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Day 27: Avoidance tactics



7 hours ago

Since dinner o'clock the housemates have been busy not being busy. The haute cuisine dinner experience in itself left a few housemates literally lost for words, mixing up words ("expresso" for espresso, c'mon guys!).

And some just left the dining area to tackle other topics of conversation - topics that were more worthy of their time and brainpower. That said, it was a very impressive spread, and we hope they made the most of it. Who knows what's in store for them next week? 

It's funny what they end up talking about while eating posh nosh. Arron took the opportunity to boast about his own foodie knowledge; one time while 'abroad' he admits "I had cappuccino and brioche every morning". You can experience Arron's continental breakfast too – all you have to do is visit your local supermarket or petrol station right here in the UK, where they speak English. 

The housemates missed music and took it upon themselves to create a DIY nightclub in the bedroom. They sang a medley of classics including Aerosmith, The Darkness, Aqua (Barbie Girl). - All the greats. We can't imagine a BB House Choir getting together to record a hit single any time soon. They also treated us to some very unique dance moves (see pics).

Of course, you, we and all the remaining housemates are more than aware of the fact that nominations day is very near, less than a day, to be exact. As per, we have seen a variety of avoidance tactics ranging from singing, dancing, pranking, and playing ball, to chatting about the origins of surnames, obsessive cleaning, tampon talk, and bird calling. Anything to avoid confrontation and possible nomination talk. 



Day 27: Round-up


In the wee hours of Day 27 we saw Scott make a move on a possible beau.

Adam and Lauren talked tactics, but this changed dramatically as the day wore on, when there was practically no talk of that for fear it would influence how the votes would swing.

The cigarette situation was dire, and obviously irritated Lauren, we recall she said "we might as well give up",followed seconds later by "give us the bloomin' bucket!". Aw. Poor puffers!

Today Shievonne was duped by the housemates as the Task With No Task took place.

Housemates successfully pulled the wool over her eyes with a smashing combination of acting skills, costumes, and professional SFX make up artistry.

They won a very swish gourmet meal. Nice. But before dinner time, they had to fill the time by eh, doing stuff. Becky got her finest snorkelling gear out, while Sara rescued a spiderfrom the perils of the House. 

The usual pre-dining rituals of tanning, buffing, mousse-ing and face graffiti-ing took place.

After the wondrous meal, the housemates resorted to entertaining themselves. Adam showed his musicality and composition skills when he composed this little ditty for Shievonne.

Even though we've observed all these little activities as avoidance tactics, Arron still found space for one last little prank before the lights went out. Oh Arron, you cheeky devil.

So what will the week have in store for the housemates? It's hard to believe yet another of this bunch will have to leave. As Adam so rightfully put it yesterday "it's all part of the game, though". Right on Adam, right on.




9.48am: Housemates are moving at the appropriate pace for a Monday morning. Sara is powdering her face All else is still. 

9.59am: Sara is giving HMs an inside scoop on Miss Edinburgh. Hard to tell whether Ashleigh is listening or sleeping behind shades.

10.06am: Luke A thought Kate Moss was French. Unless Croydon has been colonised while we weren't looking he is very wrong.

10.16am: Luke A is"p**sed off" that he has brown eyes. He'd rather have green eyes. Does anyone have a tiny violin?


11.40am: Scott is in the Diary Room fondling his hair as he talks to Big Brother.

11.55am: Housemates are speculating about their future outside the House. They have a long way to go yet....

12.07pm: Scott has nominated. He is more worried about the foundation he has got on his t-shirt. 

12.20pm: Becky is worried that she'll get to the Diary Room then change her mind about who to nominate.


Week 4 round-up

1 hour ago

Week 4 round -up

Has it only been a week? The last seven days saw a thaw in tensions between rival housemate factions, an alcohol band the introduction and confiscation of table football. And of course, an exit from the House.

Nominations threw up Lydia and Deana for eviction prompting predictable reactions from the pair – Deana claimed she know it would be her while Lydia appeared to have no idea why anyone would want to put her up and suggested the housemates were like sheep for doing so.

Nominations discussions have been rife allowing Big Brother to dole out punishments like candies with a booze ban an imposed on Day 21 and not lifted until after eviction on Day 25.

The divide in the House between The Outsiders  - Lydia, Lauren, Adam and Luke A – and The Insiders – everyone else except Deana who floats between the two – continued to grow before a brief bonding over garden games which Conor had brought for the House during this week’s shopping.   

To earn the luxury budget, housemates had to complete the 100 Task – largely temptations based activities with awaterslide climax. Among the success stories were Luke A who turned down the chance to chat to his wife, Lauren who chose to earn points rather than hang out with her sister and Luke S who spent an hour and a half wrestling with his conscience before opting not to learn what housemates had said about him during nominations. Lydia and Deana were able to wreak revenge on those who they thought had nominated them by gunging them with fish guts.

Scott has been expressing himself through the medium of hair for a few weeks now and things took a turn for the ridiculous on Day 22 when he gave Conor control of his look. He had a close shave  - almost being talked into a number one all over but ending instead with a haircut so breathtakingly original, we don’t think there is even a name for it yet – a sort of faded red flat top without sides.

Housemates hit target and Conor managed not to go over budget but with the delivery of supplies can the end of the ceasefire as Lauren and Ashleigh fell put over fags – Lauren demanding double portions to compensate for dishing out her own ciggies in previous weeks and Ashleigh not taking it too well.

Eviction night saw Big Brother lose a truly superb housemate – Lydia Louisa. From gossiping to game play, Lydia was the life and soul of the House. The soon to be Mrs Andy Scott Lee remained focused throughout and handled her departure with dignity. Conor revealed to the housemates that Lydia’s famous fiancÃĐ was ASL but none of them really knew who he was.

Post departure, some of the housemates lamented her lossand with the obvious chance to the dynamic there was some jostling at the top – Sara and Becky has a failing out but are now over it.

The romance between Ashleigh and Luke trundled on with Deana declaring herself on the firmly in camp fauxmance. Big Brother set housemates a potato cooking challenge which saw Chef Luke A emerge victorious. 

Shievonne became the victim of a prank by BB who got housemates to take part in the task with no task which left Ashleigh covered in gunge, Deana in feathers and Arron in soot. They managed to convince Shievonne they had faced a terrifying ordeal – possibly at the hands of her biggest fear, clowns- rather than been covered in stage make-up. They proved themselves to be excellent actors and Shievonne refused to go into the task room meaning they all won a gourmet dinner.  

Housemates remained civil throughout this last supper which came on the eve of nominations day. With friendships proving pretty fluid this week and even Scott and Caroline having a tiff, who will be up today is anyone’s guess.



12.45pm: Luke S is darning again. Is there no end to this boy's talents?

1pm: Sara is explaining to Deana that she hasn't come into the House for fame and in fact suspects BB may hurt her career. Will it?

1.11pm: Conor has corrected Caroline who has used "tactile" to mean "touchy-feely". "Tactile means you have tactics," he reveals.

1.26pm: Sara says nominations today were a 'piece of pish'. Becky says Sara is amazing. Let's hope Sara didn't chose her

1.40pm: Scott says people are too sensitive.

Housemates are refusing to use the shower because it is dirty  


Day 28: 13 is family


1 hour ago

Today is nomination day, yet despite this, there is a very playful, familial atmosphere in the House that we attribute to the amount of time the housemates have now spent banged-up inside.

This bleary Monday morning marks the beginning of Week 5 and the 28th full day for those left in the Big Brother House.

That may not sound like long, but housemate years - like dog and cat years - go past at seven times the normal speed. We're not necessarily accusing our remaining 13 of sub-standard intelligence and poor toilet habits - we’re merely pointing out that intense experiences and 24/7 human contact ups the pace at which bonding and development occurs. We’re obviously feeling very deep and profound today.

This morning saw Arron settle still further into his role of jilted lover. As Sara joked to Luke A about how Caroline thinks she fancies him, our ever-topless model remarked that he is the only male that Sara has never been accused of fancying.

“Here you go again,” said Sara. Arron pleaded light-heartedness but Luke A noted, “You’ve got that look in your eye.” In this Big-Brother family, Arron is trying to break the rules while Sara wants to keep it chaste.

Over in the lounge, cool uncle Adam was riffing with cheeky niece, Becky over nominations “You vote for your favourite, right?” asked Becky. Adam ran with the ball. It’s nice to see our housemates talking playfully about their biggest threat.

Luke A, Lauren and Adam later had a little rendez vous in the garden in full exasperated grown-up mode. “Today, it’s really hard to choose,” said Lauren of the imminent nominations, “Because they’re so many of the f*****s” replied Adam immediately. Yowch, there are claws on, Uncle Adam.

We’ve only just got the ball rolling here. Who do you think occupies which familial role in the House?



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