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Day 25: Lushleigh plot Sarron


1 hour ago

They've been canoodling for three weeks now so it's obviously time that Lushleigh stopped keeping the secrets of their relationship success to themselves. Who better to benefit from their hive-mind wisdom than Arron. Sure he's a model but that's not everything y'all. Or as Ashleigh charmingly put it, "I don't know how you got a girlfriend..."

Her problem is his tendency to mention how girls usually jump on him. Apparently, this will not wash with the object of Arron's affection, the long-maned, long-limbed Miss Edinburgh. She needs more than school-boy psychology.

Having successfully explained to Arron the flaws in his seduction techniques, Lushleigh took a moment to reflect on their own personal relationship journey.  It was so beautiful that we had a little cry



Day 25: Sara's Posterior Paranoia


31 mins ago

Big Brother is a house divided: the fitness freaks and those freaking-out about fitness. As Arron, Conor, and Luke S compare work-out tips, Deana and Sara are having a calorie crises.
Sara awoke earlier in a cold sweat following the nightmare to end all nightmares. She had imagined herself in possession of a positively planet-sized posterior. Wiping the sleep from her eyes she checked her butt and to her horror found that it is, in fact, 'huge'.
This led to a super-serious sit down, with Shievonne leading the round-table discussion, trying in vain to bash out a solution to the derriere dilemma. Further revelations emerged as Sara shared the fact that she is a constant eater, always interrupted whilst stuffing her face full of junk food in the store cupboard at work.
Luke S dismissed Sara's concerns as paranoia, but that didn't stop him stoking the flames with more diet talk. Deana, not one to be left out, found the opportunity to ponder her own weight, a repeat peformance on the rice-pudding-related conversation with Becky earlier.
Becky had absolutely refused to rise to the rice bait. If Sara decides to embrace her new junk-in-the-trunk st least she'll be in good company.



Day 25: Introducing Adam the Drill Sergeant


Adam has just had a House promotion. He was called to the Diary Room and re-emerged in full  Drill Sergeant uniform. It is now his job to make sure that the rest of the housemates get to work and clean the House top to bottom.

If any housemate slacks off or gives any back chat, Adam has Big Brother’s permission to make them drop and do 20 push ups.

The task is over when Drill Sergeant Adam is satisfied that the House is clean.

For housemates' hard work they will receive drinks and music post-eviction this evening. Stay tuned to the website to discover if their performance reaches Sgt Adam's standards of cleanliness.


Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 25: Lushleigh plot Sarron


1 hour ago

They've been canoodling for three weeks now so it's obviously time that Lushleigh stopped keeping the secrets of their relationship success to themselves. Who better to benefit from their hive-mind wisdom than Arron. Sure he's a model but that's not everything y'all. Or as Ashleigh charmingly put it, "I don't know how you got a girlfriend..."

Her problem is his tendency to mention how girls usually jump on him. Apparently, this will not wash with the object of Arron's affection, the long-maned, long-limbed Miss Edinburgh. She needs more than school-boy psychology.

Having successfully explained to Arron the flaws in his seduction techniques, Lushleigh took a moment to reflect on their own personal relationship journey.  It was so beautiful that we had a little cry




5.30pm: Luke A has been prised from his seat in the smoking area for a little game of babyfoot.

5.47pm: Luke A and Luke S are bonding in the kitchen.

5.57pm: Lukes A and S stir huge lumps of half-cooked mince in a pan. This fresh friendship is getting meaty

6.07pm: 'Do you ever eat fruit?' Luke S asks Lauren. We can confirm that she does. Pork-fruits

6.19pm: Sara is plucking her leg hair. Is this normal?

6.30pm: Scott and Becky are in the pool. Everyone else is getting dolled up for tonight's eviction.


7.08pm: Luke S and Arrons' current workout routine makes it look like they're dancing to 'Oops Upside Your Head'

7.23pm: Becky's gone for quite elaborate eye makeup. 'Glam' would be an understatement

7.32pm: Lydia's offering words of advice to Adam and Luke A in case she leaves tonight. She feels she left her mark

7.47pm: Arron's tackling his combover with a hairdryer. That kind of a sweep takes work

8.03pm: Final prep for the eviction still happening as Luke S serves up a not-particularly-appetising pizza-type foodstuff

8.16pm: Scott's wandering around in bright green trousers, faffing like the King of Faf


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