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Day 15: Shopping task: Lab rats

36 mins ago

It’s shopping task time again and to guarantee a good feed, housemates are going to have to get experimental.

Big Brother has set a brainy challenge for our bunch with the three most intelligent housemates required to be scientists while the remaining 12 will be lab rats.

Housemates picked the three cleverest bods - Lydia, Benedict and Luke A - a decision they all managed to agree on.

Whether this was a wise choice remains to be seen. The scientists will try and predict the outcome of a series of experiments undertaken by the rats.

This is an epic two day task. Will the housemates be successful and if so, will they manage to calculate the food budget correctly this time?


11.48am: The rat wheel is active. Deana was first on. And straight off. She tried to go backwards. Clearly not scientist material

11.56am: 'Rambo Rat' Luke S only managed a matter of minutes on the wheel. Lauren has taken over. She's already earned croissants

12.09pm: Scientists are feeling smug. The rats can't workout why some housemates wheel action earns food and some doesn't

12.22pm: Deana, Sara and Ashleigh have all taken a turn on the wheel. Are the boys going to step up next? 

12.33pm: Scientists have turned their attention to analysing Luke and Ashleigh's relationship. Lydia says there is no chemistry

12.45pm: The rats are off the wheel. They didn't guess that the boys were earning stale food while the girls scored treats


Day 15: The wheelie sneaky task

6 mins ago

The Big Brother Lab is fully operational and while the rats earn cheese based food rations by treading the wheel in the garden, the scientists are tucking into a continental breakfast as they  look on from the task room.

What the rats don’t now is that girls earn the group tasty treats by rotating the wheel but the boys’ efforts will be rewarded with nasty meals.

First up Deana failed to read the instructions and attempted to walk backwards. Since then the girls have taken the lead with Lauren typically excelling and earning the group two boxes of ham and cheese croissants.

The smug scientists have predicted the outcome of the experiment and are unable to let their new found positions as the group’s smart guys go to their heads.

Lydia said, “This is what they do. They don’t listen to instructions. Don’t get on Deana. Go and sunbath or something. Deana likes to get involved because she likes to be on the camera.”

“I don’t want them standing there watching because that’s too many brains. They might work it out.”

Ever the teacher Benedict was being particularly stern when observing Adam in action.

He said, “Please don’t give them any food while he doesn’t have his hat on Big Brother. He is breaking the rules.

“Look at all the time they are wasting. It doesn’t make any sense.”

Can the rats work out the wheel’s secret? Will the outcome of this experiment be the creation of a new dynamic in the House?


1.50pm: Lydia, Luke S and Luke A are sleeping. Surely they only just got up. Lazy bones

2.06pm: Lauren is telling anyone who will listen how hot her dad is. Bit wrong?

2.21pm: The wheel is active again. Shift yourselves housemates

2.37pn: Becky took a turn on the wheel and almost lost her knickers

2.50pm: The rats have won lots of sandwiches. Lauren doesn't like sandwiches. She is making her feelings known



3.28pm: Lydia is claiming everyone is accusing her of sabbotaging thier sandwiches. No one has accused her yet. Drama queen?


3.40pm: Luke A and Lydia agree Adam is an awesome guy


3.48pm: Round 2 of the task. Rats must stare at an object and avoid distractions to gain a prize. Ashleigh is up first


3.57pm: Big Brother tried to distract Ashleigh who is staring at a picture of her dog, with a Justin Bieber lookalike. She passed


4.12pm: Becky's won time with her dog. Lydia's regretting being a scientist. She wants time with Andy. Or her dog


4.30pm: Shievonne's turn. She has to stare at a pizza. And avoid looking at the great big snake


4.47pm: Whoop whoop. Shievonne won a pizza


7.57pm: Lauren wishes she could get into the wheel again, this time she'd do backflips galore.

8.09pm: Lydia has something rammed up her right nostril. Appears to be loo roll.

8.12pm: HM trivia time! Did you know Adam is allergic to latex? His rat headpiece was made especially out of rubber. 

8.15pm: Lydia is chatting to Luke A about alliances and noms for next week already! She is a crafty fox. She also has a nosebleed.


Day 15: Eyes on the prize

39 mins ago

Phase two of the lab rat task involved the dastardly practice of pairing something a housemate wanted with something they wanted more. One at a time, Ashleigh, Shievonne, Scott and Luke S entered the large task room where they donned a fetching pair of Where's Wally style eye-tracking glasses. They then had to stare non-stop at a prize on a plinth in the middle of the room while Big Brother introduced an array of cunning distractions. Despite some extremely inventive distractions (Luke S ignoring the burlesque was a treat) each of the four housemates passed their tasks. Didn't they do well!




Ash tries her best not to gaze at the Bieber impersonator


The true Belieber gets emotional

Little Bella

... is in da House! Happy days


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