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Day 68: Today's task


12 mins ago

Get set for today’s task because it's currently going down in the garden! 

It's going to involve a little media training for our remaining housemates as they get ready for leaving the cosy environs of the House.

Adam, Deana, Luke A, Luke S and Deana will all be trained in how to deal with their newfound fame by media guru and Bit On The Side regular, Nina Myskow.

Nina will be giving our finalists a one-on-one session this morning, speaking to them about their strengths and weaknesses, showing them clips to demonstrate examples. Prepare for a wealth of cringe-faces as they watch their own performances back with the benefit of hindsight – and remember Nina's got a rep for refusing to take prisoners!

Later on, Nina will give all housemates a group session in general media training. She'll take them through a series of exercises and role-plays demonstrating how the housemates should deal with a variety of situations. She'll show the gang how to perfect their wave when they leave the Big Brother House and help them work on their gracious 'winner' or 'loser' face.

At the end of the session, if Nina judges that all Housemates have successfully Trained For Fame, they'll pass their task and be treated to a cocktail and canapÃĐs party.


What better way to celebrate their status as our final five?





Day 68: Five happy housemates


23 mins ago

Last night saw the housemates make their way through what was rather a big evening.

Having endured a double eviction that saw Scott and Ashleigh depart the House, our finalists woke to an alarm which was quickly followed by an announcement from Big Brother. But this wasn't the usual information about microphone battery replacements or areas of the House being inexplicably out of bounds. It wasn't ominous news of the latest gruelling task either. Instead, BB congratulated Adam, Deana, Luke A, Luke S and Sara for making it to the final five. Positive vibes to kick off a sunny day.

Our friends are coming down from last night's madness – which included watching a live episode of Bit On The Side through the patio doors – in their own individual ways. Sara jumped out of bed to apply make-up, tootling through her memories of last night, getting particularly excited about hearing her pal Kirsty on the phone. Deana also spoke about all the interesting footage they were shown, and asked lots of questions as she tried to piece together the past few weeks. Luke S was slightly more detached than the rest, but still smiling despite copping flak last night for that 'agent' talk he had weeks ago. Luke A was grinning and a smile still remains on his face. It's unlikely to leave until Monday, in fact. And as for Adam? Well, to put it mildly, Adam was buzzing.

The Dudley dude's on cloud nine, wandering around the house freestyling a few lines here and there - "If they hate it, they hate it - but we still here, yo" – wondering when he'll get his hands on a quality cigar and even taking some time out to create his own chat format. Improvising "The AK Show" with Luke A, he made a slightly wooden host, but his enthusiasm was pretty infectious.

As Deana and Luke S make a job of getting the House back in order, the freshness of the bungalow echoes the newfound spirit of happiness that's sweeping through the walls this morning.

It'd be hard to argue that they haven't got a right to be this happy. They're our 2012 finalists, after all.


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