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Big Brother 2012: A series review


Big Brother 2012 had it all. 

It had laughter, sadness, softly spoken words of love and furiously shrieked statements of anger. More of the latter than the rest, perhaps - but nobody could claim it didn't have drama.

Let's take a look at all the pertinent events of the seventy-day period that saw 17 housemates bicker, banter, battle and bond with more gusto than we could ever have foreseen. It was a vintage year, so let's relive it in text!

Week 1

One of the most memorable moments of the series came within its first hour. Before she’d even unpacked, Deana was told to select three of her new housemates to face eviction. Up went Victoria, Conor and Lydia and down went Deana’s in-House popularity.

On Day 2 came another corking revelation. Luke A told most of the housemates individually that he was born a woman. He received acceptance across the board. Good show, housemates.

Victoria got a lap dance from Lydia and a snog from Benedict on Day 3, which was nice because she was the first housemate to be evicted on Day 4. Cue potentially the most memorable entrance in Big Brother history as Wildcard Becky came charging into her new home yelling, "C’mon, you b******s" before leaping into the pool fully-clothed. 

Week 2

Week two was the one that saw housemates forced to stifle their giggles as Big Brother challenged them not to laugh for two days in order to win a luxury shopping budget.

Big Brother dressed Arron in a series of comedy outfits before bringing out the big guns, sending in a bunch of comedians including flightless bird and master, Keith Harris and Orville. They sniggered and chuckled but housemates managed to contain their 'lols' to a degree deemed acceptable by BB meaning they got a big budget – not big enough though, they overspent by £137.

Chris and Arron were up for eviction and romance between our house lovebirds – Luke S and Ashleigh – stepped up a gear with a bit of bonding in the bathroom and some snogging on the sun lounger. Ashleigh had the first of her wobbles over the relationship but she got over it.

It was task-tastic in Week 2 with' The Risk it for a Biscuit' task', 'The Time Bomb' task' and 'The Dance Off' task. BB challenged Caroline to convince fellow housemates she was related to the Royal family. She did and won a cream tea for herself, Lauren and Sara complete with a opportunity for Sara to belt out the national anthem again. God save BB.

Chris left the House after losing the public vote, Caroline poured bile on his exit,

 complaining about their 'date' earlier in the week.

The 'Timebomb' task saw Adam wine and dine Shievonne while wearing giant hands, Conor, Arron and Adam enjoy a karaoke party and Luke S and Ashleigh got physical in the garden.  

Week 3

Who could forget the sight of most of our housemates dressed up like lab rats – with Lydia, Benedict and Luke A in white coats? Perhaps the most memorable part of this highly memorable task was Luke S desperately keeping his eyes trained on protein while burlesque dancer, Miss Banbury Cross, acted out a male fantasy. Shievonne proved herself in the same task by not flinching at the sight of a gigantic python (not a euphemism).

Lydia’s 26th birthday came and, after a few tears, she was rewarded with a phone call from her fiancé, the one and only Andy Scott-Lee. The housemates wore Lydia masks for a stretch, which was very weird.

Seventeen days proved to be the length of time it took for Benedict to get his sass on, he spiked Luke S’s protein and told off Caroline and Ashleigh. It was as if he knew he’d be leaving the following day. But never one to walk alone, he evicted a chair to keep him company meaning that housemates awoke the following day to chair-free House, a creative punishment from BB.

Ashleigh’s 21st hailed the second birthday of the series and keeping the double theme going she got two parties.

Week 4

Remember the table football? This was the week housemates won and lost le babyfoot.

Lydia and Deana were up for eviction – Deana took it in her stride while Lydia called the housemates sheep and acted as if it was all some kind of tragic accident.

BB had enough of the nominations discussions and gave housemates a four day booze ban. Relations between the two factions – The Insiders and The Outsiders – improved for a time as they bonded over garden games.

The food budget was decided by 'The 100' task where the housemates would win or lose points depending on their actions. Luke A turned down the chance to chat to the missus, Lauren gave up a few minutes with her sister and Luke S wrestled with his conscience for an hour and a half about whether to watch his fellow housemates' nominations – who could forget that.

Lydia and Deana got their revenge by fish-gut-gunging the housemates they thought had nominated them, Scott let Conor cut his hair and Lauren kicked off over her lack of fags.

The fabulous Mrs Andy Scott Lee was shown the door leaving housemates to uncover the identity of her famous fiancé. What do you mean who?

Week 5

A foursome saw themselves up for eviction this week with Arron, Becky, Conor and Deana facing the public vote. Turf Wars dominated Week 5 and never had the House been more divided. The Blue Team battled it out against The Green Team to take possession of the different areas of the House. The Greens lauded it over The Blues with control of the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom while The Blues camped out on the floor with just the living area for comfort.

A few housemates picked up punishments for stepping into enemy territory including Lushleigh who canoodled across the barricades. The Greens lost the kitchen putting them on basic rations and their noses well and truly out of joint.

We waved goodbye to Arron and his lovely torso as the public failed to save him. Deana was over the moon, crying out, "Good has finally triumphed over evil." A touch insensitive perhaps but there was no love lost between the pair of them.

Shievonne’s birthday saw her smile as she received a cake from Big Brother and a message from her family. Unfortunately Adam put a stop to her merry mood, answering a series of questions in the Diary Room but transmitted into the living room in which he was pretty blunt about Shiev. Turf Wars rolled on regardless...

Week 6

Remember when Luke S thought he had been selected for the big time and sold out his girlfriend in the process? That was Week 6.

Turf Wars ended but the animosity remained with The Insiders and Outsiders regrouping. Conor and Shievonne were facing possible eviction.

Our tan fans were rewarded with a spray session in the garden and a Hawaiian themed party, despite doing pretty badly on the Hot Topics task.

Housemates failed the Rules are for Fools shopping task although Luke S was crowned employee of the week for his excellent warden work. He chose a pamper hamper over protein powder and gave it to his girl Ashleigh.

Shievonne shipped out on Friday after losing the public vote, which resulted in a little private revelling from Luke A.

Luke S had his vanity exposed as BB played the mother of all pranks on him, leading him to believe he had been scouted by an agent before revealing most of his embarrassing interactions to the House – but not how he sold Ashleigh down the river...

Sunday saw the start of the Gold Rush shopping task, which ended with a hoedown showdown and a barn dance enjoyed by The Good, The Bad and The Very Ugly

Week 7

The Gold Rush Task ran on into Week 7 culminating in face-to-face nominations. The Good - Luke S, Sara and Scott triumphed in the final showdown scoring immunity from noms. Lauren received a hail of nominations and Luke A didn’t fare much better meaning they were both facing the public vote.

Housemates tried to iron out their differences with Lauren in particular swallowing a big spoonful of pride to pitch herself as a potential ally of Becky, Scott, Caroline and Lushleigh. It didn’t last.

It became clear than Adam had the hots for Lauren, whether his love was requited, remained to be seen. For one of The Outsiders it was about to be game over and they spent their final evening in the garden together, chewing the fat into the wee small hours.

A sweet task - the marshmallow-in-the-mouth one – lightened the mood before it all went sour for Lauren who became the seventh housemate to leave the House.

The Dilemmas task led to Caroline tucking into her second fish eye and Deana missing out on a letter from home because Ashleigh couldn’t keep her language clean.

However, there was a party where Ashleigh was dressed as a clown and forced to entertain the House, which meant Deana’s letter from home was finally delivered.

Week 8

The super sunny weather perked up our housemates at the start of Week 8 – and a good time was had by all in the Exploding Watermelon task. But the jolly mood was not to last – Big Brother announced that any housemate in receipt of one or more nominations would be up for eviction. Only Becky and Scott were safe.

The 'Party Animals' task suited our housemates down to the ground and they bounced, pillow fought, dined and raved their way to luxury shopping budget success. Ashleigh let it slip that she thought Luke S smelled of onions, which briefly worried Cupid’s bow, although the pair never like to let the sun set on an argument and they soon made up.

Harmony was short lived. This was the week Caroline had a good old wheeze with the shopping budget – filling the store room with hoards of chocolate rather than the housemates’ requested items. Foul play lost her a place in the House and she was shown the door on Friday after losing the public vote. Friday was also Conor’s 25th birthday and housemates partied with a football theme.

The 'Standing on the Shoulders of Prizes' task saw Adam prove he had staying power, standing on top of a box containing a telly for 12 and a half hours, beating closest contenders Deana, Luke A and Luke S. The latter said he’d quit for Adam’s sake – shame he didn’t uncover his selfless side 12 hours earlier.

Big Brother gave housemates a chance to absolve themselves of House sins on Sunday with a confessional in the garden and Ashleigh ended the week in style by trying her hand a cooking. What a treat.

Week 9

Friends and family upset the Big Brother apple cart during Week 9 by relieving housemates of their nomination duties. The majority took fairly predictable paths but there were a couple of surprises and one or two clangers dropped.  Sara's mum nominating Scott and Becky's sister revealing a comment Luke A had made about Becky’s BMI were two such awkward moments.

The White Room dominated this week with Luke S, Sara and Conor battling it out in a colourless compound. White food, white clothes and a series of white tasks provided the entertainment. Sara was first to crumble leaving arguably the House’s most competitive pair, Conor and Luke S. All action within The White Room’s four walls was overshadowed by the task climax – you remember that bit right? Luke S certainly does.  

Becky’s departure was slightly overshadowed by Conor’s exit. Our Derry man walked out of The Big Brother House with a case full of cash - £50k to be precise – and Lukes S was left licking his beautiful wounds. His now infamous quote which ended, "men want to be me," had never been more ironic.

The House charged their glasses and sipped cocktails, and all was temporarily brushed under the carpet  - until Deana asked Luke S why he wasn’t quicker to ‘press the button'. Oops.

On Sunday, Big Brother treated housemates to their launch night pofile videos, which was a laugh for all, although Luke S went to bed early, weighed down by his whopping £50k loss

Week 10

And so seven housemates found themselves in the final week. Luke S, cocooned in the knowledge he had a free pass to Day 70 was the only one not on edge as Big Brother revealed our final nominees – Deana, Adam, Scott and Ashleigh.

Scott duped fellow housemates after following Big Brother’s instructions to make them believe he was a mole, winning a party complete with butlers in the buff for all bar Ashleigh, Luke S and Deana who had chatted about noms, the fools.

Big Brother flung open the doors to the Museum this week with another super duping task – this time security guards Scott and Sara were to be the victims with the remaining housemates playing the part of exhibits.  The task -  to convince the guards that they were standing like statues when they were actually having a rum old time in the secret room. Singing at the silent disco lost this one for the exhibits meaning the last shopping budget was a tight one.

Housemates got a chance to slip on their glad rags with The Nommy Awards on Day 65. Luke S swept the board with the 'Nemesis', 'Close Shave' and 'Broken Record' award. He was rewarded with a slap-up meal cooked by a Michelin star chef with Ashleigh, Sara and Scott.

Before we knew it, it was eviction night and after a series of 'pampering sessions' from Mr Snuggles, it was time to wave good bye to one...make that two housemates. Scott and Ashleigh bit the dust. This was the night Bit on the Side invaded the garden and broke the aforementioned 'batchelor' news to Ashleigh. She took it in her stride and Luke S pecked her picture goodnight before bed (as well as picking his nose).

As the final day drew closer, BB stepped in with Nina Myskow’s Media Training. Housemates took her advice on board and star pupils Deana and Luke s won a dinner date.

The penultimate day in the House saw the housemates cook a last supper Sunday roast and speculate on life after BB...

The Final

After 70 days, we had our final five and it's no surprise they spent most of their last day in the House getting ready for one of the biggest nights of their lives. There was an in-House hairdresser and beauty treatment team on hand to get our finalists ready for their date with Brian, so our reduced pool of housemates were in good hands. 

Before you knew it, we were there. The live final.

Luke S was the first to leave the building, taking fifth place. He was closely followed by Sara who scooped fourth position, leaving the 'Soldiers' in the top three positions.

Deana was the first to be relieved of her duties and she left with the bronze medal. Following her was our runner up, Adam who narrowly lost out to a chap who was his best friend for the duration of his stay.

Luke A took the top spot, winning the public vote after winning our hearts with his honest, softly spoken approach over the course of ten weeks. A worthier winner you'd be hard pressed to find. 

What a final. What a series. What a winner!


Looking good, ex-housemates, looking good...

Didn't the housemates scrub up nicely last night? We thought they looked rather pleasing on the eye to say the least - so much so that we've collated a few of snaps from the finale show for you to peruse.


The best man wins! Luke Anderson takes home the crown in the Big Brother 2012 final




In the money: Luke and his wife Becky pose with his £50,000 cash prize

It's been a long two and a half months but tonight Luke A won Big Brother 2012.

The 31-year-old chef almost couldn't believe his ears when host Brian Dowling called out his name to reveal he had won the show and £50,000.

Of course, Luke celebrated by hugging runner-up and good friend in the house, Adam Kelly.

Bromance: Luke A and Adam couldn't stop hugging as they eagerly awaited the results

Luke, who was born in South Africa but grew up in Wales, seemed genuinely surprised to have won the show.

'It's great to feel acceptance and I don't think its sunk it yet,' he told Brian as he sat down to give his interview.

He went on to say that a 'big part' of him going on the show was 'about acceptance'.

As Brian handed him the suitcase of £50,000 and revealed that it was Luke's one year wedding anniversary with his wife Becky, Luke said: 'It's not about the money for me, obviously it's really nice.'

When asked about his bromance with Adam, Luke's face lit up and he said he would have been alone in the house had it not been for Adam.

'He's such a genuine, down-to-earth, good-hearted guy,' Luke said of him.

He went on to say that his highlight of taking part in the Channel 5 show was 'meeting Adam and winning it.'

Runner-up Adam admitted that he was really happy for Luke to have won.

Speaking to Brian after leaving the house, he said: 'My boy Luke A, I had no problem with it. This ain't supposed to happen to someone like me.'

On losing out on the prize money, Adam added: 'I've been broke before so it don't matter to me.'

The former gang member went on to say that he's not sure what he would have done inside the house if Luke and Deana Uppal hadn't been there.

'I probably would have looked like more of a d***head than I already have,' he laughed.

Of course Brian asked him about his feelings for fellow housemate Lauren after viewers watched him trying to woo her.

'Oh my God, she's so gorgeous,' he said of her.' A great smile, personality, booty... goodness. I'd love to take her on a date.'

Before Luke and Adam left the house, they had to say goodbye to Deana who came in third place.

The Miss India UK winner told Brian that she never thought she'd get this far and also spoke highly of the two men.

'I don't think I would have had any friends except for Sara,' she said when Brian asked her what it would have been like without Luke A and Adam.'

The beauty queen admitted she was disappointed not to win but felt 'proud' she had lasted so long on the show.

Asked if she was upset, she said:  'I am. The £50,000 would have been lovely but oh well. I'm actually quite proud that I survived to the final with all those nominations.'

Nominated before Deana was Scottish model Sara McLean, who also couldn't believe that she had made it so far in the show.

Wearing a very short white dress and red stilettos, Sara told Brian: 'I'm so happy that I made it to the final. I didn't even think I was gonna get in the final.'

However, the long-haired reality TV star went on to say that it wasn't easy in the house due to all the bitching.

'It was a nightmare,' she said. 'I didn't really understand what was going on at times and it was horrible at times.'

The final four certainly relished in the fact that Luke Scrase was the first of them to be evicted in the final.

The nightclub promoter kept a straight face as his name was read out and received quite a few boos as he walked down the stairs.

Speaking about the White Room task that led to Luke and Conor's head-to-head, Luke admitted he had struggled afterwards.

He told Brian: 'I like Conor but that White Room sent me mental. I hope he's bought a ring for his girlfriend and a deposit for his house.'

Speaking about his blossoming romance with Essex housemate Ashleigh, he said: 'She knows how I feel about her, I love her to bits.

'When I first came in I did think she was gorgeous but she was dead loud, but then I got to know her.'

Following Luke A's win, the house is now being thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the start of Celebrity Big Brother this Wednesday.

Reunited: All the former housemates applaud Luke on his win

Reunited: All the former housemates applaud Luke on his win

Read more:


Afternoon Mrs H I see you're putting in some overtime instead of enjoying some well earned time off old habits die hard don't they cos here I am catching up on the latest news I bet the hm's had sore heads this morning after all the partying  it will be strange not having BB on tonight although I won't miss BBOTS lol.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon Mrs H I see you're putting in some overtime instead of enjoying some well earned time off old habits die hard don't they cos here I am catching up on the latest news I bet the hm's had sore heads this morning after all the partying  it will be strange not having BB on tonight although I won't miss BBOTS lol.

Hi Rose 


draws like a magnet   I dont think they partied too late by the tweets I saw and you can have a fix tonight - BOTS is on at 11 with the 5 finalists and am hoping LukeS is the chosen one for the gunge 





Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon Mrs H I see you're putting in some overtime instead of enjoying some well earned time off old habits die hard don't they cos here I am catching up on the latest news I bet the hm's had sore heads this morning after all the partying  it will be strange not having BB on tonight although I won't miss BBOTS lol.

Hi Rose 


draws like a magnet   I dont think they partied too late by the tweets I saw and you can have a fix tonight - BOTS is on at 11 with the 5 finalists and am hoping LukeS is the chosen one for the gunge 





Oh I'd forgotten about that lol, thanks for the reminder  When they mentioned the gunge thing last night I  was hoping Luke S would be chosen

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon Mrs H I see you're putting in some overtime instead of enjoying some well earned time off old habits die hard don't they cos here I am catching up on the latest news I bet the hm's had sore heads this morning after all the partying  it will be strange not having BB on tonight although I won't miss BBOTS lol.

Hi Rose 


draws like a magnet   I dont think they partied too late by the tweets I saw and you can have a fix tonight - BOTS is on at 11 with the 5 finalists and am hoping LukeS is the chosen one for the gunge 





I'm sure it will be, as he came 5th.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: 'Up The Road' Special 2 hours ago You thought that was the end, didn't you? Well aren't you in luck – tonight we have an extra special show for you to wrap your chops around. For one night only, we'll be broadcasting live from the Big Brother village in our 'Up The Road' special. And believe us when we say it promises to be a right laff...
Joining the madness tonight, we have Radio 1's roadshow finest, Tom Miley a.k.a Smiley Miley, children's TV presenter Dave Benson Phillips and music courtesy of BB 9's DJ Mikey Hughes and British reggae group, Aswad. A blinding line-up, if we do say so ourselves...
Oh and the final five housemates– Luke S, Sara, Deana, Adam and your winner, Luke A, will be attending, of course!
And as en extra, extra treat, the show will be presented by Jamie, Alice AND Emma.
So make sure to tune in at 11pm on Channel 5 for this and much, much more! It's going to be a humdinger

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

One of them lived in Hamilton a few years ago erin.


Court appearance for beating his missis up - and I hope they dropped him 


Interesting,off to google some more  

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

One of them lived in Hamilton a few years ago erin.


Court appearance for beating his missis up - and I hope they dropped him 


Interesting,off to google some more  

Current members

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

One of them lived in Hamilton a few years ago erin.


Court appearance for beating his missis up - and I hope they dropped him 


Interesting,off to google some more  

Current members

Brinsley Forde hopefully or it's a spin-off.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Brinsley Forde, I just googled him and it says he was in the double deckers and is American.Did he live in Hamilton .

No it deffo wasn't him.


Will pay attention when they come on BBBOTS ,cheers Velvet.


Big Brother 2012 awards! 


Photo: Award 1; BEST BROMANCE. Winners: Arron Lowe and Conor McIntyre.


Photo: Award 2; BEST RIVALRY. Winners: Benedict Garrett and Caroline Wharram.

Award 3; BEST TWIST.

Photo: Award 3; BEST TWIST. Winner: The White Room.


Photo: Award 4; MOST ANNOYING. Winner: Caroline Wharram.

Award 5; WORST HAIR.

Photo: Award 5; WORST HAIR. Winner: Caroline Wharram


Photo: Award 6; MOST ENTERTAINING. Winner: Arron Lowe.


He may be your overall winner, but you also voted him least entertaining.

Photo: Award 7; LEAST ENTERTAINING. Winner: Luke Anderson. He may be your overall winner, but you also voted him least entertaining.


Photo: Award 8; MOST FAMOUS FIANCE. Winner: Lydia Louisa.

Winner: Laughing Ban.

Photo: Award 9; BEST SHOPPING TASK. Winner: Laughing Ban.


Photo: Award 10; SEXIEST MALE. Winner: Arron Lowe.


Photo: Award 11; SEXIEST FEMALE. Winner: Sara McLean.


Photo: Award 12; BIGGEST GAME PLAYER. Winner: Deana Uppal.

Award 13; BEST EXIT.

Photo: Award 13; BEST EXIT. Winner: Benedict Garrett. "Sorry about the curry..."


Photo: Award 14; BEST PRESENTER. Winner: Brian Dowling.

Final Award; BEST MOMENT.

Photo: Final Award; BEST MOMENT. Winner: Conor McIntyre's £50k exit.


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