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Day 14: Luke A has a dramatic makeover

29 mins ago

Having spilled his big secret during the first few days in the Big Brother House and spent surprisingly little time in the kitchen for a chef, Luke A’s contribution can tend to get a little lost amoung some of the more powerful personalities.

After a brief outburst during the Benedict shower debacle last night, he has been particularly quiet today, reassuring Lauren she has a friend but dodging the meatball cooking party in the kitchen.

Housemates Ashleigh and Shievonne came to his aid offering a dramatic makeover.

With newly black brows and barnet, the girls cooed over him proclaiming he was the spitting image of comedy lothario Joey Tribbiani.

What do you think? Is he destined to be the best friend?

Last edited by Scotty

Day 14: Happy snaps

6 mins ago

Ashleigh emerged from the Diary Room today with some rather valuable packages. She was asked by Big Brother to deliver each housemate an envelope containing photographs of family and friends and she couldn't have received a more rapturous response. 

Everyone crowded around to show each other their nearest and dearest as a rare feeling of peace and harmony spread throughout the bungalow. As the cooing, the purring and the happy-happy vibe reached record levels for 2012, Becky couldn't take the feelings stirring within her and had to dive under a duvet for a homesick sob.

It's amazing, the emotions stirred up by a handful of snapshots. The nostalgia and buzz won't hold forever, mind you. All it takes is one wrong word and all the bliss may well come tumbling down.Conor's absolutely delighted to receive his family photosLuke S shows Ashleigh her potential in-laws. Note her vaguely fearful expressionCaroline reflects on life outside the house as she looks at images of family and friendsAdam enjoys a pensive momentBenedict talks Lauren through his treasured piccies'This is my fiancÃĐ. You'll probably recognise him'It's all a bit too much for Becky who had to bury herself under bedding so she could have a little homesick blub

Last edited by Scotty

Day 14: Counting up the nominations

3 hours ago

It's been an explosive week with housemates getting involved in conflicts left, right and centre. But two individuals have riled the House up more than others. We can reveal that the third person to leave the Big Brother House will be either Lauren or Benedict as both received a whopping six votes.

To discover how the pixie and porn star will be reacting to the news of their potential eviction, tune in to Big Brother's Bit on the Side on Channel 5 at 11pm tonight.


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