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Day 28: On best behaviour

1 hour ago

Today has moved slower than a snail on valium as housemates tip-toe around trying not to offend one another prior to nominations. Hygiene-meister Luke A restrained an urge to mop the floor worried that it would be seen as a transparent attempt to curry favour. This was perhaps a canny move as Ashleigh was accused of tactical washing up the moment she put sponge to cutlery. For your moderate viewing pleasure, here is a gallery of the housemates wearing their best 'who, me?' faces.


Day 28: How many housemates does it take to clean the bathroom?

32 mins ago

Things have to get pretty grim before housemates clean up their acts and today proved to be one of those days.

Having spent the morning lazing about, trying not to talk about nominations, they turned to bleaching the bathroom to pass the time.

The usual suspects were nowhere to be seen with Becky, Sara and Scott taking control and roping Adam and Ashleigh in. After Sara’s performance as House Cleaner in Week 2, we thought we would never see her and a mop in the same room again but we were wrong.

Conor appeared to be taking an advisory role, looking on and scratching himself.

Becky found a dead fish left over from the Task on Day 27 in the shower  - and a grubby pink bra was also unearthed.

Deana had half-heartedly offered to help but didn’t appear prompting a few grips from Ashleigh. Ashleigh herself demonstrated earlier in the day that she didn’t really know her way around the washing up so perhaps wasn’t one to talk.

Since exerting themselves with the big clean up, the housemates have retired to the bedroom to resume chatting  as they wait to hear who has been nominated this week. Could those with a sudden devotion to domestic duties have some kind of ulterior motive.....



Day 28: Little Momma's House

1 hour ago

She came into the house as ‘the ex-Bunny Girl’, but even on Day One was starting to establish herself in a more matronly role – has Shievonne had a game plan from the start?

 Chatting with our Helen from the Digital team just hours before her entrance, she claimed to have the attitude of a 15-year-old, but that all her friends called her Mama Shiv – and this is the name that stuck in the House too.

 Always on hand to dole out advice – even when it is not asked for– she has more recently taken to calling fellow housemates “angel” and “bubba” – very mumsy.  Shiv certainly has come up with some entertaining pearls of pop-psychology , telling Chris to, “keep it cute or keep it mute,” and Arron to, “rock out with your c**k out,” – less maternal.

 After losing out during Ashleigh’s birthday party task she showed her selfless side, telling housemates to party without her but by that point rival Conor had clearly triumphed.

 The Task With No Task gave Shiv a chance to work her role as House matriarch (dare we say it), relishing in the drama  of the day -marching housemates to the shower, offeringAshleigh her own towel and generally cooing and clucking over the task victims – apart from Deana.Shiv seems to like to set the moral bar in the house and so did not struggle to defend her actions.

 She said, “The only reason I didn’t go to Deana was because she laughed at Ashleigh. I know Becky and I had a little tete-a-tete in the past but I didn’t want to see her upset. I had said to Deana, I hope you don’t get your worst fear – I’m not laughing at anyone.”

She has claimed she is not in it to win it on a number of occasions, but are we starting to see past Shievonne’s mummy role? Or is Shievonne just stepping up because other housemates have been behaving like big kids?



Saw past it in week 1  

Last edited by Scotty

Day 28: Ash gets real

1 hour ago

She's best known for putting the "leigh" in Lushleigh and the "***" in "f***" but it looks like our Essex girl has a bit of a contemplative side. Just to manage expectations here, we said "a bit".

This ground-breaking development occurred on the beds as Ash gave Scott, Deana and Becky a potted version of her work history. She's gone from stock broking to shop assisting over the years, and the salary drop has hurt her self-esteem.

"It makes you feel small when you earn so much money and then earn so little," she said.

We have not edited the above sentence. She expressed it without swearing.

To add to the poignance of the scene Ash was sporting a smudged version of a boredom-induced moustache and furously twiddling... her sunglasses.

She continued being simultaneously earnest and suitable for children. "I get bored so easily. I just haven't found my calling," she said while Scott announced with touching certainty that Ashleigh has the charisma to go out there and kick butt.

Only time will tell whether he's right.



It seems that the insiders gang is falling apart in the Big Brother house,  with Caroline and Scott last night getting fed up of Arron and Conor.


The mischevious boys were plotting to wind up the other housemates with yet  more ‘funny’ (read: annoying) pranks as the rest of the group slept.

Picking first on Shievonne, she raged at the pair: “Conor, you f**king tit,  you silly beast.”

Watching the action from their own beds, Caroline and Scott both hit out at  the pair as they continued to cause mayhem in the bedroom as the housemates  tried t get to sleep.

“They think this is going to help them? What the hell, because they think the  public will adore it?” Scott moaned.

He told Caroline: “They’re just probably brain head really, they’re use  attention seeking.”

Scott, who previously clashed with Conor over losing the football table on  Friday, added: “It’s air time, that’s all it is Caroline.”


Hope they are up .


Day 28: Straight Outta Dudley


1 hour ago

If anyone accuses Adam of being a game-planner in the House, the simple fact is he's probably not even in a position to formulate the barest of strategies.

Our self-confessed ex-gangster (straight outta Dudley, peculiarly enough) confessed early on that he's never seen an episode of Big Brother in his life. He's seen the celebrity version, quoting last year's CBB as his initiation into the brightest and best game show on all television. But he's never sat on a sofa like the rest of us and absorbed a series in which unknowns enter the House and win us over or wind us up over the course of the summer.

As we're all doubtless aware, there's a huge difference between the showbizzy, preconception-shattering celeb version of the show and the longer, possibly slightly more revealing civilian outing. The big question is whether or not this puts him at an advantage - or if it renders him naive in the face of some serious game-playing?

Adam's demeanour throughout the series, after four weeks in a House that's constantly bubbling with a row, a romance or some other rigmarole, has been remarkably steady. He's a constant presence in the smoking area where he pulls apart the events of the day with Luke A and Lauren like someone who's watching the show rather than participating. And he's a constant source of enthusiasm, taking on onion-eating and drill sergeant chores like a man born to spend time in the Big Brother compound.


After a slightly shaky start (which involved some doomed flirtation and bonding with Shievonne), Adam's coming more to the fore now that we've lost four big personalities in a short space of time. He weathered Caroline's snipes like a man who's seen personal conflict on a greater scale before and simply doesn't have the time to go there - and he slips easily between The Insiders and The Outsiders without getting a single soul's back up. A skill so remarkable, you have to wonder where he found this ability. The fact that he has barely any knowledge of how a series of BB tends to pan out only adds to the wonder.

But then you read his profile afresh and recall that this is a man who's spent time in a correctional facility, prised himself out of a street gang and now spends his days trying to help wayward youths. He's been there, done that and invested in the t shirt. Compared to some of the episodes in his life so far, he'll probably consider any trivial Big Brother bother a breeze to bounce through. When yet another in-House argument arises over the course of the next few days, hours or minutes, anyone waiting for housemate Adam to snap might well be sorely, sorely disappointed.


6.50pm: Luke S says he's afraid of Caroline's bed. He's yet to qualify this, but we'll keep you updated as to why if he expands.


7.00pm: Arron and Ashleigh are having a wash-down in the bathroom


7.10pm: Now Deana is cutting her split ends with a nail clippers. Looks like Becky's started a trend...


7.20pm: Arron's complaining that some of the HMs don't get his sense of humor


7.32pm: Arron's gone for a lie down. Topless, naturally.


7.46pm: There's been a minor coffee table upset in the living area with possible slight spillage. Normal service now resumed.


7.56pm: Lauren wonders out loud what leeks taste like. Only one way to find out - they go particularly well with bacon too.


8.06pm: Quite a subdued supper comes to an end. Lauren and Deana oversee the domestic wash-up duties.


8.15pm: Lauren's cleaning the dishes but it looks like she's skipping the washing up liquid.


8.26pm: Sara's lamenting the loss of sunny weather as she sits outside in the rain. Poignant stuff.


8.35pm: Becky thinks the chlorine in swimming pools is there 'to make the water warm'. We despair.


8.46pm: Despite the woeful weather, Becky, Luke A and Deana are having a swim. Brave, brave souls.


8.47pm: Rebecca's still feeling peckish. She's decided to stir fry two whole chickens.


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