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View from the top: Q&A with Big Brother Executive Producer

26 mins ago

To mark the quarter-point of this Big Brother run we grabbed the dulcet-toned Denis O'Connor, one of the show's Executive Producers, to talk tasks, psychology and what to expect from one of the most conflicted Houses of all time.

As we pride ourselves on being your humble servants, we canvassed Twitter and Facebook for questions to put to the eloquent exec. We're pleased to say he answered our questions unabashedly, so read on to have itchy curiosities scratched with the soothing balm of knowledge...

How do you think it's going so far?

It's going beyond our expectations this year in terms of the housemates being really good, which has thrown up lots of drama and intrigue. There's lots of scheming, manipulation and factions forming as well as good, old-fashioned Big Brother fun and silliness. I think it's fair to say it's one of the most divided and strategic group of housemates that we've had in quite awhile which makes for an interesting show.

The recent tasks have had a real psychological thrust. Are you interested in the human brain?

Yes, we always are at Big Brother. As well as being funny and slightly bonkers, BB tasks at their best are layered and give us insight into the way the housemates behave with each other as well as into themselves.

Last week's 'Lab Rat' task was playing on the dynamics in the House then this week's '100' task did the same. I think it's good when tasks play on individual weaknesses and temptations as well as their alliances to each other. Hopefully, ultimately, it brings them together on some levels as well. As well as fighting with each other, they’re looking out for each other.

Do you think we've seen the true characters of the housemates yet?

Without naming names, there are people who have less of a facade than others. I think that's naturally what happens in real life. Some people are naturally more open and straightforward with the way that they behave, and there are definitely people in the House that have gone in there thinking perhaps more strategically and in the longer term. It takes longer sometimes for them to unpack themselves.

The interesting thing is when they think they’re keeping their true personality from their other housemates and the audience but the audience at home thinks differently. As far as the audience is concerned they can see through that. People always try to play the game but they're being filmed 24/7 and living with lots of different people so they can't keep it up.

Can you explain the decision-making process that informed Channel 5's decision to change vote to evict to vote to save?

Vote to save came in to reposition the impetus for viewers so that they could vote for their favourite instead of who they wanted to leave the House. We changed it to draw on the fan nature of the show.

A lot of the fans have been reacting to Conor's rant about Deana and are curious to know whether Big Brother is going to take any further action.

We are confident that we dealt with Conor in the appropriate way in terms of the systems that we have in place within the show. He said something that was totally unacceptable and he was taken into the Diary Room and reminded strongly about his use of language which he took on board and accepted. Because this was out of character for any behavior he’d had prior to that it was felt that that was enough of a response but we're continuing to monitor his behavior and all the housemates’ behavior in the House.

If something were to happen again of that nature considering what has already happened would that be met with a stronger reaction?

There would be very serious consequences for Conor or for any housemate if they were to continue to use language that was unacceptable like that within the House.

Then came the public portion of the interviewâ€Ķ
Paul Ryder: "Big Brother highlight? Most stressful situation they've been in on their time on the show!"

It's most stressful when the housemates want to leave. For this run, what can be challenging is just how unpredictable these housemates can be and how the factions of the House change on a daily basis. It keeps you on your toes.

A general Big Brother highlight is picking housemates at the audition stage and then seeing them exceed your expectations when they actually go in the House . You know you weren’t wrong about themâ€Ķ

Ed Beddall: "Why don’t they up the punishments for talking about nominations... and instead of taking hot water away, put everyone up for eviction?"

The no going back punishment is our ultimate sanction and we definitely have that in our arsenal of responses. Housemates find it incredibly difficult not to talk about nominations, even though it’s drummed into them all the time, so our job is to be fair and proportionate with dealing with them. If they keep on doing it then BB needs to get tougher and tougher and that’s a good tough one. It’s not unprecedented but it’s the big one to pull out.

David Catterall: "Can we expect any BIG twists this year in the vein of the Bedsit from BB5 or the House Next door from BB7?"

We’re a quarter of a way in now so there are lots of things up Big Brother’s sleeve still to come. Watch this space and it will be worth it.

So, you heard it from the top, watch this space. The fun and intrigue is only just getting startedâ€Ķ

Originally Posted by MrsH:




I keep loking in but you are on the ball today Scotty    


have food shopping to do but will be back later - will catch up where you leave if you have things to do as well  .....  



I`m sort of on a hollibob at my pal`s in the countryside atm MrsH so I`m free now my visitors have left....and I`ve replenished the fridge   


Get some nice treats for yourself for tonight!     


Bye the noo    


11.01am: Lydia is a vision in white. A last minute bid to convince us of her angelic qualities?

11.08am: The HMs are getting a live floor show. Deana is pulling her mic wire up over her body. Can't dislodge the hair curlers!  

11.22am: "You've got lovely small eyelashes, Deana." Not sure that can be classed as a compliment, Ash.


Day 25: The beauty wars

4 mins ago

Tonight, Lydia and Deana go head to head as they both face the dreaded public vote. However, there was another, slightly more important (some would say!) battle going on this morning, as the frenemies pitched against each other in the beauty stakes.

Deana has certainly stepped up her game, arming herself with a team of skivvys to get herself glammed up for tonight's festivities– something which you may say she's used to. Ashleigh and Lauren have even managed to put their differences aside, as they helped pin and tuck Deana's long tresses in to a rather fetching 50's housewife look . The ultimate goal? A flowing goddess mane, of course.

Lydia on the other hand, has kept it simple this morning, sticking to her ubiquitous up 'do. Though we do think the ozone layer may have taken a bit of bashing, with her rather over generous application of hairspray.

"I'll probably have a shower later", Lydia said. Go on, push the boat out.

But what all girls want to know is, what will they be wearing for their eviction outfits? Well, you'll have to wait till later to find that out!



Day 25: Bonded by hair39 mins ago


They had a barney last night over the political hot potato of cigarettes (stuff is so real in this House it hurts), but this morning Lauren and Ashleigh were working out their differences. How? Through grooming, that age-old, monkey-approved method of showing you're not afraid to be close to someone.  

These two are not the first to smooth things over by smoothing out the follicles. Only yesterday, Mama Shiev fixed up Adam's hair by installing superfly cornrows. As he lay in her lap in the blazing sunshine, Monday memories of their mutual voting was as historical as Adam's former-Darth-Vader-mask of a hairstyle.

Going back still further to Wednesday allows us to look at Arron's relationship with his personal groomer... himself. The man turned his tweezer on both his eyebrows and chest. His chest. The man tweezed his own chest. "'Why?' doesn't cover it.

Somewhat more understandable is Luke S's self-appointed role as Resident Eyebrow Expert (REE). He whipped Lauren's eyebrows into shape with impressive speed and agility. Having also showed recent form in button sewing and general domestic  activities, Luke S's bonding activities says less about House relationships and more about his own desire to make himself invaluable.

But when he can make eyebrows look as fabulous as all that, we're not judging.


3.53pm: Adam has no time for slackers. Anyone who isn't seen to be cleaning must drop and give him 20

4.10pm: Scott is singing while he cleans. We're sure the seven dwarves would approve of his reading of their outlook.

4.32pm: The cleaning contiunes... It must have been one dirty House.

4.48pm: A medley of musical numbers are keeping the Privates' spirits up as they whip the House into shape

5pm: Drill Sergeant Adam is now conducting his House inspection.

Will he be satisfied with the housemates' efforts?


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