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8.54pm: Scott's in the pool now - there must be something in the air. Or the water. 

9.05pm: Scott is musing about eggs - the chicken kind,not ladies' kind. Although ladies' monthlies has been a hot topic lately.

9.15pm: Scott thinks Luke S' extreme emotions are expressed via the medium of cleaning. And working out surely?

9.22pm: Caroline is dreading the next "ghastly task" BB has in store.


9.30pm: HMs have been provided with drinks for the evening. Let the good times roll. 


11.16pm: Ashleigh and Caroline are having a bedroom-based heart-to-heart. Needless to say it involves a small measure of gossip


11.22pm: Scott's on the warpath again. He just called Arron a 'disgusting rapscallion', we can confirm. #bbukliv


11.23pm: Adam needed the definition of 'rapscallion' before he could carry on rubbernecking. It's a genuine scene. #bbuklive

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1.03am: Arron's asking for sympathy regarding weight gain from Adam and Luke A, which seems somewhat misguided. 

1.26am: Scott and Caroline are whispering after lights out. They're clearly thick as thieves again. 

1.36am: Luke A hates the fact Luke S is labelled 'the man of the house'. "Just because he pushes others out of the kitchen". 

1.40am: Luke A says: 'I really need my shot - my bitchy side's coming out'. 

1.45am: "I don't get many spots, so I just pick on other people" TMI, Lauren, TMI. 

1.56am: Rapscallions, rows and four in line for eviction. We'll leave Scott talking things over with Adam. See you in the morning!


Day 28: It's all about the floaters

8 hours ago

Remember when we had a House that was filled with 16 housemates? Back then, just after Victoria made an early exit and Becky had settled in as our Wildcard, there was so much good feeling in the air that the cracks in housemate relations were barely visible. Fast forward to the Friday night just gone - the point at which Lydia Louisa left the race - and we found ourselves in the middle of a two-way split right down the centre of the House. The Insiders and The Outsiders were firmly entrenched in position and it seemed the twain would never meet.

But now it appears Lydia’s exit, which was particularly gracious on her part given the circumstances, has left the House in a state of confused flux. You might’ve thought Lydia’s leaving would only strengthen The Insiders position but, weirdly, the opposite seems to have happened. We think we’ve pinpointed why – and it seems to be something to do with floaters. As it happens, it turns out it's all about the floaters.

Lydia’s most important parting words to her Outsider chums came when she encouraged Adam, Luke and Lauren to integrate with the group more, which is exactly what they did. It's a move that seems to have paid off, because it had the effect of forcing Luke A and Adam to repair their ties with those on The Inside. It may just be speculation, but this change in the power-play seems to have turned some of those who float between groups, principally Scott and Becky, against the likes of Arron and Conor – two of The Insiders most vocal members.

While we were all concentrating on The Insiders, The Outsiders and the mounting animosity between the two factions, the element often referred to as 'the sheep' by Lydia, known to us as The Floaters, seem to have seized a little power.

This week's nominations announcement goes some way to proving all this, with an Outsider, a Floater and two Insiders all in the frame. No one group is winning – and everybody finds themself vulnerable. Isn't it funny how the dynamic can change in a heartbeat?



Day 28: Post-announcement blues

8 hours ago

After the nominations announcement, things in the House took a turn for the odd tonight as the four parties up for eviction took the news in their own individual way. Deana raised an eyebrow, being quite used to finding herself in the firing line by now. Becky was momentarily distraught, then managed to gather herself as the realisation sank in. There was Conor, who couldn't have been more surprised by his nomination and then there was Arron, who didn't take the news at all well.

A few drinks loosened everyone up, and after a while the bad feeling between Scott and Arron that followed yesterday's slightly unwise statue prank began to bubble again. And then it boiled over, with some harsh words from Arron resulting in Scott calling him a 'disgusting rapscallion'. Where he earned points for vocab, he surely lost a few for diplomacy. The House broke in two all over again, with Caroline drawn into the argument and several housemates reeling from the spat. Apart from Sara, who preferred to sing and dance her way through scenes of upset and devastation like she was living on another planet. Adam, meanwhile, simply wondered out loud what a 'rapscallion' was. They obviously don't have any rapscallions in America. Or Dudley, for that matter.

After the spat, The Outsiders convened in the smoking area (as is their wont) and were soon joined by Scott who fumed about the confrontation, finding some sympathy from the garden crew. Conor, meanwhile, sat with Arron in the living room and fumed about what had occurred.

Unlikely as it may seem, Ashleigh rose to the challenge of making peace. She sat with The Outsiders, urging everyone to stop the back-stabbing and end the mini-feuds that are breaking out around the place like a particularly virulent sickness. She almost managed to reunite the warring factions. Everything was going fine until Deana's disagreement with Luke S over the Lushleigh relationship was brought up all over again.

Heaven knows where things stand as the housemates begin to wander off to bed. Friendships have been flushed down the toilet, new alliances are forming and there are an awful lot of metaphorical bloody noses about the place. Let's pray a new day draws a line under all this bickering. Unless you're of the mind that all this arguing makes for great telly. In which case, you'll probably be begging for more.


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