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11.46pm: We've had requests for a  update. There was some bedroom canoodling but Ashleigh is now distracted by gossip.

11.49pm: Lauren is massaging Arron in the bedroom. Could we be seeing the beginning of ?

12.05am: Adam, Luke A and Conor are having a conversation about mortality. Conor is slightly out of his depth

12.09am: "Sometimes you don't think about how you comes across," says Caz to Lauren as Lauz mimics Deana

12.20am: Caroline and Lauren are alone in the kitchen mulling over Lauren's unpopularity

12.40pm: Benedict is holding court in the garden on religion and the history of the world. Such a light-hearted chap


12.51pm: Scott and Becky are reclining together in the bedroom where lights are now out. No funny business, obviously. 

1.18am: Lauren is rhapsodising about Jersey life. She makes it sound so lovely. Channel Island Tourist Board - sign her up.

1.27am: Arron and Deana threaten a water fight in the middle of the night. Ah - and now it's happening. Lydia ain't happy. 

1.29am: Ashleigh and Luke S steal a kiss as the argument continues. And Shievonne makes the peace (and changes wet sheets).

1.30am: How did we not notice that Luke S and Ashleigh have crawled into bed together? Sneaky pair. 

Commiserations to the people of Jersey RT  we can't watch Lauren as we are currently experiencing an island-wide powercut!

1:33 AM - 18 Jun 12

1.36am: Ashleigh's back in her own bed and cackle-whispering with Caroline, barely audibly.

1.48am: Benedict is still in full-on educator mode. Lauren is looking at him and eating crisps as if watching a film. 

1.55am: Benedict is still talking geography, history, the Bible etc... Adam's going to end up with a PhD if he's not careful

2.00am: We're going to sneak off as the Benedictologue is set to go till sunrise if his jaw doesn't fall off. Until tomorrow! 


Day 13: A handsome pair

11 hours ago

Shievonne's success in the timebomb task won her a date. Who did she choose to share it with but Adam, whose failure in the timebomb task had incurred a creative penalty. The man was forced to wear gigantic paper mache hands. We love that Shievonne chose Adam as her date for this specific reason. Girlfriend loves a challenge

The pair entered the secret room which had been given a full romantic make-over. Heart-shaped red balloons and red roses adorned a table set for two. Poor Adam was helpless to feed himself but Shievonne graciously took on the role of feeder, forking starter, main and dessert into Adam's mouth, while he opened wide like a baby bird.

Tricolore salad, kebabs and cheesecake were the menu Big Brother had laid on and the lovebirds passed their hour by pretending that Adam's handicap was a physical reality.

"With hands that size you're hardly inconspicuous," said Shievonne, pretending that she and Adam were a real-life thang. "I could probably find out if you were cheating."

"It's a good thing," said Adam.

"I'll have to get you some gloves," said Shievonne, frowning, "you've got a bit too much flesh on show."

Jokes then got a little raunchier; "what's it like to be that big?" purred Shievonne.

"I've been dealing with this for 27 years," said Adam. Who da man?



Day 13: Blokey karaoke

8 hours ago

The Time Bomb task reaped huge rewards for Conor, who chose to share his treat - a night of karaoke and delicious pizza - with his pal Arron. Madonna, Abba and many other classic acts had their hits murdered by the pair, who had far more fun than a takeaway and some cheesy tunes ought to have merited. What a pair of belters.


Arron looked rather dashing in his green curls as the karaoke session began

The chaps enjoyed some air guitar in their designated reward room

Apparently singing from the floor opens the lungs up

An inflatable guitar completes Arron's look

More pizza as Arron throws caution to the wind and necks carbs without a second thought



Conor gets involved with the fluffy barnet action, sporting a wonderful electric blue afro

The boy from Derry styles it out with flair

Conor retreats to a sitting position so he can scoff whilst serenading an invisible audience


Last edited by Scotty

Day 13: Caroline counsels black sheep Lauren

8 hours ago

Lauren is emerging as the hot topic for housemates seeking a target for tittle-tattle. Ashleigh, Lydia and – surprisingly – Shievonne formed a little diss circle in the garden.

Why? The trio found fault with Lauren's earlier intervention in a Benedict and Caroline sub-fight during the bathroom barney. Still following? It's pretty tangled. The point is that the husky-voiced pixie is not particularly popular at the moment.

Lauren is perfectly aware that she's persona non grata in the House. One of the reasons she's so blazingly up-to-speed is Caroline's determination to tell it like it is.

As the two loitered in the kitchen, Lauren launched into energetic spot of Deana-shaped mimicry. Caroline gave a polite smile before announcing bluntly, "sometimes you don't think about how you come across."

Encouraged by Lauren's bizarre receptiveness to criticism, Caroline kept it coming.

"You mean well and you're so nice and lovely - but I don't know if it was well-judged to call me 'immature'. You've got to try not to get involved."

This was another reference to the bathroom barney.

The ball was in Lauren's court and she gamely parried back. Apparently housemates have accused her of people-pleasing in the past. Now she's sticking her neck out, it's getting kicked. Seems she just can't win. Given her track-record for weeping, we were worried that waterworks were on the cards, but Lauza delivered this analysis of her sticky social standing in the matter-of-fact tone of someone reading the latest sports results.

Cazza clearly felt it was time to ease up on her 'fix up, look sharp' mentoring. "You made great suppers yesterday and today," she admitted. The girls then got a little giggly as they discussed a comic ongoing problem of Caroline's.

Nice to see that Lauren has at least one female chum.



8.54am: Everyone appears to be still sleeping. How long will Big Brother let that continue? 


9.10am: Last night's water fight must have really taken it on out the housemates - we still haven't heard a peep out of them


9.33am: Benedict is awake. Either that or he sleeps with his glasses on. He does have some funny habits... 


Morning all  


Week 2: Round up

2 hours ago

Now that the housemates are all settled in, the gossip has started, the rows have broken out and the romances have started to manifest. Let's take a look at the week that was in our weekly Big Brother round up.

Day 7

Judgement day dawned on an uncharacteristically calm group of housemates. Perhaps it was the climate of repressed anxiety that led to an endearing spot of male bonding. Chris sponged down Benedict and Luke S made the first of several bids to get closer to Adam.

Chris and Arron found out they were up for eviction and their anxious responses coloured the evening ambience. Shievonne made herself useful giving identical, soothing advice to both lads. Enjoy yourself and get naked, is her boiled down wisdom.

The Lushleigh romance moved slowly with whispering taking precedence over fondlings.  But baby names were discussed giving us hopes of raunchier things to come.

Day 8

The housemates awoke to find a laughing sailor in their lounge, a signifier of a new shopping task. To win a luxury shopping budget they had to avoid laughing for two days. Big Brother, as ever, had a ruse or two to make this more difficult, forcing Arron to dress up in a range of comedy outfits and sending comedians, including man-and-bird sensation Keith and Orville, into the House. We'd like to take this moment to pay our respects to Luke S's technique for fending off laughter. The man dropped and did press-ups the moment a smile twitched at his lips. This happened a lot when Chris got pied by clowns.

Arron had an argument with Deana about whether she should be drinking. It's hard to take a man in PVC spenders and shorts seriously, but Deana saw red.

Lushleigh finally delivered a bit of action. A public mouth kiss as well as bathroom-based bonding went down. But god forbid there should be a complication-free instance of happy couples in the House. Ashleigh began to worry that Lauren wanted in with her man. Oh dear.

 Day 9

The task wore on, as did Big's (Becky's pet-name for the House overlord) attempts to sabotage the solemnity.

Keeping a straight face was the main order of the day.  The housemates threw themselves into the distracting task of dyeing each other's hair. Luke S went in again for anotherbromance sesh with Adam while Chris and Caroline endured an awful date.

The comparatively successful romance of Lushleigh went on a rollercoaster ride. Early in the day as the pair lay intertwined on a sun lounger, the group dubbed them 'Team Lush' (second best nickname). But as the day turned to night and the housemates enjoyed a party with lashings of booze, pizza and music (they won the task: woo!), Ashleigh got a bit emotional. Something about how she usually runs away from intimacy. It would have been more convincing if she wasn't sitting on Luke S's knee at the time.

Day 10

The time was nigh to spend the luxury food budget their frowns had bought them. Despite putting in a serious amount of time, the housemates shamed themselves by overspending, not by a few pence, but by ÂĢ137. Back to school, all of you.

A Diary Room task - Risk It For A Biscuit - took place. It involved housemates dangling their paws inside an opaque container which contained biscuits but also other assorted weirdness. They braved it and won their second party on the trot. Glory be.

Ashleigh gave Luke S a massage in a private area... the bedroom! (Honestly, you guys) But later on, her suspicions that Lauren and Luke S would make a good couple came out in a discussion with Caroline who brokered a chat with Lauren herself. Will Lushleigh become Lusen?

Day 11

Day 11 was a mix of royal highs and real lows as Caroline won a task while Chris was booted out of the Big Brother House.

Lauren and Sara fell for Caroline's BB-led pretext that she's related to the royal family but they didn't cry too much about it. The reward for being taken in was a cream tea for the duper and dupees in the secret room.

The headline of the day could only be Chris's departure although, apart from a missing-Chris pillow-sniff from Shievonne, the HMs moved onwards and upwards with alarming speed.

Another day, another Lushleigh development... after a day of relative quiet, the two were reunited passionately on the bed. No sex. Sorry, we're British but there was energetic tonsil-hockey. That enough for you?

Day 12

Boogieng was the order of the day, with a Dance Off task the central focus of Day 12. Practising for the shimmy-battle was somewhat overshadowed by a large amount of gossipthat hit the house like a stealthy ninja of tittle tattle, but it didn't entirely engulf the good feeling engendered by the task.

Aside from the griping, there was an epic pillow fight and some chocolate spread actionbefore the winners' party arrived. And as the victors celebrated, the losing housemates were forced to watch from the wings, miserably cursing their own inability to cut the rug.

The day ended with larks in the bedroom from Conor and Arron before housemates settled down to sleep, perchance to dream.

Day 13

More Lushleigh action on the thirteenth day as Luke S and Ashleigh talked baby names (again), but in no time at all another mission had arrived, with a ticking Time Bomb task the focus of the day's action.

Passing the explosive sphere between themselves, some gained mini-treats whilst others suffered punishment. Amongst the results, Benedict lost his ability to nominate this week, Conor chose to share his karaoke reward with Arron and Adam was punished with a pair ofmassive hands he had to keep attached to his wrists for the best part of the day. Relief came when Shievonne offered to share her dinner date with him, but his experience of dining with the former Playmate was tempered by the fact he had to keep the hands attached throughout.

Keeping that Lushleigh fire burning, Ashleigh chose to share her Time Bomb reward with Luke S. The two worked out together with some temporarily installed gym equipment.

Any chance to get sweaty, eh?



Day 14: There's something in the water

17 mins ago

There's a fine line between love and hate and two housemates have been wavering between the two.

Following a stolen epilator, missing chocolate and a dunking in the pool, things finally came to a head between Arron and Deana with a late night water fight.

The pair pushed each other’s buttons, both daring the other to step it up a gear and give in to temptation.

The action spilled over to the bedroom and Shievonne and Lydia’s bed got a drenching.

Ever practical Shievonne flipped the mattress helping to appease a livid Lydia.

Arron claims Deana just doesn’t share his sense of humour and she says he’s immature, calling him a, "silly little boy".

With nominations due today, is this really the time for playground games? Arron is adamant he hates Deana but this morning she has a rarely seen smile on her face. Will either be prepared to put their money where their mouth is and put the other one up to be evicted?



9.49am: Shievonne says Arron and Deana hate each other. This morning she is on Arron's side 

9.58am: It's nominations day. Is Arron going to pick Deana?

10.03am: Deana doesn't seem too upset about last night's water fight

10.15am: Shievonne says if housemates don't start to have a little respect for each other there is going to be a 'free-for-all'


10.28am: Deana says Arron took things too far last night but she is not angry. Lydia is annoyed Arron did not flip her mattress

10.42am: Shievonne says she is, 'not one for hiding in bushes'. This is good to know


Day 14: The nomination game

24 mins ago

Nominations are taking their toll and housemates are using every trick in the book to direct selection.

Benedict attempted to get a rise out of Arron who he had been told called him boring last night, asking him what had motivated his choice of language.

Arron said boring was, “probably just the first word I thought of. I am not very literate.”

In Arron’s defence he refused to take Benedicts bait and soldiered through even when our adult entertainer switched from confrontation to condescension.

Benedict said: “Last night you were engaging and contributing and I was proud of you. I’d like to see you do more of that. But you have to be responsible for the words that come out of your mouth. There’s got to be a filtering system.”

Arron blamed two, “sweaty stirring,” housemates of causing trouble and said he hoped Lydia and Deana who were sat nearby had enjoyed the latest floor show.

Has this boy learned nothing about that highly strung pair?

The two ladies leaped on the defensive resulting in a blazing row between Arron and Lydia with Arron accusing her of making herself the victim.

Her response, “I’m you’re victim? Hah.  Don’t you dare bring my name into it. You’re 23-years-old. I have been around the world many times.”

We’re not really following her logic but you have to admire her style. She switched on the waterworks briefly but appears to have recovered.

Exempt from nominating this week, is Benedict playing devil’s advocate because he has no decision to make? Will Lydia’s outburst have firmed up her alliences and are the housemates being too hard on Arron or does he deserve the backlash?


Day 14: Hey Conor, what's cookin'?

9 mins ago

While the housemates might have quite a bit of time on their hands, we were still quite surprised that Luke S and Conor managed to spread the task of cooking lunch out over several hours. Do good things come to those who wait? You'll have to ask the rest of the gang, although, for what it's worth, the spaghetti and meatballs did look quite tasty.

All this cooking reminded us that we asked the housemates for their favourite recipe before they entered the House. With his meticulous approach in the kitchen today, you'd expect Conor's chosen dish to be fairly fancy, right? WRONG! Here's what he gave us...

Conor's favourite recipe:

Tuna and pasta






Boil kettle firstly to make seasoning for this beautiful dish.Place pasta into pan with correct amount of Italian delicacy [we think he means water]. While pasta is cooking to softness,  place tuna in a bowl, add mayonnaise and stir like a mad man. Then when pasta is cooked add tuna and pasta together. Mix like a mad man. Then enjoy!



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