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9.32am: Housemates are awake and stretching limbs. Beckys first out of bed. Big Brother announces that the hot water's back.

9.38am: BB announces that nominations begin in 60 minutes. 'So that's an hour, right?' asks Luke A. He knows his time-units.

9.50am: After a little kitchen gossip about Deana with Conor, Luke S is now worrying about his weight in front of a mirror

* discreet nom reminder there I think from LukeS   my predictions this week are LukeA - Lydia and Deana *


Day 20: Long live Sarron?

13 hours ago

We have some very sad news for you – Today, we may have officially seen the end of Larron (a.k.a Lauren and Arron). We hear your collective gasps and cries of "not Larron, they had so much to give" and we couldn't agree more. It was such a delicate and beautiful relationship, that we were sure movies would have been written about them. And just think about the babies they could have had, those beautiful, beautiful babies! WHY?

And breathe...

Sorry, we've collected ourselves now.

So what's made us come to this conclusion, you ask? Well Arron's only gone and moved his attention to Sara...

Speaking to Miss Edinburgh in the bedroom, Arron coyly admitted that he found her "really attractive" saying that it would be 'different' if they were on the outside, but that in the House it's 'awkward'.

Hey, don't get ahead of yourself Arron, you don't know how she feels yet!

And while we're on the subject, how did she feel about Arron's confession? Well, her instant reaction wasn't exactly brimming with joy, but she did later say to Ashleigh that she thought he was "a really nice guy", before adding, "first 2 weeks [I] found him annoying".

Hmm tricky to read. Maybe we shouldn’t get too excited about Sarron just yet...


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning MrsH and all  




Originally Posted by Baz:
Morning LUters 

Morning you two 


are you both suggesting they have enough savvy to put multiples up this week 


I am hanging on by a very thin string at the moment ....  losing interest hourly 


Don`t say that, what we do without you MrsH? 


What`s bothering you? 


I`m finding it difficult to watch mainly because of the nastiness. I can`t bear it sometimes. 


Nah, they definitely don`t have enough savvy    but looking at who seems to be in the firing line it could just work out that way.  We`ll see. 

Last edited by Scotty

10.55am: Lydia's now explaining to Caroline in the kitchen about how the Friday night booing is quite upsetting. 

11.07am: Shievonne's pondering how 'stupid' they'll look when they get out, arguing over trivialities. e.g.   

11.19am: Luke S and Becky are comparing daily diets. Luke's not a carb man. Becky's not so fussed

Bold by BB ^^^


Day 21: Becky's fiancÃĐ speculation

46 mins ago

Becky's clearly giving a lot of thought to who Lydia's mystery fiancÃĐ might be. So much so that the speculation is infesting her dreams.

We love it when the housemates babble, first thing upon waking up. As Lydia, Becky and Sara applied make up and sat around speaking, eyes half-open and wrapped up in towels, the girl from Blackburn spoke about the imagery that floated around her mind while she was asleep.

'Lydia, I had a dream last night that your boyfriend was... what's his name? Robin Williams! From the film Mrs. Doubtfire'

Lydia didn't look too impressed.

'And I were like, "yeah man!"... I love Robin Williams'

'I wouldn't be here though, would I? If I was with Robin Williams'

Across the room, Sara must've misheard. 'I looooove Robbie Williams', she said, dreamily.

Wrong R. Williams, Sara. Do try to pay attention.


Day 21: Lauren in the loop

57 mins ago

With nominations just around the corner, Lauren followed the gossip trail this morning after hearing about some questionable behaviour from last night. Joining Adam and Luke A in the garden, she sat down and found herself the topic of conversation.

‘Apparently they were talking about you last night’ said Luke A.

Lauren didn’t look too phased. ‘Standard!’ she laughed. ‘I’m not even bothered any more. It makes me laugh.... It’s just pathetic. What exactly have we done?’

‘We haven’t conformed’ said Luke A and Adam, almost in unison, almost as though it’s something they’ve agreed on previously. Lauren found out that it was Lydia who’d told the boys about the bad-mouthing, so she grabbed the dancer for some one-on-one time.

‘I don’t want to stir’ Lydia told her, ‘but every time you laughed they made these little comments. They said “It must be because Deana’s so funny"’

‘They seem so insecure’ replied Lauren.

‘They hate the fact we were having a good time [last night]. It was all of them. They were so mean. They’re so nasty’ Lydia went on.

‘They want to make our time here hell’ Lauren said, before Sara walked onto the scene and the pow-wow halted itself incredibly abruptly.


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