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Day 68: Sara’s impossible love


42 mins ago

Sara’s come out of a delightful sesh with a chap we didn’t even know she had her eye on. This guy makes her laugh and apparently knows how to give first-class chat.

"He’s so funny," cooed Sara to Luke A in the smoking area, "he has the best personality."

We hope he feels the same but sadly, it’s unlikely. Sara’s fallen for someone who may, for professional reasons, be unable commit to a future with Miss Edinburgh. It’s not her, it’s him... maybe in another time, another place...

You guessed it, Sara’s been bitten by none other than Big Brother.  She’s not the first housemate to have crushed hard on the eye-in-the-sky. Deana admitted to having inappropriate feelings for BB during the ‘Confessions’ task.

This is actually not so surprising. Big Brother does everything for these housemates – gives them food, parties and occasionally clothes.  And sure there are penalties but hello, ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’?

"Oh, he’s so fun that Big Brother, I love him," squealed Sara for the millionth time after a joyful Diary Room stint. Oh Sara, BB would do anything for love but he won’t do that.




Day 68: Luke who's talking now


23 mins ago

It pays to be the wrong side of popular sometimes. In the Big Brother House our Outsiders may have felt like the Insiders left them out of their playground games (while the public continued to show them support we hasten to add) but with three remaining, Insider stalwart Luke S is now finding himself floundering.

Floater Sara has managed to drift between the groups, occasionally raising a few eyebrows amongst the smokers but generally fitting in wherever she needs to.

Luke S however is not such a social chameleon. He sat out during most of the dancing at tonight’s party – clearly not a fan of any tunes from decades prior to the current one.

He appeared totally bemused by Sara's impassioned reaction to Meatloaf’s classic, 'I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)' – to be fair to him, the other three remaining housemates looked similarly shocked by her floor show and we thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle.

He did join in the group hug at the end of the boogie but his brow has spent much of tonight in a furrowed state.

His dinner with Deana was pretty sweet  but prior to that he had been exercising alone in the garden and taking it upon himself to clean out the freezer in a solo state. Perhaps it is just the fact that there are now less people to casually wander into the kitchen to watch him work that makes him look more lonely.

There are two more nights to go in the House.  In contrast to Luke S's discomfort, Luke A is in his element. This evening he has been letting off steam to his favourite Suede track, 'Animal Nitrate' and enjoying being surrounded by all the housemates in the smoking area while Luke S sits alone in the living room.

You can’t really blame him for looking a little smug – he has hasn't had an easy ride over the last nine weeks.  It would be lovely if the remaining five could find a game they all like to play to fill their final days.


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Thanks for all the updates another full day at the office for you  not long now though 

Thanks rose   I only do occasional BOTS like last night 


nearly caved in once or twice today - was too much LukeS - nearly there now 

I hope he doesn't get the sympathy vote lol, I still think he deserves to go out first. The dream man on BBOTS tonight said Deana would go out 4th nooooo

Yellow Rose

Day 68: The final dance


1 hour ago

What a day it's been. Everyone who woke up this morning knew they'd made the final and that was before success in the 'Train for Fame' task solidified the taste of winning. With BB laying on cocktail, canapes and what's more tunes as a reward for our final five, we were treated to hours worth of shape throwing, whether it was dad dancing or plain bad dancing the important thing was that the housemates put their backs and asses into it.

If you don't believe us here's some pictorial evidence.


Day 68: Scott and Ashleigh take over Twitter


36 mins ago

Call us crazy, call us mad but tonight we handed Ashleigh and Scott the reigns and let them takeover our Official BBUK Twitter account.

Between responding to a stream of personal texts on his mobile, Scott squealed with delight over the number of tweeters declaring their undying love to him. Ashleigh kept a cooler head, distracted for a time by live images of Luke S inside the House wearing a bracelet she gave him.

Take a look at some of the answers The Rapscallion and The Essex Lovebird gave in response to your questions...

Brennan Huff asked Ashleigh: What Task did you hate the most and why?

Ashleigh said: The Turf Wars 100 per cent was the worst. Sleeping on bin bags and eating stale bread and crystallised cheese was AWFUL!  

Simran asked Scott: Scott, will you try get with Arron at the finals since you found him fit?

Scott said: Oh absolutely. I will be trying to get with Arron at the final, he is my ideal man. Love you Arron!

Charles Ville asked: Who do you think will win?

Ashleigh said: Sara all the way. She’ll win.

Zamm Zamm Sultan asked Scott: Would you ever give Ash elocution lessons?

Scott said: We have started the elocution lessons darling. Ashleigh already sounds like the Queen!

Matthew Leon asked Ashleigh, What’s better, Lushleigh or Lush?

Ashleigh said: I love Lushleigh Matthew. Lush will be the name of our drink in our bar.

Kayleigh Peters asked Scott: What do you think of the soldiers?

Scott said: The soldiers? Cringe darling.

Olivia Aarons asked Ashleigh: Ashleigh I think your hair looks better brown but Luke S prefers it blonde. What do you think ?

Ashleigh said: Thank you very much Olivia. When I first dyed it brown it looked awful but now it looks ok. Blonde for me is more glam.

Holly Fayee asked Scott : Do you ever regret not going in The White Room?

Scott said: OMG not at all. Not going into The White Room was the best thing I never did.

Michael O’Neill asked: Do you think Sara seemed a bit lonely tonight?

Scott said: Sara seems a bit lonely yes, the poor darling. Can't wait to see her on Monday.

Aoife asked: Which evicted housemate would you have liked to see in the final.

Ashleigh said: Shievonne, 'Catherine' or Becky in the final.

Ashleigh also explained to us why she called Caroline ‘Catherine’. She said, “When she introduced herself I really thought her name was ‘Catherine’ so I kept calling her it. Three weeks later she came up to me and she was really laughing and she said, ‘You do know my name is Caroline, don’t you?’ I said I didn’t so I kept calling her ‘Catherine’ and it just stuck.”  So now you know.  

After an hour of non-stop tweeting we had to drag the pair kicking and screaming from the keyboard.

For more tweets from our ex-housemates Ashleigh and Scott and all the latest news, gossip and exclusive content from the Big Brother House, head to



Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Since Scott left he seems to have become a bit arrogant and full of himself, he obviously likes the attention he's getting

havnt read the last few bits - will save them for my morning cuppa 


Night Rose et al   has been a long day and bed is calling 


42 hours left I think 

Enjoy your morning read with a cuppa ...I always have a cuppa when catching up yes very long day and you've been extrememly busy so it's 42 hours and counting eh? when it's over we'll have to catch up on some sleep Night night, enjoy some happy dreams  and hopefully not about tweets

Yellow Rose

Day 68 round-up


1 hour ago

They awoke two housemates lighter but swaddled in the knowledge that all five of them had reached the final.

To cope with the glory this will bring, Day 68’s task took the form of media training with Bit on the Side press guru, Nina Myskow. The final five walked down imaginary red carpets, waved at imaginary fans and graciously (sort of) handled housemates they did not like. It was like watching baby birds spreading their wings and flying.

They all did well enough to win a Saturday night p-a-r-t-y but two in particular showed great aptitude for the celebrity lifestyle. Smoothies, Deana and Luke S were rewarded with a special dinner date. Fingers crossed, Ashleigh was too busy preparing for her duet with Scott on Bit on the Side to notice.

She doesn’t really have anything to worry about. As civilised as the date was, no sparks flew. Beforehand, Luke S acted like a man bereft, distracting himself with a sexy work-outthen, at the end of the day, nodded off with his arm round the empty spot where his girlfriend used to sleep. Not to worry, they’ll be reunited tomorrow.

Anyway, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Before any sleep took place, the housemates enjoyed their task rewards. Over cocktails and canapÃĐs, they watched a slide-show of House highlights. After some lol-ing and omg-ing it was time to take off all their clothes and shake it like a polaroid picture. Yes, Nelly and OutKast were among the artists to have their songs pumped into the House.

The music-starved housemates went wild although we noticed that, after getting over-excited about One Direction’s ‘You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful’, Luke S began to hang back, looking like a buff Billy-no-mates down the school disco. There’s been a bit of a power-shift in the Luke department...

The ever-caring Big Brother checked in with all our housemates by providing lengthy Diary Room sessions. Sara’s one seemed to involve a shot from Cupid ’s bow. As undeniably attractive as our model housemate is, we’re not sure this one’s got legs.

All in all, Day 68 was a pretty charming affair but let’s see how their last full day in the House works out. Is it that time already? Cripes.


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