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I see that someone stole Deana's chocolate.



Day 13: The chocolate files


8 mins ago


Deana is turning detective. Someone has been stealing her chocolate and in the Big Brother House this is quite a crime


After the episode of the missing epilator earlier in the week she has subjected most of the housemates to a serious grilling and is convinced someone is telling fibs.


Despite said hair removal machine being uncovered in Becky's drawer Deana has subjected everyone to a serious grilling and is pretty sure one of the boys is to blame.


She’s getting warm now - Arron is number one suspect and rightly so. That boy is definely not as Bieber clean as he looks. But is he working alone?


Perhaps once she has cleared this little mystery up she could turn her attentions to the case of Arron and the missing shirt.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Bye the noo erin  


I just read about Benedict and not nomming ,so back I came

  I do the same when I see a battle looming  

I think we will have "Chocolate gate"

On twitter  a few days ago 6.51pm: Arron said if he stays he is going to play games with Deana. Will he get the chance or should he teach Chris the rules?

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Day 13: Ticking time bomb task


The layered bomb contained prizes and punishments.

Benedict received a punishment and will not be nominating during tomorrow’s nominations.


He said he was pleased.




bit harsh for whoever got that one


nom banning should be for rule breaking not a forefit in a game 


didnt cause the drama they hoped for as well I guess  



7.04pm: Luke A is in the Diary Room enjoying his timebomb prize: tubs upon tubs of sweets and a candy-striped bag to put them in.

7.15pm: Becky has an interesting bunny rabbit fetish apparently - we've not heard of it before, but it sounds nice

7.35pm: A lot of biscuit eating in bed going on today - and they only just changed the sheets too!

7.36pm: Ashleigh's work out has inspired her to do another one... next year. 

7.47pm: Hair dying is back on the agenda - Scott seems nervous. A black stripe is being mentioned

Last edited by Scotty

Day 13: The chocolate files

3 hours ago

Deana is turning detective. Someone has been stealing her chocolate and in the Big Brother House this is quite a crime

After the episode of the missing epilator earlier in the week she has subjected most of the housemates to a serious grilling and is convinced someone is telling fibs.

Despite said hair removal machine being uncovered in Becky's drawer Deana has subjected everyone to a serious grilling and is pretty sure one of the boys is to blame.

She’s getting warm now - Arron is number one suspect and rightly so. That boy is definely not as Bieber clean as he looks. But is he working alone?

Perhaps once she has cleared this little mystery up she could turn her attentions to the case of Arron and the missing shirt.




Day 13: Gym buddies

1 hour ago

After the ticking Time Bomb Task, some of the housemates received punishments whilst others were given treats. As Adam wandered around with gargantuan hands and whilst Caroline recovered from having to eat a rather disgusting morsel, Luke S joined Ashleigh in enjoying the spoils of her good fortune. Our blossoming, on-off couple were provided with gym equipment and spent an hour getting sweaty in the garden.

Luke S probably put the most effort in, sweating pints as he worked out with some vigour. In fact, he was so lost in his muscle-flexing that he almost missed seeing Ashleigh, absorbed by the sight of her beau pumping iron, falling backwards off the treadmill in a nice little moment of slapstick.

Almost but not quite. He didn't waste time telling everyone about her unintended Lauren & Hardy routine.

'So cringe', was Lauren's response. But so touching! Another Lushleigh moment for you to cherish, if you're loving this particular coupling   



Ashleigh looks delighted with her newfound gym-buddy

Ashleigh's more focused on her work-out chum's bod than her exercise regime and slips backwards off the treadmill


Luke S has a chuckle at the Essex Girl's unintended slapstick

Luke S feels the burn as he pumps his pecs


Luke S ensured he made maximum use of the temporary gym equipment won in the Time Bomb Task

Last edited by Scotty

Day 13: Carot style gossip

1 hour ago

As Becky enjoyed a shower with Arron, over in the bedroom her name was being repeated on the lips of Carot (that's Caroline + Scott). Although Caroline has demonstrated a skill for blunt criticism (poor Chris has been called every name under the sun) when discussing wildcard Becky, she shows a talent for between-the-lines judgement.

It seems that Becky has been referring jokily to herself and Caroline as, "the ugly sisters of the House." Caz is not entirely thrilled to be included in this merry band of two. "Obviously, she's beautiful," said Caroline in an unconvincing monotone, before describing how the comparison is not assisting her already shaky body confidence.

Carot went on to discuss Becky's four year relationship. "I'm so jealous," said Caz. "If you've had a four year relationship then the world is your oyster." We're not entirely following that logic. It sounds a little like she's trying to balance out a potentially negative remark about Becky with a potentially positive one. Smart kid.

Becky may be a public favourite but she is certainly not flavour of the week in the House. Only yesterday, a group comprised of Carot, Ashleigh and Conor found fault with her eating and farting habits.



Day 13: Becky and Benedict’s bathroom barney

7 mins ago

It’s an area that’s remained untouched amongst housemates since Benedict first mentioned it, but his bathroom habits hit the House headlines today as he explained to the group his reasons for being so open about what he gets up to in the shower.

It didn’t go down too well.

But at least, in all their outrage, it gave Becky and Lydia a chance to bond. Scott, Caroline and Ashleigh all got involved too, expressing fury at the adult entertainer’s cubicle-based indiscretions, and they continued to discuss it in the bathroom while Benedict went off to do some chores.

Only Lauren took time out to talk more with our ex-schoolteacher and to let him know that she gets where he’s coming from. Shievonne kept out the way, the whole time, whilst Arron and Adam stood around looking comically awkward. Which is, to be honest, completely understandable given the circumstances.


Day 13: Becky and Benedict’s bathroom barney

2 hours ago

It’s an area that’s remained untouched amongst housemates since Benedict first mentioned it, but his bathroom habits hit the House headlines today as he explained to the group his reasons for being so open about what he gets up to in the shower.

It didn’t go down too well.

But at least, in all their outrage, it gave Becky and Lydia a chance to bond. Scott, Caroline and Ashleigh all got involved too, expressing fury at the adult entertainer’s cubicle-based indiscretions, and they continued to discuss it in the bathroom while Benedict went off to do some chores.

Only Lauren took time out to talk more with our ex-schoolteacher and to let him know that she gets where he’s coming from. Shievonne kept out the way, the whole time, whilst Arron and Adam stood around looking comically awkward. Which is, to be honest, completely understandable given the circumstances.


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