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10.33pm: Caroline has just asked Adam to be in a gang with her. Slightly insensitive

10.45pm: Scott says he looks like a circus act. There's only one thing for it. More fake tan of course

10.58pm: Shievonne is talking 'gangsta'. We have no idea what she is banging on about. Neither does anyone else

11.12pm: Scott has donned a hat to cover his new 'do. "I'd rather leave the House, than show my hair"


12.08am: Lydia and Becky are having a heart-to-heart. All cards are officially on the table

12.24am: Ashleigh is apologising to Luke S for being paranoid

12.37am: No Luke S, Tottenham is not in Hertfordshire. No Deana, it is not the same as Tottenham Court Road

12.46am: Lauren still can't believe that she saw her sister earlier today. Believe it, sister


1.04am: Arron says everything Scott does makes him laugh. He is teaching him to walk like a model. Arron's a model don't you know.

1.14am: Caroline's worrying about tomorrow, "What if I have to do some activity?"

1.34am: Housemates have been sent to bed. They can't sleep.

1.49am: Lydia and Shievonne are back to being bed-buds. They're causing havoc by throwing things around the room

2.01am: It's day two of the shopping task in the morning. Housemates really should get some sleep. Lights out.

Night night House


Day 22: Round-up


3 hours ago

The day was pretty much dominated by this week's shopping task – Task 100. The housemates were told that they must pass a series of challenges, in order to gain 100 points and thus win a splendid luxury budget. Easy in theory, but this is Big Brother we're dealing with...

The early tasks included 'The Scales of Sacrifice', which involved the housemates giving up their prized possessions - permanently. It has been noted that there were a lot of products in the sacrifice. We're panicking at the thought of all that flat hair/dry faces/non-tangoed skin. Our eyes, our eyes!

The smokers were also deprived of their ciggies to earn an extra few points – a decision which Lauren certainly wasn't happy with. And she was even more narked off when faced with the 'Room of Temptation', which prompted a Jay McKray style outburst. Anyone else slightly scared?

In the afternoon, Deana and Lydia got the opportunity to wreak revenge, by gunging the housemates they thought nominated them. You know what they say - revenge is best served in a high-powered stream of rotting fish guts.

However, Lydia's choices weren't exactly popular with her housemates, which meant a bit of explaining on her behalf â€“ something about looking for sheep?

There was a bit more temptation in the evening, as Luke A was goaded with a phone call from his wife.  He refused to take it, but used the opportunity to hug a pillow.

Then came what was questionably the highlight of the day –Scott's make-over. Not content with dying his hair bright red, he decided to go one step further and get a haircut courtesy of Conor. Wise move? Probably not, unless he intended to look like a neon version of Flava Flav. Scott was less than thrilled with his new 'look', to say the least.

But one thing's for sure, the housemates went to bed in a much better mood than the night before, and dare we say it, were actually getting on.

Will that last today? Let's see...



Day 23: Rise and shine!



1 hour ago

This morning housemates were woken up at the ungodly hour of 7.30am by Big Brother.  The earliest wake-up time this series.

But this wasn't any old wakeup call – it marked the beginning of the second day of their Shopping Task, '100'.This wakeup call challenge, Snooze Button, required all housemates to wake up on time and...wait for it... not fall asleep! Wow, that's what most of us in the working people in the world have to do like, every day. Ashleigh, Caroline and Sara nodded off, and cost the housemates a total of five points.

Of course Lauren is livid because she could have seen her sister in Big Brother's Beauty Salon for that amount of points, but she decided against it, saving the housemates five points yesterday. We wonder if the three napping culprits feel like their extra Zzs were worthwhile. The girls apologised to Lauren at intervals (they both claimed they "didn't mean to fall asleep"). But Lauren's too miffed right now. They have no choice but to move on with the rest of the day's challenges and they must function as a group to earn their food, so we're guessing Lauren will find some middle ground, forgive the girls and bury the hatchet.

Adam, Conor and Luke A chatted about life in the Big Brother House so far: they feel they've been there for ages, but it's only been three weeks! Luke A was not fazed by the early wakeup call, "I used to go clubbing 'til 4.00am, get home, put on chef's whites, sleep for half an hour and go straight to the kitchen". Speaking of which, Luke A hasn't commented on the three girls who lay in, and the fact that they shaved five points off their total. But is that a reflection of his personality?

They have been up for quite a while already; we were astounded when we saw Luke S flex his domestic know-how: plucking, grooming, and tweezing Lauren's eyebrows. We wonder if Luke S is about to make sewing sexy? He showed a fascinated Arron how to stitch a button this morning, telling him "I used to do cross-stitch when I was a kid".  



8.04am: The housemates have beaten us to wakefulness. A record. There's lots of breakfast eating and general pottering.

8.17am: Luke A is washing his togs in the bath. We're rubbing our eyes at such industry at such an hour

8.21am: Ohhhhh, they're awake as part of the . Knew it couldn't be part of the natural order

8.24am: HMs were awoken at 7am as part of the Snooze Button task. They could have slept in but it would have cost points

8.37am: Caroline christened herself, Sara, Arron and Conor "the awesome foursome". Arrons concedes, "it's better than CAC".

8.52am: Luke S is pretty handy with a needle and thread

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9.10am: The HMs are baffled about how to spend their time at this un-explored part of the day. There's a lot of staring into space.

9.23pm: Luke S is in modern Mary Poppins mode this morning. Sewing sesh with Arron complete, he's now plucking Lauren's eyebrows.

9.37am: Ashleigh is holding up a blonde wig to her newly dyed brunette barnet. Getting nostalgic for her old do?

9.45am: The HMs are having fun dyeing some blonde hair extensions, who will wear them?

9.54am: Adam is chomping down on an onion in the Diary Room. He chose that over a cooked breakfast to win more points for 

10.04am: Scott is a smitten kitten. On Arron: "I love his personality, I love... him!"


10.09am: Adam is out of the Diary Room. He just released a giant post-onion belch. Well, you would, wouldn't you?

10.31am:Caroline is full of compliments: "both of you have such looovely personalities", she said to Deana and Lydia

10.55am: The two HMs up for eviction, Lydia and Deana, are laying in absolute silence. No banter, for once

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11.14am: "You can't walk around wearing a tusk," cries animal-welfare advocate, Sara. Do you agree with her?

11.35am: The monogomous habits of various birds are generating coos among Scott, Caroline and Sara

11.50am: Resident wit Caroline said, Sara should get married to a small rodent. That would make for interesting nupitals


Day 23: Onion in, onion out


18 mins ago

"I just ate a whole f**king onion," said Adam. No, the House hasn't fallen on hard times.  The man was just playing his part in 'Breakfast Dilemma', the latest instalment of BB's '100' task. In the Diary Room, Ads was presented with the option of eating a Full English and losing 5 points or devouring a raw onion and gaining 10. Like a trooper, he tucked into the daddy of all onions as if it was an apple.

 Enthusiasm waned as he struggled through the tennis-ball-sized treat. On leaving his mock dining room, the LA-export made immediately for the tap. Water could not hold back the onion which, minutes after entering Adam's gullet came flowing back out accompanied by surround-sound cinematic vomiting.

Arron was there to congratulate Adam both on eating and regurgitating the onion. Apparently, it gives you heartburn if you let it digest. ""I've done it before," revealed the Manc model, "it's not nice."

Why exactly has Arron eaten a raw onion before? We worry about that boy's lifestyle.  On the note of dedicated onion eaters, what a shame that Chris and his grandfather-powered wisdom of 'an onion a month is good for your health' wasn't around to enjoy the moment.



12.30pm: Scott and Caroline have acted out parts of olde English classic, Chaucer'sThe Canterbury Tales. Both educational and fun.

12.45pm: "My parents think I look like scuum when they see me in my pyjamas at 5pm.." Caroline to Scott.

12.55pm: Ashleigh is telling Shiev the story of Harry Potter (the films). "see, that's the thing about 'arry..."

1.30pm: Luke A is speaking of gaffer taping his 10 year-old flip flops. Meanwhile Ash is showing off her bosoms and gel-filled bra

1.53pm: Caroline is being subjected to the next Sick 'n' Mix challenge. This could get messy..

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2.08pm: Lydia's nickname for Caroline is "The Sniper". How do you like that?

2.10pm: Cazza did it! She ate a jar of sweeties while going round on a roundabout without barfing. 5 points!

2.26pm: Scott isn't talking to Caz after she pulled his hat off revealing a sore spot (also known as his hair).

2.45pm: For someone who was on the edge of barfing not too long ago, Caroline looks surprisingly composed


Day 23: She's spinning around


22 mins ago

The Shopping Task, 100 strikes again. In this round, Caroline was called to the Diary Room and offered three sweetie jars of different sizes, each full of pick 'n' mix.

The bigger the jar, the more points she could gain towards winning their premium shopping budget. She chose a small jar for five points.

Caroline had to eat all the pick 'n' mix within five minutes. Doesn't sound like too much of a challenge, eh? Well, try doing this while spinning round, and around, on a roundabout in the garden. That is the essence of the sick 'n' mix challenge. Well done Cazza!

She's spinning around, move out of her way...



3.11pm: Lauren is sitting on Luke S's lap. Is he looking for a back-up girlfriend?

3.21pm: Luke S and Conor are having a wildly animated conversation with Big Brother in the Diary Room

3.31pm: Deana and Lydia are discussing the possible reasons for Arron's improved attitude towards them.

3.36pm: Deana and Lydia are now talking about who how many people they think nominated them. Surely this is unwise

4:23pm: Luke A is taking an extraordinarily long time to decide which T-shirt to wear. He opts for a plain black one. Boring!

4:43pm: Conor is struggling to stay awake. The 7am wake-up call appears to be catching up with him 


5.07pm: Lydia's rummaging through a cereal box like a woman possessed. Those things are hard to open

5.22pm: Scott and Caroline are convinced they've failed their task. They're munching from the same plate, miserably.

5.34pm: Luke S is in the task room. He's being tempted with, 'very valuable information'. Can he resist?

5.36pm: Ashleigh compared Caroline's look with Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus which seems a little harsh

5.51pm: Scott and Becky are mirroring one another. Becky's so into the game she might actually turn into Scott at this rate.

6.02pm: Luke S is still wrestling with his conscience. It's 5 points Luke S. Make your mind up

6.11pm: Luke S is is the Diary Room now. C'mon Luke. Make your mind up.


Luke S was locked into an epic battle with his conscience as he took his turn at being tempted by the 100 task.
Big Brother offered him the opportunity to see a video of who had nominated him over the last five weeks - in exchange he would need to sacrifice 5 points from the team total.
Cue Luke S at his most pensive, with much pacing, brow furrowing and verbalising of his internal monologue.
Wrestling with the devil on his shoulder, he reminded himself that Lauren held onto five points by turning down the chance to speak with her beloved sister but not all housemates had been so selfless. Luke S decided to look elsewhere for moral guidance.
He said, "It would be a good watch, a very good watch. As Lydia would say, it would be ‘very valuable information’."
With just one more House task to go a mere five points could be the difference between a luxury food budget and standard scram.
"She lost 20 points," he mused. "I just need a cover story. I could say they let me watch the football highlights and I wasn't allowed to talk about it."
After more than an hour and a half it looked like he was going to show himself to be one of the good guys declaring, “I can't do it to the House," but he wasn't done with his dilemma yet.
Following a third visit to the Diary Room, it felt like Luke S was really starting to milk his part and we were considering kicking back with a game of charades while we waited for his decision.
And what did he decide? He turned Big Brother down. Jesus spent less time with the devil in the desert. 

How very odd ,its day 23 in the BB house.


6.16pm: Caroline just coined the phrase 'crucifyingly boring'.

6.25pm: What's this? Luke S hasn't finished brow furrowing yet. Just decide man. What would Lydia do?

6.33pm: Caroline says 'Oh, Luke S. Just come out of the D.R...' - he is taking rather a long time.

6.53pm: Scott's applying something to Ashleigh's face. Not yet sure if it's a beauty product or a spread from the kitchen.

6.56pm: Luke S walked away from temptation. One more challenge to go before the housemates find out if they have passed

7.10pm: Housemates are playing Chinese whispers

7.21pm: Some housemates are relieved to be allowed back into the bedroom but others continue with the game of Chinese Whispers.

7.35pm: Deana is asking Adam if she can sit on his shoulders. Does she think she is at a music festival? He has declined


Day 23: The faces of addiction


31 mins ago

If Lauren thought the pain of being up for eviction was hard to bear, she's currently realising that the pain of addiction is possibly even tougher to suffer.

Here we see a selection of shots of Lauren battling her nicotine-dependency after Big Brother offered Arron points if he destroyed every tobacco-based product in the house. Please bear in mind that these images were taken in the space of 120 seconds. Lauren's at the 'furniture-gnawing' stage of coming off the smokes. If you fancy it, you can print out these pages and make a flick-book of her going through her own private hell.

As things stand, Lauren's filling every other moment with a screamed sentence featuring at least one hideous swearword alongside the word 'cigarette'. It's almost enough to make you feel a twinge of sympathy for the addicted Jersey Girl.

If only we could let her know we're all behind her every step of the way. Pay heed, younger readers. Get yourself addicted and you might end up pulling these ridiculous facial expressions on national television.



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