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9.43pm: scientist Benedict is instructing  Sara via her earpiece to pretend someone's glued her to her chair..

9.52pm: Have the scientists and the  succeeded in pulling the wool over Scott's eyes?

10.02pm: Scott is in the Diary Room and the other HMs are discussing him. The word "sheep" has been tossed out

22.10pm: Caroline's worried because she started laughing while 'hypnotised'.

10.14pm: Big Brother's elves have delivered a Chinese takeaway, booze and cigarettes. Cue the happy sound of plates clanking.


10.30pm: Everyone's pretty happy although there's a dash of angry political chat from, who else, Benedict. 

10.40pm: Sara's planning a post-BB night on the town in Edinburgh for the HMs. Is this really going to happen?

10.46: Uh oh, Ashleigh is suggesting drinking games. Is this a good idea, HMs? Think of your poor families watching...

11.05pm: Benedict is teaching Luke A some French.

11.16pm: Drinking and rhyming tongue-twisters are getting the HMs in a flurry. 

11.23pm: Caroline and Sara in the party spirit. Please note: no animals were hurt in the taking of this pic.




Day 15: The party before the test

1 hour ago

Despite the temptation to look lovingly into the eyes of the invading army of super-fans, Scott diligently kept his eyes on the prize. His success in avoiding the whoops of appreciation by fans wearing Scott t-shirts and wielding Scott banners earned him a PARTY FOR ONE IN THE DIARY ROOM! Let the good times roll.

Roll they did. Cheerleaders waving shiny foil pom-poms surrounded the 21-year-old as he sipped a frosted red drink and generally had all the fun a man can have in a confined space by himself (short of doing a Benedict).

But this being Big Brother, prizes often come with a sting. During his absence, the scientists and rats gathered by the sofas so that Benedict could explain the third and next phase of the Lab Rats task. The rats are to follow instructions being fed to them through earpieces while pretending to Scott that they are hypnotised. The object of the game is to see if Scott will conform to this apparent mass hysteria.

Poor Scott. As he left the Diary Room wiping party string off his rat head, he had no idea what he was walking into...



Day 15: Breaking down the nominations

7 mins ago

Missed the show and fancy a run down on the whos, whys and surely-not-thems of Week 3's voting? Look no further...although for the full, dirty Diary Room confessions, you're advised to watch today's show on Demand 5. In brief, here's who each housemate voted for each week and why...

And because we love you so very much, above you'll find a visualisation of how the nominating breaks down. The head on the left side of the red line represents the person voted for while the heads on the right side are the housemates who voted for that person. If you don't see Adam, Shievonne, Conor and Scott on the right side, it's because they received no votes. What little prefects.


Becky: She's fake and "controlive".

Ashleigh: She does nothing for the house, she just drinks and laughs.


Deana: Like a ghost, depressing to be around and takes jokes too far.

Lydia: Chats behind people’s backs.


Benedict: He talks so much that she zones out and he’s rude.

Lauren:  She tries too hard and moans about food. Ashleigh doesn't click with her.


Benedict: He doesn’t let people have their say.

Lauren: She leaves herself out.


Benedict: He's patronising and intimidating.

Lauren:  The chances Caz gives her are thrown back in her face plus her eating habits.


Deana: She has a split personality, she’s fake.

Lydia: She's sneaky.


Arron: He's immature, lying, insensitive and not funny.

Lauren: She's untrustworthy and sneaky.


Sara: There's an awkwardness between them and she makes Lauren feel disliked.

Caroline: She needs to mature and Lauren's unsure how Caroline feels about her

Luke A

Luke S: He dominates the house.

Caroline: She has a nasty side.

Luke S

Luke A: Luke S wouldn’t notice if Luke A wasn't there.

Deana: Talking to her is hard work.


Arron: He's a troublemaker.

Deana: She's negative.


Lauren: She's nice one minute, not the next.

Benedict: Sara didn’t like his bathroom activities.


Benedict: He's too opinionated and overly vocal.

Lauren: She's negative and difficult to have a conversation with.


Benedict: He has offended people in the House.

Luke A: He didn’t stop the housemates from ordering too much bread.


Day 15: Did the housemates choose the smartest three?

2 hours ago

The housemates crowned Lydia, Benedict and Luke A as the most intelligent in the House, earning the trio white coats and the roles of scientists in today's Lab Rat task. But were these the right three choices? We've harnessed the all-seeing eye of Big Brother to get a gander at the housemate's qualifications (they were asked for them before they entered the House).

We think they missed a trick by not selecting A-Level toting, sociology student Lauren, and surely Becky's performing arts background would have had her role-playing like a pro.

Meanwhile the soothing hands of professional massage therapist Adam (who saw THAT coming?) might have come in handy when the tensions at the top got too much.

Who would you have picked as scientists based on the fascinating facts below? Play nicely...and remember, just because Arron didn't put anything down, it doesn't mean he's uneducated. He's a bit of a rebel, see...

Adam: Massage Therapist


Ashleigh: 3 GCSEs, Diploma in Holistic Therapy, Business & Admin Diploma

Becky: 10 GCSEs, BTech in Performing Arts

Benedict: PGCE in secondary education, BA in Politics, 4 A-levels (French, German, Politics, General Studies), 11 GCSEs

Caroline: GCSEs, A-levels, Skiing qualification

Conor: Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, Lifeguard, 6 GCSEs

Deana: GCSEs, GNVQ in ICT, A-level in ICT

Lauren: 10 GCSEs, 3 A-levels, studying for a Joint Honours in Criminology and Sociology.

Luke  A: 10 GCSEs, 3 A-levels

Luke S: GCSEs, A-levels, partial Degree in Real Estate Management.

Lydia: 11 GCSEs

Sara: 6 Intermediate 2s, 4 Highers, Degree in Marketing

Scott: 10 GCSEs (6 A*s, 4 As), 4 A-levels(3 As, 1 B)

Shievonne: GCSEs



Day 15: Amid the tasks... tangled talks

7 hours ago

It's been over 24 hours now since the housemates learned that Lauren and Benedict are facing eviction this Friday. Although task drama stole most of today's limelight, wending its way through like a small but calculating stream was a smattering of secretive chatterings.

No one but no one will be surprised to learn that serial conspirator Lydia has already focused on next week's nominations. She cited her Week 1 experience of being up for eviction as responsible for lighting a "fire". Mmmm, toasty. Deana (who she just nominated) and Luke A were today's co-conspirators with Adam, again, keen to show that he doesn't want to get involved in this hornet's nest of a cat's cradle. We don't blame you, son.

It was only right and fair that this week's nominees took a moment to rant it out of their systems. That they did while the other housemates were distracted by Caroline's incarceration in the large task room.

Lauren vowed that when she's interviewed on the other side she's going to tell it like it is. "There are people in here who are using their powers of intimidation to take down the smaller fish," she said, practising her spiel.

Benedict's ire had a real pulse. The refusal of certain the housemate to appreciate lentils and chickpeas made him mad as hell. "Other people in the world would be grateful," he fumed. Could we be looking at the future spokesperson for small proteins?



Oh Lyds, the stamina of you

Deana smells a rat

Lauren lets rip



Benedict takes a global stance  

Last edited by Scotty

Day 15 round-up

1 hour ago

Day 15 in the Big Brother House was coloured by one uber Lab Rat task which shall continue into tomorrow. The housemates awoke with rumbling tummies but discovered, shock horror, no food in the House.  

Big Brother had big plans for the HMs to claim back their nosh. The three most intelligent housemates were elected to play the role of 'scientist'. The other 12 housemates dressed up as rats, Adam had a special rat costume made out of rubber due to a latex allergy (trivia alert!). The rats were subjected to a number of clever experiments plotted by theever-crafty Big Brother task team.

Stage one, The Food Wheel, required the rats to tread the human-sized hamster wheel in the garden to earn cheese based food rations. Girls were rewarded with tasty treats while the boys were given disgusting meals. As with every task, there was a know-it-all who stepped in to assist. In this case it was the very bendy Jersey girl Lauren, who was nominated for eviction yesterday.

Stage two, Eyes on the Prize, tested the housemates' concentration to the max. They wore high-tech eye-tracking glasses while they stared at their prize. AshleighShievonne,Scott and Luke S all did themseles proud by remaining focused in the face of serious distractions.

As Scott enjoyed a party-for-one in the Diary Room as his Eyes on the Prize reward, the rest of the rats were being prepped for stage three of the task. They had to obey the scientists' instructions coming to them through an earpiece but pretend to be hypnotised to Scott in order to test whether he would go along with it. He did. Oh Scott.

In non-task news, the lab rats become irritated throughout the day and gossip was rife, with Lydia taking centre stage. She was in cahoots with Luke A and Deana about alliances in advance of next week's nominations already! 

As we draw stumps for tonight, Caroline is spending a night alone in the large task room listening to self-help phrases in preparation for tomorrow's Impossible Maze task. Talking of mazes, we're pretty lost. Let's hope that tomorrow brings more clairty for lab rats, scientists and humble viewers alike.



9.51am: Lab rat Caroline is still sleeping in the task room. How will she fare with today's experiments? 


10.18am: There are definite stirrings. Wake up sleepy heads!

10.30am: Lushleigh look very cosy as they snooze in the bedroom

10.38am: And there goes the (rather annoying sounding) alarm. Good morning . More rat based fun to ensue today...


11.08am: Lydia is telling Lauren that she is not very materialistic when it comes to presents 

11.19am: The HM's are enjoying some porridge in the kitchen. We use the term 'enjoying' loosely 

11.37am: The HM's have been called to the living room for more rat-related tasks

11.53am: Becky has been blindfolded and taken to the garden for the next part of the task

12.05am: Becky has been placed in a maze and has to find her way out... Little does she know that there is no way out 

12.15am: Lydia has been instructed to say "Please continue to the cheese" to prompt Becky on her quest. It's really not helping...

12.20am: Her safe word when she wants to get out is "I camembert it" *Teehee*

12.21am: Just as we tell you her safe word, she uses it. Becky is out of the game

12.32am: Becky is annoyed that she failed the task, thinking she would have earned a prize. Oh if only she knew it was impossible

12.47PM(as were the last ones): Caroline is in the large task room, looking very bored  

1.00pm: Now it's Caroline's turn in the maze. 2 minutes in and she already wants to give up 


Day 16: Sleepy rats and birthday scientists

1 hour ago

The housemates were awoken to the most clinical of alarms this morning, in preparation for the second day of the Lab Rat task. After yesterday's rodent shenanigans, the housemates were treated to a very leisurely lie-in, being awoken at 10.38 am! Well, we wouldn't want to be accused of animal cruelty, the subjects need their rest...

Poor Caroline woke up in the lonely large task room, having spent the evening listening to self-help phrases. What are those pesky scientists prepping her for? We're sure there's more to it than a simple confident boosting exercise. All will be revealed later today.

And finally, we have a birthday girl in our midst - It's none other than top scientist, Lydia. What more could a girl wish for than to spend her birthday dressed as a scientist, performing experiments on a bunch of hypothetical rats? Nope, we couldn't think of anything better either.



Lydia donned a towel for her birthday morning attire

Her impression of E.T.


 The birthday girl taking her tie-making duty very seriously

*Ta-da* the finished outfit. Looking goodm Lydia, looking good...

Last edited by Scotty

Day 16: Introducing the impossible maze

33 mins ago

With the aid of the scientists, Big Brother has been dishing out more psychological experiments to the unwitting test subjects. Under fire this afternoon was the usual jovial Becky, whose friendly demeanour was successfully quashed after her stint in the 'impossible maze'.

Becky was placed in a giant maze in the garden and told to crawl her way to the cheese, on the pretence that she was in a race against another housemate and the quickest time would win a prize. However, this was a big fat lie as the maze was impossible to finish (cue evil laughing... mwahahaha) The experiment, in fact, was testing how long it would take for her to give up and shout the buzz word "I camembert it" – Have you had enough of the cheese based puns yet? We're sure there are more to come...

Least to say, Becky quickly got frustrated with not being able to finish the seemingly easy looking task, calling it a "stupid, stupid game".  Nor did it help that Lydia was prompted to only reply to her wails with the vexing line "please continue towards the cheese".  So, it wasn't a surprise when she gave up, saying "what a waste of my life, spending time in that maze".

The real reason for the experiment was to find out if a rat who has had a night of confidence conditioning (a.k.a Caroline) would take longer to quit than an ordinary rat. The rat in question, Caroline, was tested next and showed similarly poor efforts (even after Big Brother's attempts to subliminally prime her to be super duper confident). In fact, it was hard to call who scored higher on the moan-o-meter between the whinging pair. It wasn't long before she too shouted the buzz words and bailed from the task.

However, the result of the experiment came down to who the scientists thought would last the longest between the ordinary rat (Becky) or the conditioned rat (Caroline). The trio picked Caroline to win, which was... *drum roll* Incorrect. Becky gave up at 23 minutes and 20 seconds and Caroline at 15 minutes and 32 seconds.

Gok Wan always said confidence is key and we've just found this out to be a lie. Oh Gok, we trusted you...




The maze that can't be solved. If only Caroline and Becky had known this...


It looks like she enjoyed this. She really didn't.


Caroline`s conditioning chamber

Caroline attempting the impossible... doing a task without complaining

Last edited by Scotty

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