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Day 70: Going anywhere nice?

1 hour ago

It's hard to believe the end is so near. We're only a hair's breadth from the actual final now, which is apt. The remaining housemates are currently undergoing some serious beautification. All apart from Luke S, who had all his grooming needs seen to after Ashleigh faced the terrifying Mr. Snuggles so he could have his split ends seen to.

With the final almost upon us it's nice to see happy housemates ensuring they'll leave the bungalow looking a million dollars. Expect some dazzling looking finalists to emerge from that famous front door this evening.


Thank you all so much for your hard work,Mrs H,Scotty,Erin etc,i kind of boycotted the highlights show in disgust weeks ago(it was easy while the olympics was on)and have been watching clips on here and DS to keep up.I will watch tonight,just to see good triumph over evil,but it hasn't really and never could once they let that poor excuse of a man walk away with half the money.

Thanks again to all of you



Day 70: Luke S has finished fifth!



37 mins ago

Luke S has left the Big Brother House, claiming fifth place and losing out on the 50k cash prize...Again.

His last couple of weeks in the House have been unforgettable. From scraping survival the last time he faced eviction,  to spending four days in The White Room, from hearing a hail of boos following his name to standing on a box for countless hours, from maddening punishments to being separated from his lady, the Stoke boy has had to channel super-human reserves of endurance. And we shan't talk about the money – we fear it may be too raw (Also Deana managed to cover this topic quite well).

As well as wooing the Essex girl in the early weeks, Mr Lover Man has shown himself to be a balls-y team-player. He gave everything in tasks, worked out daily and always mucked in on the domestic and grooming fronts.

Applying this much energy took a lot of calories, and one particular food group was critical to maintaining Luke S's routine. Never has protein meant as much to one individual, and never has protein been used by cheeky Big Brother and even cheekier housemates as such a tool for comedy.


The sight of Luke S straining to keep his eyes trained on protein powder while a burlesque dancer sensually danced was roundly amusing. How cruel therefore that this hard-won protein got contaminated with chilli powder by a playful Benedict. The usually collected Luke S began to bark.

The other time we saw Luke S's animal side (outside of his nightly shenanigans with Ashleigh) was when Arron's rogue behaviour caused the Green Team to be confined to the bedroom during Task Wars. Pent up in this small stretch of ground, Luke S paced and growled like a caged and angry beast. Thankfully there were suitcases around to weight lift. Always showing ingenuity, that Luke S.

The kitchen was the only arena in which Luke S lost his king of the hill status. The other Luke, Luke A, whipped his muscled ass in the Potat-Off - but then he is a professional chef.

Trying has characterised this housemate. Luke S has epitomised Shievonne's words to Chris, "keep it cute and keep it mute", favouring committed action over casual conversation. From bench-pressing Lauren to spending hours grooming Conor to waking up early every day to wipe down the kitchen, all the while rocking the shirtless 'check out my six-pack' look, Luke S has made his mark with sheer ferocious activity.

Of course, the large question dangling over Luke S is what will become of Lushleigh? Despite a few domestics, they've been a consistent feature of 70 House days. Yet – duh duh dah - during the Talent Agent task, Luke S revealed that he's still interested the bachelor life. Hmmm. With accusations of show-mancing facing the couple, we're going to have to keep a beady little eye on Luke S's moves after the House.

But until then, we bid a fond farewell to the muscles from Stoke-on Trent. We'll always remember him as a slick team player who knew how to treat a lady. And who lost 50k.


Day 70: Sara has finished fourth!



18 mins ago

Unfortunately for Sara, she didn't manage to emulate her royal role-model and become Queen of Big Brother 2012 – instead leaving the House in fourth position. 

Carrying the glamour of Miss Edinburgh and the promise of being too outspoken for Miss Scotland, Sara actually ended up as a House diplomat, voicing her disagreements in the fiercely rational style of a career negotiator.  She stood up for Deana to both Shievonne and Adam on separate occasions, neither of which were at the request of the lady herself – the Scot just couldn't let an injustice slide.

Sara appointed herself as cheerleader of the downtrodden, often telling emotional stories about the struggles she went through during her 'ugly duckling' years – something of which she undeniably doesn't struggle with these days. Anyone who has seen her in a frock would probably agree that she doesn't look too shabby

Not everyone was sympathetic towards Sara's attempts to present herself as an 'average shmo', with 'average shmo' insecurities. Sara claimed to be distraught by an expanding backside, even dreaming about the area's growth – but if she thought she was going to get sympathy, she was wrong. Caroline, in particular, flipped out on several occasions, perceiving these gripes as plain insensitive. The two pals had a bit of an on-off friendship and one fine day decided to resolve their issues with a gladiator-style duel.

It took a few weeks for Sara to distinguish herself in this House of extroverts, but the lethal cocktail of alcohol andQueen love caused a succession of amusing outbursts. Lightweight Sara has given us a phrase we will never forget or understand; "swinging like a bear on a bumblestick". Please write in if you know what that means.


She caught Arron's eye â€“ and the model twisted himself in knots to get her attention, making a serial fool out of himself in the process. Sara could not be won, possibly because Arron was too ripped for her liking. She cooed to bouncer Chris in the early days "You're so cute... I like a bit of meat." If Arron wants her affection, he needs to get friendlier with calories.

In tasks, Sara proved a varied quantity, showing that she was too carefree to commit to grizzly tasks like cleaning. However, her performance in the Lying Lie Detector task validated to her fellow housemates' perception that she was a genuine person after all - quite a crown to win. And speaking of crowns, she wore said item when dressing as the Queen for the Letter Dilemmas task, and willingly sacrificed her eviction outfit in return (only to win it back in the Prizes in Limbo task), thus showing her relaxed nature.

What stood out about Sara is her gratefulness for her time in the House, and she was frequently heard saying how lucky she was to be part of housemate collective. So, in knowing that, even though she doesn't walk away as your winner tonight, we're sure she'll cherish her experience for a long time to come.




Day 70: Deana has finished third!


Miss India UK - our very own beauty queen, Deana Uppal - has left the Big Brother House, claiming third place.

After a rocky launch night in which she was forced to nominate three of her new housemates to gain immunity, things didn't get much easier for Deana and she often found herself somewhat on the outside of the group as a whole for the next three weeks. Things began to look up when Wildcard Becky entered the House, as the two immediately bonded and spent days hanging out together making friends. Unfortunately, Deana later learned that Becky had been assigned a secret Favourite Housemate taskand discovered that the  friendship was a sham from the off - Cue tears from both parties when the revelation was made. The two eventually settled the score, but never really grew close again, finding friction from time to time.

There were other conflicts elsehere as Deana found herself the subject of criticism and the occasional insult from The Insiders, and often on the harsh end of Arron's opinions when it came to tasks. Her relationship with the alleged cage-fighter was a complicated one, with the two of them fight-flirting when they infrequently spoke.

Deana also had to deal with a hard time from the likes of Conor, who was convinced she was double-dealing and conniving over his downfall, which was something of a mistaken belief. This rift was only partially healed during the Party Animals task, though it’s safe to say they’re never set to be BFFs.

However, it wasn't a completely rough time for Deana in the House. Her friendship with Lydia may have been riddled with a sense of self-preservation, but they had their fun moments. More recently, her friendship and dialogue with Adam and Luke A developed into a touchingly close threeway relationship, in which Deana often rallied her troops - or her 'soldiers' as she called them. The boys were happy to play along, joining in with her tongue-in-cheek prayers and letting her know when she was possibly taking her jokes too far.

Then there was her task-face, which varied depended on the mission in hand. Anything involving the mastication of spam gave us laughs aplenty, while elsewhere she shone when she was expected to dance for hours on end.

As time went by, and especially after Lydia left the scene early on, Deana began to emerge as a strong character. She stood up for herself in the face of some slightly intimidating situations, including a face-off with Luke S, in which she undeniably put him in his place after he accused her of being a phoney. As the days wound down, the worm turned completely. Deana had a ball giving Luke S a taste of his own medicine, pulling nicknames and mockery out of the hat as he wandered around dejected after his White Room trauma. Some of the audience felt she'd gone too far. Others found it hilarious.

So let's raise a toast to Miss Deana Uppal. She came, she floatted around looking wonderful, she refused to conform if it went against her principles and she weathered some harsh words with absolute grace - finding it within herself to fight back in style when enough became enough.

Respect, we think you'll agree, is most certainly due.





Day 70: Adam has finished second!


5 mins ago

He came to us straight outta Dudley (via Los Angeles) and now Adam Kelly's wandering through the front door of the Big Brother compound, claiming second place.

Striding in on launch night without any fear, Adam was initially accepted across the board by his fellow housemates. He formed a fond friendship with Shievonne, which threatened to spill over into a mild romance after he took her on a date(scuppered only by the fact BB had forced him to wear enormous papier mache hands for the occasion). Sadly this partnership was doomed the evening that Adam jokingly (and slightly awkwardly) proposed marriage to the former Playboy Playmate. His actions triggered a bad reaction from his newfound pal, and their relationship rapidly degenerated.

After a couple of rows with Shievonne, Adam's copy-book was slightly blotted and this made him vulnerable. He managed to get on the wrong side of resident gossip, Caroline, and was shuffled over to the Outsiders’ camp the moment the schism between those on the Inside and those on the Outside developed.

That's not to say Adam was ousted and beaten down from that point on. In The Outsiders camp he developed some of the closest friendships in the House. Firstly, there was his platonic relationship with Lauren, which provided some of the most heart-warming scenes in the series. His bromance with Luke A was a great watch, with the two of them offering a running commentary on House developments that was often so on point that it echoed exactly what the bulk of the audience were saying. And then, latterly, there was hisfriendship with Deana. Adam had always stuck up for The Outsiders’ outsider, and he eventually cemented his firm friendship with her and Luke A, after Lauren left a lady-shaped gap in the gang's dynamic.


The trio formed a gang jokingly dubbed 'The Soldiers' after Lauren's departure, and most of their evenings were spent putting the world to rights in the smoking area or the pool. He acted as  a good foil for Deana, often coming across like a Big Brother who brought her down when her latest campaign was on fire, advising her when to rein it in and, when it came to Luke A, he was the best BB buddy the man from Mold could have hoped to have met.

We salute Adam for many reasons. His wisdom often echoed like a pure current over the rumbling rows and remonstrations in the House. His gnomic responses when asked to comment on any disputes or disagreements often managed to capture the absurdity of all that was going on around him. He offered brilliant, reassuring advice when his pals were down in the mouth and he even led meditation sessions when he and his fellow soldiers were getting lost in a sea of doubt.

He was a tower of strength to those who were on his wavelength. As for the others, he'd 'kill them with kindness' rather than get himself embroiled in the latest screaming match - and that’s why we loved the big guy from Dudley.


Day 70: Luke A is the winner of Big Brother!


After 70 Days, thousands of rollies and diplomacy spiced up with the occasional withering zinger, our chef from Mold has left the House as your winner!

Luke A entered the Big Brother compound on launch night in an understated manner, keeping a low profile until the second day when he decided to let his fellow housemates in on his past, revealing he was born female. With that out of the way, he quickly became a viewer favourite, his down-to-earth and honest character proving to be a hit with the audience and most of the housemates alike.

Luke A's time in the House wasn't without its troublesome moments, mind you. His friendship with Adam and Lauren meant that he became a key member of The Outsider group, alienating him somewhat from the rest of the housemates – though he didn't seem fazed by the dip in popularity. Added to that, his rocky relationship with Luke S didn't help things.

Being a chef, he was frequently irritated when the other Luke took control of the shopping list, cooking duties and the kitchen in general. But not being a confrontational dude, he let it slide, taking his complaints to his Outsider pals instead. Apart from the infamous one on one with Becky, obviously. His relationship with the girl from Blackburn deteriorated further in his last week when the BMI comment he made under his breath was relayed back to Becky, causing all kinds of problems.

Caroline was another housemate Luke A complained about, with her back-stabbing infuriating him no end. The two made their peace eventually, though Caroline's parting gift of a week's shopping made up solely of heaps of chocolate and no precious tobacco did little to bolster that fragile truce.

Away from the negativity, Luke A's relationship with Adam and Lauren was central to his stay, with the threesome demonstrating genuine trust and loyalty as their time ticked by. Eventually Deana was welcomed into the Outsider fold, and during Lauren's last week in the House the four spent their evenings telling stories, cuddling, wrestling and joking with one another, long after The Insiders had gone to bed.

Luke A also had a mischievous side, coupled with a competitive streak when it came to tasks. Whenever a mission was announced, Luke A would go one of two ways -  absolute victory or complete sabotage.

When it came to the Diary Room, Luke A gave great one-on-one with Big Brother. Showing genuine emotion the night Benedict left, his chats with BB always showed us a kindly, thoughtful and special guy, sensitive to the House dynamic but reserved enough to rise above individual rows.

Luke A has always said that he didn't come in to win the show, but that he just wanted acceptance. Well, he's certainly got that and much, much more. We salute you Private Anderson!

Last edited by MrsH

Hi Mrs H well our girl didn't win but she sure did good to survive all those noms and several evictions  coming 3rd is no mean feat when we remember how many hm's there were, and she lasted longer than team nasty


Erin, Adam proved worthy of coming 2nd, a really nice man  and I wouldn't have minded if he'd won. Luke A is also a nice man and the winning will help to change his life. Overall our team won, the Outsiders, the soldiers, all worthy winners

Yellow Rose

Less than two million viewers tuned in to last night’s Big Brother 2012  final, making it the least watched ever.


The 90 minute show between 9PM and 10:30PM, which saw Luke A crowned winner, was watched by an average audience of  1.5 million viewers.

The show peaked with just 1.76 million viewers as the final result was  announced between Luke A and eventual runner up Adam Kelly by host Brian  Dowling.

The figures are down on last year’s final, which was watched by a then record  low of 2.05 million.

It’s a disappointing end to the series, which was up on last year’s first  Channel 5 run for the first month having launched with over 3 million viewers  back in June.

But the Olympics took their toll on the reality show, with less than 500,000  viewers – an all time low – watching Sunday’s penultimate instalment against the  closing ceremony.

Channel 5 will no doubt be hoping that the launch of Celebrity  Big Brother 2012 on Wednesday night will prove a bigger ratings  success.

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