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Originally Posted by Scotty:

6.31pm: So what did you miss while we were off-line? Benedict accused Deana of being a gold-digger, Lauren and Sara talked pulling 

6.32pm: The big news was the sabotage of Luke S's protein shake. Someone put curry powder in it. And hid his weights. But who?

Arron the spanner? 

we may see a murder after all


Day 17: Bleedin' 'eck

13 mins ago

Once upon a time there were fifteen housemates who sat down to a civilised dinner. Peace and harmony reigned and... no, sorry, that's not what happened. The non-fairy-tale reality is that Deana mentioned the word "period" twice at the dinner table and Lydia and Shievonne were appalled.

"Oh my god," cried Shievonne, at the first mention, "now is not the time."

This subdued Deana for thirty seconds before she casually dropped the p-bomb again.

This time Lydia got involved in the catcalls. Apparently menstrual mentions are "disrespectful" and "not appropriate". It was mooted that Deana's lack of experience in cooking for large groups has created the monster we see before us today.

Bloody hell.

What do you think? Is "period talk" at the table a no-no or were the ladies being over-sensitive. If it makes a difference, the dinner dish was spag bol...


Originally Posted by Scotty:

Day 17: Bleedin' 'eck

13 mins ago

Once upon a time there were fifteen housemates who sat down to a civilised dinner. Peace and harmony reigned and... no, sorry, that's not what happened. The non-fairy-tale reality is that Deana mentioned the word "period" twice at the dinner table and Lydia and Shievonne were appalled.

"Oh my god," cried Shievonne, at the first mention, "now is not the time."

This subdued Deana for thirty seconds before she casually dropped the p-bomb again.

This time Lydia got involved in the catcalls. Apparently menstrual mentions are "disrespectful" and "not appropriate". It was mooted that Deana's lack of experience in cooking for large groups has created the monster we see before us today.

Bloody hell.

What do you think? Is "period talk" at the table a no-no or were the ladies being over-sensitive. If it makes a difference, the dinner dish was spag bol...




BBUKLive: 11.55pm: Sara has brought nine bikinis into the house. She is wearing one now. Anyone want to see a picture? #bbuklive 21-06-2012 11:53 PM


12.10am: Old Arron's always got a soundbite for us: ""It doesn't seem right. I'm getting on well with everyone." Why so, Azzard

Last edited by Former Member

12.30am: Arron has a pretty hilarious practical joke planned that will blow up tomorrow when the girls use their hairdryers.

12.53am: Luke A is in the hot tub with Benedict, Lydia and Deana. Laughing. It's tough to keep up with in-House angst at times

12.58pm: Sara wore Arron's shirt and got make-up on it. He never wears it so she may aswell use it as a face-wipe

1.07am: Lushleigh are under the covers. Lights out and microphones off


1.23am: Arron ambushed Conor with a pillow. Has someone put e-numbers in his evening glass of milk? 

1.33am: Benedict doing his best 'Greek God reclines in water' pose.

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1.37am: What on earth's going on in the bedroom? Arron's still pranking, Lauren's whispering a heartfelt thank you to Conor. Why?!

1.58am: A hardcore four - Benedict, Lydia, Scott and Luke A are in the hot tub. The rest are in bed.

Sweet dreams housemates


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