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Big Brother 2012 housemates must battle for parts of the house!





For the next seven days the Big Brother house will be at war… a Turf War, with the housemates battling it out for parts of the house.


Earlier, Big Brother split the housemates into two teams, a green team and a blue team.

Lauren, Ashleigh, Caroline, Sara, Shievonne, Luke A and Conor make up the blue team while the other half – Deana, Luke S, Arron, Scott, Becky and Adam – formed the green team.

The two teams will battle it out in an epic series of challenges to win ownership of different areas in the house. After each challenge, the triumphant team will win control of an area of the House; the losing team will no longer be permitted to enter that area of the House. All areas of the House will be up for grabs.

The first battle will be for the Kitchen. The team that wins this area will automatically be rewarded with a luxury shopping budget this week and will be the only housemates permitted to enter the Kitchen.

The losing team will be banned from the Kitchen and banned from eating any of the food that is currently in there, or delivered there later this week. They will be provided with their own small fridge in the living area and survival rations.

The Turf War will culminate in one team being awarded the diary room, housemates in this team will be the only one’s that will nominate on Monday.

Teams will be provided with blue and green outfits that they must wear for the duration of the week.

For the first task of Turf Wars, Housemates will be pitted against each other in a test of sheer brute strength, in the game ‘Trolley Dash’.

Trolley Dash will consist of four rounds. Each round will see one Housemate from each team being tethered together. On the sound of the klaxon Housemates will pull against each other to try and reach their granny shopping trolley and wheel it toward their shopping.

Housemates then need to get their trolley to the shelf of shopping and chuck in as much of it as they can, all the time pulling against their opponent, who is trying to do exactly the same thing, in the opposite direction. For every item of shopping Housemates get in their shopping trolley they will win one point for their team.

The team with the most points after four rounds will win the Kitchen and the luxury shopping budget. The losing team will be forbidden to enter the Kitchen, use anything in it and will be supplied with a box of Survival Rations – a bland assortment of uncooked grub.

For the next part of Turf Wars, Housemates will be battling for the Living Area in the game ‘Sofa Hoppers’. Most Housemates will be hopping around on sofas, in different orders, to rank themselves in various categories. Whilst other Housemates will be in the Diary Room, trying to guess how it’s all gone down in the Garden!

Big Brother will ask both teams to select one Housemate from each team to do the guess work. Both of these Housemates will go to the Diary Room, and the remaining Housemates will take their seats on sofas, in the Garden.

At either end of both sets of sofas are two signs reading ‘most’ and ‘least’, Big Brother will ask Housemates to sofa hop into new positions on their sofa, according to a particular category. For example, housemates may be asked to sofa hop into position from the most to the least talkative Housemate.

Once Housemates have settled into their positions, Big Brother will ask the Housemates doing the ‘guess work’ in the Diary Room to predict the order in which their teammates in the Garden, are sitting.

For every position Housemates get correct they will win one point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game will win control of the living area and the losing team will be banned from the sofa area and dining table from then on.

As there will be seven housemates in one team, for fairness, one Housemate from the team will not be playing and will just watch the game

Big Brother 2012 airs nightly on Channel 5.

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Originally Posted by Scotty:

3.51pm: That's the first victory to the green team. The blues are banned from the kitchen. 

I sooo wanted Becky to be on survival rations  


Ooh I am awful    


Afternoon ladies  



4.34pm: Adam, Luke S & Adam are plotting pranks. They don't care if they get punished as the whole house will suffer.



4.55pm: Deana is doing step-ups in the garden

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Hi Scotty   


Becky might have fluked the kitchen but..... there's an all star line up that didn't  


This is more like it.

Yes!  And we`ve got a week of it  


My pal`s checked the loft. Nothing major. Broken roof tiles, a few bricks inside the loft needing replaced  


Day 29: Tug of trolley dash

11 mins ago

The tug-of-war shopping trolley task pitched the blue half of the House team against the green team.

First into the arena were Sara and Becky. The blues thought Becky would tire quickly and Sara resorted to breaking the rules but it was moot as Becky narrowly won.

The second pair going head-to-head were Conor and Adam. Trash-talking up a storm, the combatants who seemed the most evenly matched resulted in a landslide for Conor and the blue team.

Next up was the double Luke duel. Luke S filled his basket straight away and had to hold on for a minute in order to stop Luke A.

Finally into the theatre of combat, Arron vs. Ashleigh. The result was a foregone conclusion and Ashleigh's cheeky tactic of knocking Arron's groceries off the table was to no avail.

As the task ended with the greens team winning by 46 items to 23 and in an act of defiance the blue team stole some of the groceries and ate them.

They realised that this was the last chance they would have for a while to taste luxury as they're now on survival rations.

During the game Conor, sensing the way the competition was going, threatened that he would steal the green team's luxury shopping if it wasn't locked away.

As there are seven of the blues as opposed to six green team members, those meagre portions will have to stretch even further.


5.48pm: The kitchen has been decked out in green for the winning team and filled with luxurious food. 

5.51pm: The blue team have been given boxes of "Survival rations", including cabbage, carrots and cheese. Epic fail. 


6.46pm: Caroline's keeping her chin up. 'This isn't the worst case scenario. This is fun' she says, slurping cold rice pudding. 

6.51pm: The green team recline, post-feast, and are talking near-death experiences. 


7.12pm: Caroline and Luke A are talking about family in the bedroom. is bringing people together. For the moment.

7.27pm: Adam's comforting Lauren about her ears, which she mistakenly believes are cauliflower ears.


Day 29: The box drop

31 mins ago

The turf war has began, and this afternoon saw the first casualties in this epic battle of territory. 

After losing the ‘trolley dash’ earlier today, the blue team were immediately banned from entering the kitchen, and thus forced to survive on ‘ration boxes’. Whilst the green team lord it up in their newly decked-out green kitchen, which is filled with luxury food, the blue team have to live on a rather bizarre selection of food. 

Here is what they were given: 

Tinned processed ham 
Rice pudding 

With no access to the cooker, the blue team have been forced to eat their food raw. There's probably some faddy diet that says this is a good thing, but we'd rather them than us... 

So, what meals can the blue team look forward to? Tin processed ham with a side of cabbage? Anchovy sandwiches? Carrots dipped in butter? Mmm, there is such a plethora of gourmet meals to be had. 

If you were given those ingredients, what would you rustle up?


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