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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all  



Morning Scotty  et all  


will try and get here asap today but maybe not until this evening - will catch thread up if you have to go off as well   RL gets in the way sometimes but we have done well up to now 


Morning MrsH  


Not sure how long I can be here for today either but between us I`m sure we`ll manage. I`m having a keyboard problem, it won`t let me correct errors keeps saying "do you want to leave this page?" Iso I`ll aaah  so I`ll keep this short. I`m going to swt aah switch off for now and see if I can fix it. I`ll be back later. Have a good day MrsH, I`ll catch you later    


Morning Aimee  


Be back in a bit......  


Day 66: All apologies

1 hour ago

Sticks and stones may break bones but words can also hurt you. Particularly if you are a Big Brother housemate having your every conversation scrutinized...

After last night's Nommy Awards, Luke A felt like he needed to do some apologising to Sara, explaining; "I hope you are not too upset that I called you a predator. The experience I’ve had with sexy ladies in the past is that they are dangerous."

Sara was gracious in her response, replying; "I can keep going on and on. I consider you one of my best friends in the House now, and anyway, you said I looked good."

Deana has also been busy building bridges, making up with Adam after being rude about him, saying; "I am really sorry about what I said. It didn’t even make sense. I feel silly. You didn't do anything wrong, I don’t know what I was thinking. One of us might be leaving tomorrow and I don’t want us leaving in a bad way."

Adam accepted her apology, adding; "I respect you for saying that."

Sara has also been starting to regret her displays of allegiance to the Queen, worrying that people in Scotland will think she wanted to be English.

Ashleigh reassured her by explaining that she is part of the United Kingdom and adding; "we are all together in this circle of life..." How very warm and fuzzy.



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