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Big Brother 2012: 67 complain to Ofcom over Conor's ÂĢ50k win


Conor [Big Brother 2012)



67 viewers have complained to TV watchdog Ofcom over last Friday’s Big Brother.


The latest live show saw Conor walk away with a ÂĢ50,000 prize, which many viewers branded “disgusting”.


Some claimed that by awarding Conor the money, Big Brother was condoning bullying.


However Conor won the money in a head to battle with Luke S after the pair managed to stay for the longest in the White Room.


The duo were shown a screen with an ever increasing cash amount, and told they had one minute to press the button.


The first to do so would then win the amount of money on the screen, but would have to walk out of the house.


Conor pipped Luke S at the last second to win the prize, walking out in his White Suit with a case of cash.


Ofcom will decide whether or not the complaints warrant investigation in due course.


The TV watchdog has already launched three investigations into this series, including Conor’s rant against Deana back in June.


Day 65: Big Brother throws the nom amongst the pigeons


9 mins ago

After last week's ructions and craziness, things had just started to calm down in the House. Yes, Deana and Ashleigh have had a couple of spats, and there's no love lost between the Lukes, but things seemed to have calmed down somewhat.

Deciding that that makes for dull viewing, Big Brother threw the cat amongst the pigeons by hosting the 2012 Nommy Awards, an awards ceremony honouring the housemates' nomination tactics and behaviour. Of course, this entailed showing the housemates footage of nominations...

The first award, for nominating the same housemate the most times, saw Deana subjected to a montage of Luke S nominating her, followed by Ashleigh watching her nominations from Adam. Both were clearly a bit taken aback and offended, though Deana took it really well, and Ashleigh seemed more concerned that she looked "disgusting" in the footage.

Big Brother knew that in showing the nominations, and allowing a rare chance for housemates to openly discuss nominations past, there would be repercussions. Bad BB!


The revelation that Luke S and Luke A have nominated each other the most times, is unsurprising but does seem to have deepened the valley of silence between the two.

Deana is probably the most affected by the revelations: since the Nommy Awards saw her receive the Public Enemy award for most nominated housemate (with 31 nominations) she has been very quiet and withdrawn, even abandoning the other soldiers to have some very quiet alone time.

Admittedly, the housemates had to do face-to-face nominations earlier in the series, but there's a world of difference between what you say to someone's face, and what you say behind their back in the safety of the Diary room.

We suppose that only time can tell, but right now there definitely seems to be a bit of hostility bubbling under the surface. All we can do now is wait for the inevitable fallout from this task... 

Originally Posted by MrsH:


I still think Scot will be going Rose 


The Tweeter will be tapping his fingers to sign off at 2 but I am not waiting for his good night tonight 


Night all  

I'd prefer Scott to be in the final over Sara as he makes me laugh, she doesn't. But my allegiance is to the Soldiers


Thank you Scotty and Mrs H. for all the tweets and vids, have enjoyed them all not too long now till you both get your normal life back night night, sleep well l

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:


Thank you Scotty and Mrs H. for all the tweets and vids, have enjoyed them all not too long now till you both get your normal life back night night, sleep well l

Thanks Rose and nite 


cant wait - my house and garden have been neglected and to top it all I have Family coming to stay on Monday   gonna have to grab a few hours over the weekend in readiness 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:


Thank you Scotty and Mrs H. for all the tweets and vids, have enjoyed them all not too long now till you both get your normal life back night night, sleep well l

Thanks Rose and nite 


cant wait - my house and garden have been neglected and to top it all I have Family coming to stay on Monday   gonna have to grab a few hours over the weekend in readiness 

Well I don't spend time like you and other LUTer's do finding all the tweets and vids but have to admit I've also neglected some things just to keep up with what's happening in the house lol.  I've noticed on HL's certain clips that are much shorter than are shown in the vids posted, so I learn more through the vids and tweets than HL's lol. If your family don't watch BB I hope they can find something else to do on Monday so you can watch the Final, no waaay do you deserve to miss that after all your hard work  Wishing you a peaceful night sleep 

Yellow Rose

Day 65 round-up

44 mins ago

On the last EVER Wednesday in the House (yes, we will probably mention this every day until the final), the housemates evoked their playful sides – which was a nice treat.

We had a bit of bonding over a human's best friend - the canine. Luke S gave girlfriend Ashleigh a make-over and the girls got involved in a catwalk class, courtesy of Sara's extensive experience in the field. Have they finally learnt to enjoy their final week? We do hope so – we actively encourage more of this care-free behaviour, particularly after the hours of bitching we've had to endure up until now. Free love, yeah.

Although the housemates generally seemed more relaxed than previous days, the ghosts of housemate past reared its ugly head, as Deana, Luke S and Adam discussed the mistakes they'd made since being in the House. But hey, getting to the final is no mean feat – they should be giving themselves kudos for getting so far. And if they won't, we will. kudos - There we did it.

Yesterday also saw another Big Brother 2012 final – the last ever food delivery. It was an area that often caused many a heated word, but as the final shopping bag was delivered, it was evident that they had saved the best until last - tuna chunks in brine and hot dogs. Let the good times roll...

In the evening, the hottest, most glamorous event of the year came to town – yep you guessed it, The Nommy Awards 2012. Dressed up to the nines, the housemates attended the glitzy event in the living room where gongs for the best, and worst, nominations were handed out. With trophies for 'Public Enemy' and 'Kiss of Death', they were destined to raise a few eyebrows. And that they certainly did.

Luke S was the man of the evening, collecting three awards - the 'Nemesis', 'Close Shave' and 'Broken Record' award. As a treat for racking up so many gongs, he received a VIP after party with his three favourites; Ashleigh, Sara and Scott, which included a slap-up meal cooked by a Michelin star chef. Needless to say, the soldiers were not at all jealous, nope not one bit...

There was a bit of fall-out out from the Nommys, but that was to be expected considering the housemates love any opportunity for a little moan. However, they didn't care enough to berate into the hours, instead choosing an early night. Probably for the best.

But what will happen on the last ever Thursday in the Big Brother House (sorry, we did warn you...)? We can't wait to find out.



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