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Let's talk about sex baby

35 mins ago

Someone grab a hose quick, Arron and Luke S are definitely in need of a cooling down.  Earlier in the bedroom, the cheeky duo were like dogs on heat, as they gave glamour girl Victoria a grilling about her sex life.

Luke S kicked off proceedings by asking her outright if she was a bit naughty. Although she was initially a bit taken aback by his forthrightness, it didn’t take her long to play along, purring 'yes' as her answer. Suffice to say, the answer was like a red rag to a bull, as the boys waged in with a plethora of saucy questions (the details of which we couldn’t possibly divulge – it’s way too early for that type of chat).

Why all the questions, boys, eh? Have you got something in mind? It’s certainly no secret that Luke S is fond of cougars, and he made sure Victoria knew that too, saying; "older woman are great, they appreciate it [sex] more",  adding, "I've been with older women than you, so bring it." The last comment certainly put a twinkle in Victoria's eye.

So, is this harmful flirting or should we be keeping an eye on the pair? There is certainly a lot of sexual tension flying around at the moment, it's only a time before something - or someone - explodes.




Saucy chat.



The conversation seemed to perk up Arron. 



Is Victoria channeling her cougar instincts?



 The boys are listening intently.


Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by erinp:

Rebecca Singleton, marketing director at Morrisons, said: "With the housemates' challenging weekly shopping budget, Morrisons offer a fantastic choice of options for them to be able to eat great food, whilst making the most of every important penny."

They're only interested in alcohol- so will the rest matter?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

8:12pm The HMs are dancing their little socks off. Scott is wearing a onesie. The sunglasses are out too!


 Victoria is admiring Lydia's bling yellow diamond engagement ring. Jealous?

8.41pm: The housemates have been given a game of 'Spin the Bottle'. This should be interesting.

8.54pm: Victoria would snog Arron, marry Luke S and evict Catherine (she meant Caroline)


Under pressure: Lydia and Benedict


It seems Lydia is ruffling everyone's feathers. The stage-screen diva has taken a defensive stance since Deana nominated her for eviction tomorrow, and this hasn't served her well. But is it completely her fault? The pressure is intense, and sometimes brings out the worst in people. It's not fair for anyone to be nominated on entering the House, but then again, Big Brother isn't always fair...

Lydia and Benedict chilled out on the couch and had a deep conversation. She opened up; Benedict demonstrated his excellent listening skills (go, Benedict!).

Benedict showed his philosophical side as he and Lydia chatted about the meaning of friendship. Lydia thinks that her nomination for eviction has coloured the judgement of her fellow housemates. She is worried that she won’t make any friends in the House. Benedict reassured Lydia and said if she and the other person are genuine, friendship will last beyond the Big Brother experience. Do you think Lydia's nomination for eviction has an impact on how the other Housemate's treat her?

Former-teacher Benedict has shown he's a really great listener, giving insight and advice. We wonder whether he will pass on saintly advice to other housemates...




Would you Spin the Bottle?



On this cold and wet Thursday, Big Brother has tried to lift the spirits of the housemates by providing them with a selection alcohol and some 'phat' tunes to get their swag on to (also known as dancing). There is nothing that makes housemates happier than the combination of these two treats; their reaction was like giving candy to baby. Seriously, they are very easily pleased.

However, Big Brother has another treat hidden up the sleeve... Have you ever heard of the game Spin the Bottle? Pah! Of course you have. Who hasn't played this purse friendly game during a rather raucous house party? If you haven't, we suggest you do – it can be rather fun.

Anyways, as we were saying, Big Brother will be placing a game of Spin the Bottle in the Diary Room for the housemates to play at their discretion. The board will contain the following categories:

1.          What is the Biggest Lie You’ve Ever Told?

2.          Truth or Dare?

3.          Snog, Marry, Evict?

4.          I Have Neverâ€Ķ

5.          Remove 1 Item of Clothing

6.          Perform a Party Trick

7.          Who Do You Think Will Be Evicted on Friday?

8.          Which Housemate Do You Fancy the Most?

9.          Worst Thing About the Person to Your Left?

10.          What is Your Best Physical Feature?

Good categories, don't you think? We think questions 7 and 9 are particularly meaty. Let's hope they get stuck in, it could get very interesting... We'll keep you updated on their progress.


12.39pm: Victoria is saying it'll be interesting to see what people in the House thought of her if she goes Friday

12.52pm: Most of the housemates are getting ready for bed... Maybe they're partied out

1.09pm: Lydia is venting her issues with Victoria to Deana in the kitchen

1:58am As the HMs are snuggling up in their beds, it's time to say good night



Housemates get frank


Spin the Bottle has proven to be a massive hit in the House, giving the housemates an opportunity to mingle and unwind. Of course, alcohol is considered to be a kind of ‘social lubricant’ (ew...). So here’s an exclusive look at what’s been happening since Big Brother laid out the board game and drinks.

Sara found it impossible to choose three people to ‘Snog, Marry, Evict’, saying that she hasn’t been in the House long enough to know everyone – aw, how sweet! Shievonne chose Luke A’s photograph as the worst photograph. Lauren drank whilst upside-down.

Arron and Luke S broke away together to chat about nominations in the loo. Victoria was a sport and took on the ‘Cinnamon Challenge’, even though she had no idea what it entailed! She innocently said, “it’s just a little cinnamon”.

But in the midst of this party atmosphere, poor Victoria has been spotted looking quite pensive. She didn’t want to dance to “rubbish” music, and refused point blank to kiss anyone. She explained she is separated, and even though she finds Luke attractive, she just doesn’t see the point in snogging on national TV.  Victoria isn’t a stick in the mud, but do you think there’s something up?




Housemates embrace


We can safely say that there are no shrinking violets in the House this year. Everyone took part in the antics this evening, which kicked off with a naughty game of Spin the Bottle and a few lemonades (sshh!). At times, housemates took it upon themselves to MC the proceedings. Shievonne was very outspoken when it came enforcing to the rules of 'snog, marry, evict' , she demanded that the other housemates answered.

There was kissing, and then some. We practically lost track of who kissed who. Lauren and Luke got cosy, Benedict and Ashleigh kissed, Conor and Arron kissed, Lauren said she'd kiss Sara.  But most shocking of all, Benedict lunged in to kiss Victoria! You may have read earlier tonight that Victoria said she would not kiss a housemate on TV. There's absolutely no knowing who is going to pursue who, but we can say for sure that everyone seems up for a laugh. Watch this space, folks!




9.25: It was Luke S. Lucky chap. Maybe Lydia could try to turn that frown upside down and start the day with a smile. Unlikely

9.49am: Chris loves plug in air fresheners. He has one in every room of his house. His favourite flavours are cinnamon and vanilla

10.02am: Lydia is back to being best buds with Victoria.The pair are ranting about games being played in the House. 

10.20am: Victoria reckons Luke S is just trying to please everybody. What do you think?

10.27am: Strange moment: Lauren and Ashleigh standing opposite each other tapping their bare midriffs. A new communication form?

10.48am: Luke S is getting fatherly and insisting that Lauren has breakfast. Sweet or controlling?


Day 3 Round-up

1 hour ago

Day 3 – Round-up

"What happened in the House yesterday?" I hear you cry. Calm down, we're just about to tell you!

Similar to Wednesday, the day started off nicely with Deana, Shievonne and Sara discussing who they fancied in the House, followed by Luke A using Lauren as a convenientweight lift. All very pleasant and lovely at this point blah blah blah... AND THEN THERE WAS AN ARGUMENT....

... Over Salad. Yes salad. Y'know,  that inoffensive meal, usually consisting of leaves and some sort of vegetable (meat or cheese can be added if you're feeling a bit frisky). How can you argue over salad, you mock? We thought the same, but basically it came down to this – Bear with us as we fill you in... Lydia bonded with Victoria saying they were both floaters in the House, but then later said she couldn't stand her to Caroline. Lydia then prepared a steak salad for everyone and only offered Victoria leftover salad from the day before, resulting in a strop from Victoria. Lydia rounded it all off nicely by telling Lauren that Victoria was only doing it for air time... *Phew* So that is how you argue over salad.

Ashleigh and Arron had a steamy bath together, Victoria, Arron and Luke A had an even steamier conversation, and then Chris accused man of the moment, Arron and his bromance partner, Luke A, of being the biggest game players in the House.

Then there was a P.A.R.T.Y. (woohoo!) and a rather rad game of 'Spin the Bottle'. FYI, this game always leads to something interesting. There were snogs, truths and the cinnamon challenge, (something we really do not recommend you try at home, it looks rather gross). However, Lydia and Victoria seemed to settle their differences, with Lydia treating Victoria to her party trick – a lapdance! Always a nice way to make up with someone.

The peace wasn't kept for long, however, as Arron and Victoria argued over the fact that he had chosen to evict her in Snog, Marry or Evict? Arron tried to justify it by saying that she was the one saying she wanted to go, but Victoria wasn't having any of it. Victoria got upset and then somewhere down the line she said she didn't trust anyone but Lydia, which annoyed a few housemates, Shievonne in particular.

Suffice to say, the party mood was somewhat dampened.

With an eviction looming, will they all kiss and make up? Or will there be a few more home truths?


This is only part of the action from yesterday. 




11.43am: Housemates are thinking of names for each other starting with 'the'. Benedict is The Remedy. Do you have any ideas?

12.04pm: Victoria claims a kiss she and Benedict shared last night was an "acting kiss". Do we believe her?

12.17: Luke S says his celeb crushes are Holly Willoughby and Martine McCutcheon. Deana's is Simon Cowell. Ulterior motive?

12.30pm:Chris says he's can't join in circuit training as there are no weights. He'd smash housemates at pool though. Or ping pong

12.44pm: Lauren is up for another workout with Luke S but is she looking for more than another round of bicep curls? 


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