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Day 28: Round-up

2 hours ago

The housemates may be in the lavish surrounds of the Big Brother House, but it doesn't mean they are exempt from hating Mondays. The damage has been done and now the nominees must fight for their right to stay. It comes as no surprise that they were on theirbest behaviour this morning: cleaning and trying their damndest not to cause offence or provide any possible nomination ammunition.

We looked at Shievonne (aka Mama Shiv) and her performance in the House so far. She may have appropriated the role of the matriarch, but how long before the housemates begin to challenge this? 

On a lighter note, we enjoyed watching the housemates trying to tackle cleaning the yucky loo. Of course there was the moment of truth, when nominations were revealed. It’s on nominations day that friendships and allegiances are tossed aside, momentarily anyhow. We noticed that there were fewer hugs – something that usually cushions the blow and maintains the veneer of congeniality.

Arron, obviously upset by his nomination, ended up bickering with Scott. No-one likes arguments, but this one lead to our word of the day... Rapscallion! Needless to say, there's been a melancholic air in the House post-nominations, but you know they always find some happy medium, some way to function until Friday's Eviction Night.

Conor and Arron played a prank late last night, which obviously backfired, and has lead to them both being up for a possible eviction this week.

Serendipity, perhaps? Who do you want to save?



8.31am: Luke S is awake. He's looking for someone to talk to. No one is obliging. 

8.50am: Luke S has gone back to bed. Not sure if he will be able to sleep - there is a lot of snoring going on. 

9.18am: Still snoozing. Not long until Big Brother wakes our housemates on the morning after the nominations night before.

9.49am: The housemates are being allowed quite a lie-in. Could BB have an ulterior motive? 

10.23am: They are awake. The sofas have been shifted during the night and Luke S is wearing the tiniest briefs we've seen yet.


Day 29: The morning after the nominations night before

5 mins ago

Nominations have never caused such a hoo-hah.

With four housemates up for eviction, the tension got the better of the group last night and it was arguments a plenty.

This morning our sore-headed and bleary eyed-bunch were evaluating their actions.

Sara chatted to Becky over tooth brushing, embarrassed about last night’s crying episode.

Caroline and Shievonne cosied up on the bathroom chaise longue. Shievonne said, “ I think people have just hit rock bottom. Last night to me it sounded like I was at Glastonbury. It sounded like The Lion King.”

Caroline says one group got angry with her because she was siding with the other group.

The pair were agreed on one thing – Luke A was a hero.

Shievonne said, “Bless his little heart. He really looked after me last night.”

At least one of the 13 managed to wake up this morning with a clear conscience.



Day 29: The turf wars task

3 mins ago

Grab your tin hat; the House is officially at war. Turf war that is.

After enjoying a lie-in this morning, housemates  awoke to find the sofas shifted and a number of clues on the table.  Housemates smelt a task.

Shievonne said, “I don’t know how they will stretch this task out for two days. It could be something like how well do we know each other. This is going to be awkward.” Oh, little did she know.

Becky got closer to the truth and said: “This task looks brutal. There’s a place for Billy No Mates.”

Big Brother broke the news that they would be divided into two competing groups – the green and the blue teams.

Over the next seven days they will battle it out over a series of challenges .

Evil old BB got housemates to partner up with their best friend in the House.  With 13 housemates, that meant one was going solo. They had just one minutes to get into their pairs. Who do you think went with who? And who was Billy No Mates?



Day 29: Colour wars

49 mins ago

As the dust settles after the explosive announcement of the task, the House is about to be well and truly divided. It's almost like Big Brother plans these things.

 Over the next seven days the housemates will battle it out in two teams – the greens and the blues. Through a series of challenges they will secure themselves different areas of the House.

Once a team has taken a territory, the other cannot enter it.

For such an important task, the teams seemed more preoccupied by the colours they were given. In camouflage trousers and hoodies, Lauren deemed the look a bit blokey.

 The green team were quickly dubbed The Bogey Brigade and The Kermit Crew. Luke S proclaimed that green is best because green, "is for go," and that blue isn't even on the traffic light system.

 Luke A reasoned that it was because blue was unique. He likened his team to The Smurfs because they were, “blue and quietly confident.”

 "The Hulk is green," stated Luke and Conor retorted with, "Blue's Clues is cool," silencing the groups and thus winning the battle of the colours.

 But who will win the war for the floor space?



Day 29: The trolley dash

44 mins ago

The first task  - the trolley dash - is underway and the scene of conflict is the garden, with the kitchen being the territory up for grabs.

The team that takes the kitchen will automatically receive a luxury shopping budget. The losers will be banned from the room and not allowed to eat any food currently stored there, or delivered this week.

They will be on survival rations, stored in a small fridge in the living room.

It’s a battle of brute strength with Sara pitched against Becky in round one.

Housemates are tethered together and must pull against each other to reach a granny style shopping trolley, which they have to fill with food from the 'supermarket' shelves.

For  every item grabbed, they score a point for the team. The team that collects the most points over four rounds, wins.



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