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Day 12: Scott's heading for Soho


6 hours ago

A lovely spot of bonding in the kitchen this afternoon as Ashleigh and Scott spoke about where's good to go for a young single man like Scott in old London town.  And all whilst she painted his nails with a first-class treatment.

'To find a bloke is hard' said Ashleigh. 'Unless you go out in Soho'.

'Maybe I'll try it then. Will I love it?'

'Yeah' said Ashleigh, without hesitating.

'You need to take me' he replied.

'You'll have such a great time', Ashleigh promised, hinting at a future night out for the pair of them in London's West End.

But will Old Compton Street be able to cope? The combination of potty-mouthed Ashleigh and suave and flirtatious Scott, let loose on the streets of W1 might be too much to take. We suggest you wear a crash helmet if you venture out on the night of their mate-date.




Day 12: Becky the adult entertainer?


5 hours ago

You always wonder where the housemates will end up once they’re given the boot from the Big Brother House. But we’ve just discovered where Becky’s career may be heading...

It’s official: Becky is going to become an adult entertainer.

Not really. Don’t let your minds wander that far just yet.

However, after her chat with Benedict this evening, it might not be as far-fetched as you might think.

The whites in Becky’s eyes lit up as she interrogated Benedict about his mysterious career.

β€œHow did it come about?”

β€œI had a profile online with naked butler pictures. An adult production company contacted me saying they’d seen my pictures on line and wondered if I was interested in trying out.”

She looked immediately intrigued, and we like to imagine her writing down mental notes in her head as Benedict spoke... β€˜Step 1: do naked french maid shoot’.

Could we see Becky featuring in some particularly promiscous pictures in future?



Day 12: House of gossip


9 hours ago

After the excitement of last night's eviction and on top of the fun and games surrounding the day's Dance Off task, there's been a mountain of gossipy chitter-chatter amongst housemates today. So much so that it's difficult to keep track. A spider diagram of who's gossiping about who would be a technical impossibility. You couldn't draw that many legs.

The house was split into two for the party in the evening, but even before that, Caroline, Conor, Scott and Ashleigh were discussing their likely nominations come Monday.

Benedict was in the frame for some, mainly because of his ghastly bathroom habits. Luke A was mentioned, primarily because he's so damned quiet in this selection of housemates' collective opinion. But the main name on this little gaggle's lips was Becky. And this was for various reasons, including the fact that she breaks wind with merry abandon, but also because she eats all the cereal - facts not helped by the fact that she is, to their eyes, a 'fake'.

Later on, as half the housemates partied and the others sat in the bedroom, the gossip started going around in circles. Ashleigh gossiped about Lauren. Lauren gossiped about Arron. And Arron was being gossiped about by Lydia.

It's like a spiralling, relentless, whirlpool of behind-the-backery in there, and it's likely to break out above ground any day now. Strap yourselves in.






Day 12: Round up



1 hour ago

It was the day on which we learned which Hollywood stars housemates would cast to play them in their own biopics, with some very interesting conclusions arrived at. And it was also the day in which the gang became involved in an epicDance Off task, resulting in a vast amount of thrown shapes and a dizzying amount of shimmying.

Aside from all that activity, the group found time to divide itself up and gossip the other parts of the day away, including a lovely little backstabbing session from Adam and Lydiaamongst other moments of sniping and sneering. Thankfully, to lighten the mood between the bouts of nomination talk, there was a good-spirited pillow fight and a chocolate spreadconfrontation. And then there was the Dance Off itself, which provided plenty of laughs and some surprisingly adept hip-shaking from some of the housemates.

Whilst the winners of the dance off task celebrated victory, the losers found time to air their sour grapes for each others benefit. As the party faded out, and as some of the group attempted to get some kip, Conor and Arron bounded around in pimp outfits left over from the party, and it seemed they'd never get to bed. The party may wind down, but it seems it never ends. Long may it continue.





9.48am: Luke S is up and in his onesie. Shievonne has put her sunglasses on but is showing no signs of shifting from her bed

10.01am: Big Brother had enough. Alarms were sounded. Sara and Caroline are out of bed. The rest are staying put. Lazy bones

10.06am: Becky is having a baby wipe wash. Does she think she's at a festival? Luke S just cleaned the bath so there's no excuse

a reminder of the link!/BBUKLive 

if anyone wants to read or jump in and do a little copy and paste 

off to prep tonights  family dinner  




Day 13: Who is the housemates' favourite housemate?

24 mins ago

Before they entered the House, we asked our housemates who their favourite ever Big Brother housemate was. Brian Dowling proved a popular choice but there was a clear winner.

Housemates had plenty of time on their hands when they were in hiding pre-BB launch and we have plenty more questions and answers to come.

Who is your favourite Big Brother housemate?

Adam β€“ Frankie Cocozza

Arron β€“ N/A

Ashleigh β€“ Nikki Grahame

Becky β€“  Nikki Grahame

Benedict β€“ Brian Belo

Caroline β€“ Ben Duncan

Chris β€“ Alex Reid

Conor β€“ Jay McKray

Deana β€“ Makosi Musambasi

Lauren β€“ Nikki Grahame

Luke A β€“ Mark Henderson

Luke S β€“ Frankie Cocozza

Lydia β€“ The Shannon Twins

Sara β€“ Amy Childs

Scott β€“ Corin Forshaw

Shievonne β€“ Brian Dowing

Victoria  - Brian Dowling


Day 13: Ashleigh and Luke S name the kids

1 hour ago

We haven’t seen much love action between Ashleigh and Luke S so far today but she has been telling anyone who will listen about their plans for the future.

Big Brother 2011 housemates Jay and Louise tied the knot this year and if Ashleigh’s talk is anything to go by, Big Brother may need to buy a new hat.

Luke S was snuggled up in bed with Arron last night but we can put this down to the fact Ashleigh doesn’t like, "getting it on with everyone watching."

We know they talked kids on their first night together and Ashleigh has revealed just what they would be calling their offspring.

She said, "We were talking about babies and family. He wants a big family and I want four or five.  We would have babies and everything and tell our babies we met in the Big Brother House.

"We’ve got names. Olivia, Rupert and Ocean."

The pair have a gym session planned for this afternoon. Things could get very hot and sweaty.



Day 13: Ticking time bomb task

23 mins ago

Big Brother became the Roadrunner to the Arron's Wile E Coyote this afternoon when he was called to the diary room and handed a comedy ticking time bomb task.

The layered bomb contained prizes and punishments. Housemates who peeled back a golden layer received a treat, those who got a black layer took a forfeit which had to be completed to guarantee the prize winners were rewarded.

He passed the bomb to Conor who picked up a takeaway for two with karaoke. Conor asked Arron to be his guest.

Benedict received a punishment and will not be nominating during tomorrow’s nominations. He said he was pleased.

Luke A picked up a trip to the candy shop and Sara will be rolling up her sleeves when she starts her new job as the House cleaner.

Shievonne got a goody – a date with the housemate of her choice. She picked Adam. This should be interesting - he got a punishment and has to wear giant hands for the rest of the day.

Ashleigh took the chance to make Luke S sweat after picking up a gym session and choosing him to join her.

The housemate who really bombed out was Caroline who had to eat a fish eye or risk fellow housemates’ wrath. The poor pet who has admitted to loving her grub, flipped out when faced with this delicacy but eventually located her stiff upper lip and downed it in one.



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