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1.41pm: Deana is very focused on plucking her eyebrows. Easy does it girl, easy does it. 

1.43pm: Adam is now giving himself some sort of al fresco pedicure in the garden.

1.54pm: Scott and Caroline are talking about country houses. Surprise! 

2.12pm: Lydia is asleep in bed with her shades on. The sun can't get you indoors, love! 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I bet the idiot hasn't bought Lauren and Cigs and i bet he's done something REALLY funny with the food


Afternoon Scotty

I`m thinking the same but has he got the nerve or will he try to be the "good guy?" 


Afternoon Aimee 

I think he's got the nerve as he'll be trying to show them whose boss and why did he get 2hrs to do the list i thought it was an hour they got


2.21pm: Luke S is making an epic salad in the kitchen. We'd love to have a bit of that. (The salad, that is. Ahem.) 



2.24pm: A tiny spider blowing in the wind has caused outbreaks of female screaming. The smelling salts may be required.

2.27pm: Deana tells Adam she thinks the Housemates are 'militant' about doing the cooking and that the kitchen is a 'war zone'.

2.34pm: Before heading off to the Diary Room, Deana tells Adam she doesn't know what she wants to bring to the House if she stays.


Last edited by Scotty

2.48pm: Deana and Lydia are now headed into the Diary Room together. OoOOOoOooo.


3.01pm: Becky has leapt on Conor's back in the pool. Just remember kids, heavy petting is against school rules

3.10pm: Ashleigh is making some sort of cereal & chocolate spread concoction in the kitchen. There's been talk of melting it. 

3.14pm: Shiev is having Adam melt down butter. We reckon they're making mini cornflake chocolate cakes. 


3.16pm: Luke S spots Ashleigh's handiwork in the kitchen & gives her a kiss of approval. "Better than I could ever do." he says

3.22pm: Caroline has declared this stint of baking as the girls' cooking for the entire series. She may not be wrong. 


Day 24: Buying back respect

38 mins ago

Conor's image has taken a bit of a battering this week, so his performance in the specific domestic capacity of making next week's shopping list (won through Confusing Cuisinesuccess) carried the power to either recover or kick down his standing.

Just before midday he was called to the Diary Room where he stayed for a rollicking total of two hours.  Did he overspend by over ÂĢ100 like in the previous palava or did he ace it with mad maths skills?

The real question you should be asking is what curveballs did curveball-fiend BB have to bowl at him?

So very glad you asked. Conor was given a total budget of ÂĢ800 but in the mix were some very unusual items available for a special price. Observe...

1. Protein Shake - ÂĢ35 each

2. Giant Water Pistol (24 hours’ use) - ÂĢ25

3. Giant Bowling Set (24 hours’ use) ÂĢ15

4. Swingball (24 hours’ use) - ÂĢ20

5. Table Football (1 week’s use) - ÂĢ50

6. Polaroid Camera with film - ÂĢ70

7. Bunch of Roses for a female Housemate of your choice (purchase as many as you wish) - ÂĢ20

8. Ultimate Lads’ night in the garden including: pizza, cider, table football, a football and goalposts - ÂĢ150

9. Remote control cars and track (Scalextric, 1 week’s use) - ÂĢ150

10. Massage oils - ÂĢ10

11. Hour with Mp3 player loaded your favourite songs - ÂĢ20

12. 10 Assorted Luxury Donuts - ÂĢ15

13. Curry Takeaway with sides for all Housemates - ÂĢ80

14. A jar full of your favourite cookies - ÂĢ20

15. The full Euro 2012 football results so far - ÂĢ100

Conor played a blinder, resisting the bonus prize of watching the European Cup Final this Sunday. He brought three protein shakes for himself and fellow exercise buffs, Arron and Luke S. The playful sprite also caved three times over for the games so a giant bowling set, swingball and table football will soon be arriving in the garden. An hour with his Mp3 player and ten luxury doughnuts were his final indulgences and he managed to get all this plus tobacco for the disgruntled smokers while coming in under budget.

Well done, Conor. By resisting the more expensive treats and pacifying team 'I miss smoking so bad I could cry', he has done that rare and remarkable thing and pleased everyone.



4.39pm: "Adam absolutely annihilated me," Lauren on how her table football game worked out.

4.58pm:  are playing swingball together. Could this be the first of many ball games the pair enjoy... ? Eyey?


5.02pm: Scott has taken up the swing ball bat. He is proving himself to be very competitive and has changed the rules.


5.23pm: Scott is heading for the Diary Room. We can only assume it is swing ball related. 

5.37pm: Lydia, Deana, Ashleigh and Caroline are reminiscing about the good old days in the House. They haven't been in a month.

5.53pm: Scott is being educated on the subject of cellulite. Arron is offering advice. Thanks guys. 

6.04pm: Lydia is worried about being hit by the swing ball. She is sitting 10 metres away and the ball is attached to a pole. 


6.12pm: Lydia wants to work as a ‘predictor’ when she leaves the House. Perhaps Bit on the Side will offer her a slot as a psychic.

6.26pm: Caroline is coaching Deana at swing ball. She's rather good. Deana thinks she may have a tennis court at home. 

6.41pm: Caroline is still hogging the swing ball. She has a definite air of Agassi abour her. Must be the hair

6.50pm: Luke S and Ashleigh are talking love in the House. Ashleigh thinks Caroline and Scott would make a good couple. Erm.

6.56pm: "What did they do before they had planes?" -- Sara

7.00pm The boys are making Wimbledon-worthy grunts and yells during an intense game of swing-ball. 


7.06pm: Lydia and Caroline are talking about eviction night. Lydia is analysing the differences between herself and Deana

7.12pm: "I think people over-analyse me," says Lydia. Us? Over-analyse? NEVER. 

7.14pm: Lydia continues to not over-analyse herself: "I'm just switched on. I can't help it if I engage my brain."

7.17pm: Lydia and Caroline are still talking. They've now moved on to how insensitive people in the House are. And the weather

7.20pm: 10 points if you can correctly guess what Lauren is talking about. (Hint: it's not bacon.) 

7.25pm: Lauren was, and still is talking about cigarettes. Please award yourself 10 points if you have guessed this correctly

7.30pm: Lydia's getting all tanned up by Lauren and Becky and is clearly loving the attention



Day 24: The house that plays together...

59 mins ago

The sun has got his hat on! Hip, hip, hip hooray!

The combination of clement weather and the temporary installation of patio games has brought about a (much-needed) climate of peace in the Big Brother House. For today, at least.

It's amazing what a swing-ball set, some doughnuts, table football and a few tunes on an mp3 player can do for a House divided. At the time of writing, there is joy unconfined streaming through the walls and into the garden. Even stranger, The Outsiders are actually talking to The Insiders. It's almost as if there were never any alliances, no back-stabbing, no nominations manipulation and no bickering. Even Lydia's laughing and smiling her way through the day.

Incredible scenes. But how long can it last? We all know Big Brother likes to instil a false sense of calm before he really gives housemates hell. Perhaps this is the calm before a particularly unpleasant storm...



7.57pm: Lydia says when she brushes her hair, no hair is left in the hairbrush because she is very hygenic with her hairbrush.

8.06pm: Shievonne is talking about how someone ate her white chocolate bar. One is not pleased. 

8.15pm Lydia says that if she goes she will donate her chocolate to Caroline. Or eat all of it. She's not sure. 

8.20pm: Becky and Caroline are discussing . Becky reckons that Sara does fancy Arron, even if she says she doesn't.

8.30pm: There's definitely been some kind of sea-change. Lydia and Arron exchanged pleasant words. Actual words. Wow


8.44pm: Arron and Conor hopped in a bubble bath together, but apparently the water was too hot and they both jumped out. Comedy.

8.45pm Deana is playing swing-ball all on her own. It looks like she's winning. 

8.50pm: Luke S, Ashleigh and Shievonne are talking about bagels. Shiev and Ashleigh have the same toenail varnish. OMG BFF

Last edited by Scotty

21.21pm: Scott is curling Caroline's eye lashes. Sara just farted. Scott is disgusted. He said he thought she was a lady

9.37pm: Becky's talking about doing rude things and her illustrative facial expressions are... intense.

9.52pm: Scott's wearing some rather fetching thick-rimmed specs. He looks somewhat like Chuckie from Rugrats.


10.03pm: Housemates are having fish and chips. Surely that's a Friday tea. Arron's got his top off so we're not going to quibble.

10.12pm: Lydia is not impressed with Deana's cooking. She told Lauren and Adam that the broccoli was 'like dead'.

10.24pm: Becky and Caroline are playing swing-ball. And doing Scottish accents. They don't seem to have the hang of either.

10.35pm: Scott likes his new look. He's not Scott now, he's Sco.


10.39pm: Lydia is checking her eviction outfit for marks. Do you think she is going to need it?

10.53pm: Caroline is attempting to wind up the housemates. It's not working.

11.02pm: Lydia's plotting something in the bathroom with Ashleigh and Shievonne. All previous alliances have faded. 


11.30pm: Serious game of table football in the garden. Adam's taking on Luke A, Ashleigh and Shievonne. Three against one. 

11.43pm: Adam's going to miss the babyfoot table when it's gone. He's playing Sara now. It's like he's had his hands glued to it.

11.54pm: Lydia's telling Luke A that it's wise to let people believe they have you fooled. Or something

12.07am: Why do housemates insist on talking about banned topics? Whispering won't help guys. BB hears everything


Really? Tell us about it  


12.15am: Ashleigh is picking out a set of eye-lashes for tomorrow night. Tune in to check them out. 

12.26am: Shievonne is trying to think of a group name for her, Arron and Sara. She has suggested Team Ass. Not sure it will stick.


12.48am: Ashleigh is giving Lydia a pep-talk. Live it, love it etc.

1.01am: Adam thinks Victoria is coming back into the house after evicitons tomorrow. We don't have a revolving door.

1.03am: The age old US cookie / British biscuit debate is going down between Adam, Lauren and Luke A

1.13am: Adam's giving Deana a piggy-back in the garden while Arron's spilling his heart about the ladies in the kitchen


1.24am: 'You don't get many Scottish people in London' says Sara. Can we do a quick headcount to back this up

1.36am: Lydia and Scott, post lights-out, are tickling Becky. And now the trio are being whacked with pillows. 


1.47am: Luke A and Lauren indulge in some competitive whistling under blankets and the night sky. It's like cub camp out there.

1.48am: Deana's in a onesie. What is it with these 2012 housemates and onesies? 

1.56am: We'll leave Deana playing table football with Adam as Lauren and Luke A whistle into the night. See you bright and early


Day 24: The dating game

12 hours ago

Ashleigh has been fretting about her relationship with Luke S from the word go and revealed her latest ‘mare to Conor.

She is worried she and Luke S have nothing in common. In the interest of relationship guidance we have checked back through our files – the housemates Q&A we got them to fill in while they were in hiding - and we can exclusively reveal she is right.

Need proof? Check out a few of their responses to our answers:

Q: What is your favourite drink?

Luke S: Cranberry Juice

Ashleigh: Rose spritzer.

Not a bad start – at least they are the same colour. Health freak Luke S was bound to choose something soothing to the system and our party girl proved pretty predictable. One strike.

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?

Luke S: Kate Upton, Holly Willoughby and Georgie Porter

Ashleigh: Justin Bieber

Arron has been compared to Biebs on a number of occasions – this is getting awkward. As for Luke S’s dream ladies – his feet are firmly in the blonde camp – no wonder he wasn’t too impressed when Ashleigh dyed her locks brown. That’s a second strike.

Q: Who is your favourite past Big Brother housemate?

Luke S: Frankie Cocozza

Ashleigh: Nikki Grahame

Both extroverts but name us a housemate that hasn’t been. They chose differently.  Out.

So, if these two won’t be providing us with a BB wedding, could they find love elsewhere in the House? Who would be their best match?

Luke S and Deana both took their first tentative steps into the world of work with paper rounds and Sara shares Luke S’s nail biting habit. Neither particularly sexy similarities. Hold off buying a hat if either of these couplings occur.

Conor and Ashleigh have both mentioned sex in response to the question, ‘If the world was going to end tomorrow what would you do’, and Adam and Ashleigh both have qualifications in complimentary therapies. Neither are going to get Cilla Black singing.

What Ashleigh will be relieved to know is that Luke S also has absolutely nothing in common with Lauren. Phew.


Day 24: The games people play

10 hours ago

Here's a question for you:

Have we ever seen a batch of Big Brother housemates talk so openly about gameplay?

It's debatable, but no matter which way you square it, the class of 2012 seem more aware of the fact that they find themselves in what's technically a game show (but is obviously oh so much more than that) than any of their predecessors. Remember back in 2000 when the first ever BB bunch took to the House and lived like they were enjoying some kind of spiritual journey in a hippy commune? Recall how, even in recent years, the onus has always been on 'growing' from the experience and making new chums?

Well, those days are gone my friend. As the years flew by, housemates seemed increasingly to realise that there's not much point in pretending that all is peachy, 24/7. We've now reached the point where we have a Houseful who, without exception, are breathtakingly explicit about their tactical manoeuvres and not backward in coming forward when it comes to analysing the moves and manipulations of their roomies.

This may devastate the purists, but the simple fact is, Big Brother is an ever-evolving format and there are plenty of benefits to having Housemates who aren't shy of discussing their alliances, their enemies, their plans for survival and (dare we even use the word?) their Gameplan.

At the moment we have two clear teams we've dubbed The Insiders and The Outsiders and the names have stuck, primarily because they suit the two factions so thoroughly. The Insiders – core members Luke S, Ashleigh and Conor – consider themselves the cool kids and feel they’re destined to progress, whilst The Outsiders – a motley group made up mainly of Adam, Luke A and Lydia – are always in the garden, visibly trampled by the strutting of their polar opposites.

It's this rift that's powering the blatant talk about gameplay. Where The Insiders are talking in code before nominations (rather ineffectively judging by Ashleigh's actual nominations) and are uniting in their somewhat baffling fury at other housemates, The Outsiders are installed by the pool and in the smoking area, discussing the best means of avoiding their being picked off one by one. And then satellite players like Caroline and Lydia drift between the two, delivering messages and making pointed criticisms, throwing the game down all kinds of corridors until the strategy’s more confusing than the process of trying to ascertain just how much cage-fighting Arron has actually done.

It feels less like a popularity contest this year and more like an intense staring contest. It's less of a forum for personal growth and more a tactical clash of personalities. It's no longer an opportunity to make new friends. It's an opportunity to outwit fresh enemies. And it promises to get a lot more compulsively Machiavellian as the weeks press on.



And BB did NOTHING about it!  


Day 24: Stop, Luke A, Listen

7 hours ago

You may have noticed that our chef from Mold, Mr. Luke A, manages to be both at the centre and the periphery of all the house action simultaneously. Which is quite a skill, when you think about it.

Often sidelined by more vocal housemates, Luke A can most often be found in the garden with Adam where their conversations are full of rational observations regarding the frequent episodes of craziness surrounding them. They act as a kind of Greek chorus, commenting on scenes and offering their take on the chaos without being too involved in it all that often.

Over the past couple of weeks it's been interesting to watch Luke A deal with all that Big Brother's thrown at him. He struggled with the Lab Rat task where he clearly felt uncomfortable with the authority forced upon his shoulders in the scientist role (though he looked rather dashing in the white coat and those spectacles). Then there was the The Final Throwdown, in which he narrowly lost points (by a fingertip), and that seemed to knock him for six. We saw his emotional response to Benedict leaving and we've seen him counsel Lauren through her trials and tribulations as she wrestled with a lack of popularity. And all the while, every evening sees those chats with Adam where the world, or at least the world inside the House's four walls, is put to rights.

It's often said in the Twittersphere, in Facebook comments and by the audience of Bit On The Side that Luke A needs to come out of his shell. As far as we can tell, he already has – it's just that he goes about it in a more understated way than the rest of the House.



Day 24 round-up

15 mins ago

It was game on in the garden all afternoon as Big Brother gave Conor the chance to buy a selection of treats from this week’s shopping list.

He picked swing-ball, table football and bowling and housemates showed us some true team spirit, playing nicely– that is no one got in a strop and took their ball home.  Doughnuts and an hour of MP3 music were also included.

Conor proved himself fairly competent in the maths department coming in under budget. Out of the ÂĢ791.03 he spent, he included ÂĢ105 worth of protein powder. Do these guys realise it is possible to get protein from food?

The ceasefire didn’t last. With the delivery of the week’s shopping came housemates’ ciggy supply. Lauren has been lamenting the loss of her personal stash of fags since Arron chopped them up in the 100 Task and had requested double portions in this week’s budget. Ashleigh wasn’t impressed,Lauren challenged her christening her a fake smoker and The Outsiders regrouped for a bitch in the garden.

Later in the evening, Deana seemed to be  pretty confident she is going to be the one to leave and Lydia was using the opportunity to mix it up a bit, mingling indiscriminately with the other housemates. With booze still off limits, housemates didn’t get up to too much crazy stuff but tomorrow is eviction night and for one it is their final sleep in the House-nocturnal activity was certainly on the cards.


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I bet the idiot hasn't bought Lauren and Cigs and i bet he's done something REALLY funny with the food


Afternoon Scotty

I`m thinking the same but has he got the nerve or will he try to be the "good guy?" 


Afternoon Aimee 

I think he's got the nerve as he'll be trying to show them whose boss and why did he get 2hrs to do the list i thought it was an hour they got

Morning Aimee  


Sorry, I just saw this. Don`t know why he was allowed 2hrs but amongst other rubbish, he bought boy toys and protein powder   but at least he got cigs, Lauren was going out of her mind. Think he`s probably pleased most of them with his "sweetner" shopping list. We`ll see how the food goes this week though. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Did you see my pic of Lil Aims up there scotty ^

I`m going to try to reply to this again Aimee. I was tired last night and mucked it up about 3 times!  


It`s a gorgeous photograph, very artistic. She looks stunning. I love the look in her eyes. Lil Aims is (what we would call up here) a stoater    


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