly about noms, the Outsiders and Becky talk day-to-day stuff quite peacefully

12.00am: Adam's asking for a group hug. Slightly sarcastically. There are few takers. 


12.47am: This metabolism conversation's ongoing and seems a little charged. Deana thinks it's all in good fun, Becky's rattled.

1.15am: Becky and Caroline are under a duvet and wondering why Deana's putting on makeup at this hour.

1.30am: Rub a dub in the tub. Lauren's enjoying a bath before bedtime.

1.41am: Becky is having a late night rant in the diary room. Best to get things off your chest before bedtime.

2.00am: That's all from us tonight - We'll be back bright and early in the morning. Till then...

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Pah! Here we go. Tweet crap about Deanna now eh? Could it possibly be because she's currently least likely to go in the betting odds?  


(btw. I lubs you all for doing what you do in this thread. I read it with my nose pressed eagerly to my 'puter screen all the time!) 

I was wondering that too but we just dont see enough to judge ourselves 


thank you Xochi   nice to know we arnt tweeting to ourselves 



Day 29: Becky and Deana chew the fat

8 hours ago

Deana has been chewing the ear off Becky tonight, with one of her favourite topics of conversation - weight. Deana should really know by now that if she wants to moan to someone about ‘feeling fat’, then Becky definitely isn’t your gal. 

“Why have I got such a bad metabolism? It isn’t fair...” Deana moaned. 

Cue rolling of the eyes, before a full on rant from Becky ensued. “I can’t listen to this. There’s people starving in Africa”, she replied, before adding “If you want to lose weight, do something about it”. 

The pair bickered back and forth, with Deana not giving up on the sympathy plea and Becky denying her anything of the kind. 

It’s not the first time Deana’s come to Becky with her weight woes - in fact Becky has even nominated her for this very reason. However, the current Miss India UK seems oblivious to how much it’s actually annoying the bubbly Bolton lass. 

Deciding that it isn’t worth an argument, the pair have agreed to disagree - for the time being at least. But even though the discussion ended on friendly enough terms, we have a feeling that this may be an ongoing saga. 


Day 29: The turf war continues

8 hours ago

The Turf Wars task was meant to bring people together. Unfortunately, after one day of unlikely trolley-based tug-of-wars and a fair amount of sofa-hopping, the day ended with renewed divisions as two sets of housemates convened and blasted the other, with some far more vocal than others.

The Outsiders took up their usual position in the smoking area and were joined for a large part of the evening by Becky, a floater who seems to grow increasingly perplexed by the actions of The Insiders, especially post-nominations announcement.

On the Insiders camp, as they ranted in the bathroom, it seemed like everyone was fair game when it came to criticism, so long as they weren't in the room.  Sara was spoken about in slightly unflattering terms, but that talk was stemmed when the girl herself sat down to earwig on the conflab. Shievonne eventually joined in to say her piece while Lushleigh sat and absorbed the discussion, occasionally chipping in with the odd comment.

Conor and Arron led the talk and it's safe to say they still have issues over what's coming up on Friday night. They're rattled, and their discomfort is dividing the Floaters. Saying that, it's anyone's guess if these new alliances are destined to hold.


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