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Day 19: Housemates (not) in hot water

13 hours ago

It’s party night so you can’t blame Ashleigh for hoping Big Brother’s request for housemates to gather in the living room was an invitation to play pass the parcel.

Unfortunately games are going to have to wait as there has been another rule break – a nominations discussion.

This time the guilty party was Ashleigh and Shievonne  - but they managed to drag poor Conor into the melee.

Big Brother read back the conversation in question, during which the pair began by bigging up Conor.

Ashleigh said, "He’ll never be up."

Shievonne replied: "He’s not feeling Lydia and Deana."

Ashleigh added: "He’s going to go on voting for them until they are up."

As punishment Big Brother has taken away the hot water with immediate effect. Luckily, a visibly shocked Lydia bee-lined for the bath she had already run, leaving the other housemates to roll about the living room floor in fits of laughter.

Possibly in mourning for her perceived popularity, Lydia then dressed in black and sat alone in the garden for a good five minutes murmuring, "Do I really need this in my life."

Unfortunately, no one noticed and she rejoined the housemates preparing for tonight’s party.

She has convinced herself and is attempting to prove to Luke A, that Conor has only turned against her after housemates beleived they heard the crowd chanting her name during Benedict's eviction. She said that all her 'close friends' are now out of the House which is making her mood worse.

After claiming last night she knew how the game was played, Lydia appears to be struggling with the strategy. When the shoe is on the other foot, Lydia hobbles. It's Ashleigh's party and Lydia will cry if she wants to.




Day 19: Operation transformation

12 hours ago

The housemates are beautifying themselves in preparation for the Party War, spearheaded by party ambassadors Shievonne and Conor.  You'll be pleasantly surprised to see dedicated 'manscapers' Luke S and Conor, embrace guyliner, mascara, and hair straighteners to achieve that glam rock look. Stay tuned to see their costumes. 




Luke S gets dolled up.

Luke S, lippy ÃĄ la KISS

Conor straightening his hair, striving for perfection!

Busy in the bedroom

Caroline, you look smashing daaaahling.

Last edited by Scotty

Day 19: Battle of the parties

12 hours ago

Our Essex girl Ashleigh was offered not one but two parties by Big Brother and housemates have not wasted time getting stuck into Conor’s rock themed bash and Shievonne’s Egyptian shin-dig

Despite having heard Conor wanted her out of the House, Lydia decided to shoot the messenger informing Caroline there was no way she would be going to Shievonne’s do.

From the off Conor’s party proved a big hit – with housemates gobbling burgers like they’d been locked in a House for 19 days.

Shiv’s glitzy bash initially attracted Adam, Sara and more importantly Ashleigh.

The night is still young. Will Ashleigh stick with the stylish soiree or rough it with the rockers?


Day 19: The big birthday party battle

10 hours ago

It was a case of champagne verses cider in the battle of Ashleigh’s birthday parties.

Shiev’s Egyptian party certainly had more of a club vibe with black walls and gold decor while initially Conor’s main pull was having the cooker to reheat cold chips.

However the shine faded fast once the bubbly ran dry and Shievonne’s entertainment – a belly dancer - fell flat when Conor,  who had poured all his booze into a punch (don’t try this at home please kids), conjured up a magician.

Conor’s cheesy chart topping tracks went on to triumph over Shievonne’s cool indie tunes – did she forget Becky is a Belieber?

Lydia stayed true to her word and remained in the rock room – showcasing some of her professional dance moves and offering Ashleigh a birthday olive branch, forgiving her for the nominations chat bitching.  

Becky had an inkling Big Brother might be pitting the parties against each other, but Shievonne initially dismissed this idea. However, after her guests began leaping from the sinking ship that was her party she changed her tune and admitted defeat. Little did she know, it wasn’t up to her.

She said: “The best party is the one most of you are at. You lot go to that party. Leave me in here by myself. Me and my chocolate fountain.”  Not looking for the sympathy vote at all. Soft hearted Ashleigh was visibly torn.

Good old Big Brother let the housemates hear what Ashleigh had to say about the parties during a Diary Room chat. Fortunately, she raved about both.

Ashleigh picked Conor’s rock party sending Shievonne, Luke A and Lauren to bed with the remaining housemates given the chance to dance  into the night.

Shievonne sulked, Conor crowed and the majority of the housemates started to forgot there ever were two bashes.



Day 19: 21st birthday party people

8 hours ago

The party animals were united in tonight’s birthday verdict. The party was awesome.

Caroline gave it a stellar review declaring that it was, "the best party she has ever been to." Housemates went all out in Ashleigh's honour, throwing some serious shapes on the dance floor and getting stuck into the dressing up box.

There was a veritable explosion of neon tulle and glam-rock wigs, inevitable Lushleigh adoration and even some impromptu tattooing.

Meanwhile poor Shievonne, Luke A and Lauren hung out in the bedroom, folding clothes and listening to the others having a good time.

Big Brother gave Ashleigh a birthday cake, Luke S gave her a lot of kisses and some dry shampoo and she read out a birthday card from home. 

A 21st birthday well spent.


1.14am: Luke S is tired out after all the cake and dancing. Will Ashleigh let him sleep tonight? 

1.16am: Ashleigh is messing around with her musical bday card - the HMs are re-recording the message. 

1.21am: Shiev says she'll write the medley for the 'Boys will be Boys' hit single, "we need them royalties".

1.37am: Luke S, all partied out?

2.00am: What a day. And we get to do it all over again in a few hours. Goodnight 


Day 19 round-up

1 hour ago

Benedict may have left the House but his presence was most definitely still being felt in the morning when Big Brother removed all the chairs from the House.

Housemates were initially not fussed about their absence – after 19 days they needed a change of scenery.

And they had more important matters to contend with – Essex girl Ashleigh turned 21.

To mark the occasion she died her blonde locks brown.

Housemates did some serious – and not so serious working out. Adam, Luke A and Conor pumped soup cans and bags for life while Scott and Caroline showed us how to exercise without breaking a sweat.

Housemates were caught chatting about nominations and Big Brother unmasked the culprits - Ashleigh and Shievonne - who had been talking about Conor. It emerged the pair had been speaking about Conor wanting Lydia and Deana out of the House. As punishment the hot water was turned off. Lydia threw a strop and is was giving Shievonne the cold shoulder at bedtime although she did forgive Ashleigh and Conor. 

Cheeky old big Brother offered Ashleigh not one but two parties â€“ Lydia’s face was a picture. Ashleigh chose her two ‘best friends’ in the House, Conor and Shievonne to plan a bash each. Shievonne went classy with an Egyptian themed do complete with chocolate fountain , bubbly and a belly dancer. Conor opted to rock out with cider, burgers and a chart topping soundtrack.

There was of course a catch. Housemates were able to flit between the two gigs until, in the manner of party favourite musical statues, BB halted the action. Ashleigh was taken to the diary room and made to pick her favourite party. She chose Conor’s and the rockers were able to party on into the night with booze and birthday cake. Those hanging with Shievonne – Luke A and Lauren were sent to bed where they ended up getting down to some hardcore cleaning to pass the time.

Ashleigh enjoyed plenty of birthday kisses from her beau and a card from home. Housemates danced their little hearts out.

After midnight BB called time on the fun, opening the doors to the poor bedroom dwellers who gave an after party in the hot tub their best shot.

Bickering took a back seat  - may the parties continue.



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