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Day 2: Round-up

37 mins ago

Was yesterday only Day 2? In their first full day in the House, the housemates managed to pack in a bit of bitching, some revelations, a fall out and a cheeky bit of flirting. Geez, these guys work fast...

The day started off nicely with a bit of machismo talk from the boys (Did you know Benedict can bicep curl 35kg? Yup, swoon), whilst the girls spent their morning talking about their beauty regimes. Did someone shout stereotypes?

Meanwhile, after a discussion with Sara in the garden, Luke A made the brave decision to tell his fellow housemates about his past. He needn’t have worried, as the housemates were very understanding and supportive. Luke A, we salute your courage!

The niceties didn’t last however, after Shievonne was given an impersonation task by Big Brother. In order to win a reward, Shievonne was asked to impersonate the housemates for BB to guess... whilst the other housemates watched on in the living room (Mwahahahaha...)

Then came the tears from Lydia, who got upset because Shievonne portrayed her as 'fame-hungry', even though she’d been so discreet about her really famous fiancΓ©, Andy Scott-Lee, (you know, Andy Scott-Lee, sister in steps, former 3SL member? ). Yeah well she didn’t tell anyone about it and she could have, so she’s totally not fame-hungry at all.

In the afternoon, we had a sprinkling of bitching from Caroline, who called Victoria "unbelievably boring", some proper slick rapping from Lauren that managed to impress true gangster, Adam, and she even managed to fit in a bit of flirtation with Arron, who she said was the prettiest guy she had ever seen. Lauren and Arron sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

The day ended with a party as a reward for passing the task. What can we say about it? People danced, had a little drink, no one snogged, they went to bed quite early... Basically we’re hoping they get wilder!

So that’s about it for yesterday. What will those scamps get up to today? If that’s just Day 2, we can’t wait to find out.



The face of Fame -Gate.


She`s having a wail of a time rapping and flirting all over the place. 



Caroline has been beefing about vegan Victoria. 



"Aren`t we having fun?" Yes you are.





Last edited by Scotty

News from the party front line

8 hours ago

First things first. No one copped off (although Lauren and Arron did climb into bed together) and no one got paralytic and disgraced themselves. Now your expectations are managed down to a reasonable degree, here's what did go down at Big Brother 2012's very first party.

During a so-cringe-my-head-hurts dance-off, little Lauren showed her gymnastic credentials by performing an aerial somersault. This made an impression on House hunks Arron and Luke S, who had a bit of an alpha moment by the Diary Room as they both chatted to Lauren about whether she likes to, ahem, take control of her men. "My granny might be watching," purred the ever-demure 20-year-old. The lads'll have to work harder to get answers out of this karate expert.

According to House motor-mouth, Chris, Lauren looks like Kylie Minogue. Now we look closer, she does. Good spot, Chris. The squeakiest voice in the West was also generous in his appreciation of the ladies that surround him, unlike Conor, who confided in an unimpressed Caroline that, even if he didn't have a "gorgeous, amazing girlfriend", he still wouldn't be tempted. It seems our lovely eightsome pale in comparison to the "SMOKING HOT BIRDS" Conor clocked at his audition.

Female appreciation wasn't restricted to male-on-female. The girls led a round of cooing over Sara during a poolside chat. Apparently, the former Miss Edinburgh is "already Photoshopped" and "like the babies in calendars". This last compliment is a little mystifying. What do you think?

The booze ran out sharpish which caused a stink with Victoria and the housemates quickly settled down to their normal activity of sitting in circles chatting.



Synchronised eating.


Ashleigh`s is the face that keeps on giving.





Housemates get deep

20 mins ago

Slightly sheepish but possessing the wonderful lack of self awareness that is ingrained in our housemates, Victoria is claiming last night’s demand to leave the House had nothing to do with the booze. She said it was because there is no one to have deep conversations with. β€œI feel like every time I try to, people run away. I might be talking about be about veganism or something like that and people drift off,” she said.  We think she is underestimating our housemates. Just look at the depth of chat this morning. Lauren was stunned to learn it is possible to be a dancer and renovate houses but that is just what Lydia is doing. Lydia is full of surprises, you just need to scratch beneath the surface. She also revealed her dog doesn’t need to wear at watch. β€œIsn’t it funny how dogs can tell the time,” she said. β€œMy dog knows when it’s 4.30pm and time for his dinner without me having to tell him.” She needs to get MENSA on speed dial. Ex-con Adam has an even murkier past. We hope you’re sitting comfortably. He used to be a vacuum cleaner salesman. The generous guy gave Victoria a chance, pushing her to delve beneath puddle chat by asking her why she is a vegan. After a pause Victoria replied, β€œBecause of my beliefs. I don’t like eating animals,” before trailing off.  This one is a regular well. What are the chances of Adam dropping his bucket in again? Victoria might just need to find something more interesting to say.

Lydia`s dog can tell the time. 
Adam waits for Victoria to get deep. 
Victoria attempts to prove she has plenty to say.
Lauren is finding her time in the House to be a real eye opener.
Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

2.47pm: Lydia, Conor and Victoria are in the Diary Room. What could Big Brother be up to?

Hope it`s a task. 

  Or a plea to be saved . ( won't be using this colour again )

 Oh, I forgot that it`s those three that are up.  Yep, they`re probably begging as we speak. 

Last edited by Scotty

Morrisons has signed a significant six-figure deal to become the official shopping partner of Channel 5's 'Big Brother', and the housemates will be able to buy Morrisons-branded groceries in their weekly shop.
During the current series of 'Big Brother' and the subsequent 'Celebrity' version, the housemates will choose their grocery, food and household shopping from Morrisons. The items will then be delivered in Morrisons-branded bags.
The products chosen from the Morrisons own range or the M Savers range will be delivered without stickers over the labels.
Previously, 'Big Brother' viewers have not been able to see the branding on any bought products.
The deal is believed to mark the first time a supermarket has used product placement since Ofcom changed the rules in February last year.
Rebecca Singleton, marketing director at Morrisons, said: "With the housemates' challenging weekly shopping budget, Morrisons offer a fantastic choice of options for them to be able to eat great food, whilst making the most of every important penny."
The placement was negotiated by MEC Access and Morrisons products are expected to appear on screen from this evening's show, at 10pm on Channel 5.
Chantal Rickards, head of programming and branded content at MEC Access, said: "Being the first-ever supermarket retailer to use product placement is a great opportunity for the brand to get fantastic exposure for its own range of products in front of a targeted audience."
Yesterday (6 June), Channel 5 announced its partnership with Henkel, which includes a role as official bathroom products provider. Henkel’s Right Guard deodorant, got2b styling products and Schwarzkopf Live Color XXL hair dye will all appear in the show.
'Big Brother' started on Tuesday (5 June) and the main series will run for around 10 and-a-half weeks, after which Channel 5 will air a two-and-a-half-week series of 'Celebrity Big Brother'.


Does Lydia have a game plan?

1 hour ago

What’s your game Lydia? With Victoria feeling left out and in tears the fellow nominee was quick to come to her aid, offering an empathetic ear.

"I’m not in a group either. I never thought I was a floater but I am in here. We’re both floaters," said Lydia.

Hang on a minute Judas. Let’s rewind to an earlier chat between Lydia and Caroline. A rightly puzzled Caroline asked, "Ok, so please explain. Why don’t you like her (Victoria)? I thought you were best friends."

Without flinching Lydia replied, "I can’t stand her. Honestly. I just keep talking to her to p**s her off. I keep putting myself in her face because I love it in here."

And who was getting seriously stuck into preparing a steak salad for the housemates? Why it’s Lydia. Lydia who managed to forgot to prepare a salad for her fellow floater, Vegan Victoria, offering her leftovers from yesterday instead.  A coincidence? We think not.

Lydia flounced off leaving Victoria to throw a strop.  When the big sneak returned she attempted to seal the deal by pouring poison into Lauren’s ear, accusing poor Vic of being only after more air time.

Has Victoria had her salad days? Will Lydia successfully switch housemates' allegiance –history tells us two faced contenders to the throne do not fare well. And has everyone forgotten there is a third person up for eviction. It’s Conor and he is keeping tactfully tight-lipped.



Pictures coming up.....


4.39pm: Grub's up and chef Luke A has whipped up a pasta bake for the housemates. Pasta bake? No need to panic Jamie Oliver

4.54: Why does no one understand that Victoria is a Vegan? It is actually one of the most interesting things about her 

That seems like a personal view from the twitterer. (if that`s a word )

If it is, that`s a first as far as I know. 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon Scotty  


Aye the tweets/news seem to have a different substance to them this time  


Looks like Lydia Teapot is a right cah!!


Evening velvet  


They do.   I was quite surprised when I read the "Does Lydia have a gameplan?" piece, telling it like they see it. Judas etc....


Lydia Teapot   Aye, she`s a wee nyaff!!


5.15pm: Ashleigh and Lauren are convinced the nominees are actors who have been planted in the House. Do you think they are right?

5.33pm: Benedict and Lydia are talking about the meaning of friendship. Do you think they'll still be friends outside the House?

5:47pm Essex gal Ashleigh hasn't stopped eating all day, apparently. We want to know where she puts it! 

We're impressed with the HM's vast array of beanie hats.So much for summer :-( 

6:00 PM - 7 Jun 12


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