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8.44pm: Is that war paint or blusher Shievonne is applying to Ashleigh's cheeks? Way too early to say.

8.45pm: Okay, Caroline's wearing some too and Adam is chanting, "Warriors come out to play!" War paint it is then.

9.02pm: We know you've got a good body but you can put your top back on now, Luke S.   

9.05pm: Whoopin' 'n' a hollerin' as the HMs are let out of the bedroom to discover food and boozie treats have been laid out.


I predict a riot   

Originally Posted by Scotty:

8.44pm: Is that war paint or blusher Shievonne is applying to Ashleigh's cheeks? Way too early to say.

8.45pm: Okay, Caroline's wearing some too and Adam is chanting, "Warriors come out to play!" War paint it is then.

9.02pm: We know you've got a good body but you can put your top back on now, Luke S.   

9.05pm: Whoopin' 'n' a hollerin' as the HMs are let out of the bedroom to discover food and boozie treats have been laid out.


I predict a riot   


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

8.44pm: Is that war paint or blusher Shievonne is applying to Ashleigh's cheeks? Way too early to say.

8.45pm: Okay, Caroline's wearing some too and Adam is chanting, "Warriors come out to play!" War paint it is then.

9.02pm: We know you've got a good body but you can put your top back on now, Luke S.   

9.05pm: Whoopin' 'n' a hollerin' as the HMs are let out of the bedroom to discover food and boozie treats have been laid out.


I predict a riot   


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Official Big Brother    ‏@bbuk #bbbots follows at 11pm on Channel 5 with fab guests Frankie Cocozza and Amy Childs. #bbuk

Whoop dee doo!  


I`m switching over to Snapped - women who kill  

I'm just switching over



We`re talking in colour  


Jump, shake your booty - it's party time 1 hour ago
After being locked up in the bedroom with nothing to do but wander around shirtless (We're looking at you, Luke S, and our eyebrows are firmly raised) the housemates were released back into the House and whaddaya know, Big Brother had been bountiful.
The housemates had been incarcerated to enable big Brother's little elves to set the scene for a party, a reward won by Shievonne during her earlier task. Lined up on the kitchen table were rows of enticing, pastel-hued cocktails. Initial concerns about whether these, in fact, contained booze were relieved after a couple of lip-smacking sips. Also present but far less important (obviously) were some snacks. At the time of writing, said snacks have been uniformly ignored.
Sweet, sweet music (also known as generic dance-club fayre) was piped in and certain of the younger housemates wasted no time in shaking their grove thangs. A red-hot-pant-clad Lydia wiggled like time was running out and Lauren proved herself eligible for "flattest midriff in the tractor driving community" award in a black cut-off vest top.
Some party outfits were more mysterious than others. Adam sported the ghetto-fabulous ensemble of a neck bandana with a black and silver headband, all atop an entirely black outfit. Way to distance yourself from your criminal past, champ.         


1.14am: Luke A plans to tell everyone in the House his secret. He's a little worried about how Arron and Luke S will react.

1.27am: Guess who's still talking? It starts with "Ch" and ends with "ris"

1.50am: "I can't believe how normal you are!" Lauren to Adam


8.28am: Adam is out of bed and he's naked. He is wearing a hat though. Like Wee Willie Winkie. Figure that one out

8.44am: Who is snoring? It sounds like there's a baby elephant in the bedroom. Lydia is not happy. Not happy at all

8.59am: Why can no one see Lydia is unhappy? If only there was someone she could wake up. Sorry Shievonne the short straw is yours

9.16am: Our porn star is up and strolling about in his tighty whiteys

and ....

Morning all  


Day 2 Round up



Was yesterday only Day 2? In their first full day in the House, the housemates managed to pack in a bit of bitching, some revelations, a fall out and a cheeky bit of flirting. Geez, these guys work fast...

The day started off nicely with a bit of machismo talk from the boys (Did you know Benedict can bicep curl 35kg? Yup, swoon), whilst the girls spent their morning talking about their beauty regimes. Did someone shout stereotypes?

Meanwhile, after a discussion with Sara in the garden, Luke A made the brave decision to tell his fellow housemates about his past. He needn’t have worried, as the housemates were very understanding and supportive. Luke A, we salute your courage!

The niceties didn’t last however, after Shievonne was given an impersonation task by Big Brother. In order to win a reward, Shievonne was asked to impersonate the housemates for BB to guess... whilst the other housemates watched on in the living room (Mwahahahaha...)

Then came the tears from Lydia, who got upset because Shievonne portrayed her as 'fame-hungry', even though she’d been so discreet about her really famous fiancÃĐ, Andy Scott-Lee, (you know, Andy Scott-Lee, sister in steps, former 3SL member? ). Yeah well she didn’t tell anyone about it and she could have, so she’s totally not fame-hungry at all.

In the afternoon, we had a sprinkling of bitching from Caroline, who called Victoria "unbelievably boring", some proper slick rapping from Lauren that managed to impress true gangster, Adam, and she even managed to fit in a bit of flirtation with Arron, who she said was the prettiest guy she had ever seen. Lauren and Arron sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

The day ended with a party as a reward for passing the task. What can we say about it? People danced, had a little drink, no one snogged, they went to bed quite early... Basically we’re hoping they get wilder!

So that’s about it for yesterday. What will those scamps get up to today? If that’s just Day 2, we can’t wait to find out.


News from the party front line


First things first. No one copped off (although Lauren and Arron did climb into bed together) and no one got paralytic and disgraced themselves. Now your expectations are managed down to a reasonable degree, here's what did go down at Big Brother 2012's very first party.

During a so-cringe-my-head-hurts dance-off, little Lauren showed her gymnastic credentials by performing an aerial somersault. This made an impression on House hunks Arron and Luke S, who had a bit of an alpha moment by the Diary Room as they both chatted to Lauren about whether she likes to, ahem, take control of her men. "My granny might be watching," purred the ever-demure 20-year-old. The lads'll have to work harder to get answers out of this karate expert.

According to House motor-mouth, Chris, Lauren looks like Kylie Minogue. Now we look closer, she does. Good spot, Chris. The squeakiest voice in the West was also generous in his appreciation of the ladies that surround him, unlike Conor, who confided in an unimpressed Caroline that, even if he didn't have a "gorgeous, amazing girlfriend", he still wouldn't be tempted. It seems our lovely eightsome pale in comparison to the "SMOKING HOT BIRDS" Conor clocked at his audition.

Female appreciation wasn't restricted to male-on-female. The girls led a round of cooing over Sara during a poolside chat. Apparently, the former Miss Edinburgh is "already Photoshopped" and "like the babies in calendars". This last compliment is a little mystifying. What do you think?

The booze ran out sharpish which caused a stink with Victoria and the housemates quickly settled down to their normal activity of sitting in circles chatting.




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