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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi Scotty and Mrs H thanks for the updates I hope the recent neg stuff about Deana doesn't lose all her supporters, I want all the soldiers in the final Scotty is your son going on a holiday to NZ, or emigrating, I know people who've done both and they love NZ

Hi Rose  thanks  


As far as I`ve seen over on DS, Deana`s supporters are sticking by her 

I want all the soldiers in the final too   but want Deana to win 


Master Scotty and his gf are going to NZ for a year maybe two. If they like it they`ll considering emigrating. Good to hear that you know people that love it there Rose  

There's different reasons why I'd be happy for any of the soldiers to win but I keep putting Deana just that bit ahead


It will be very hard I bet to see Scotty jnr leave, thankfully these days there's free Skype so you can see and talk to him as well as email to keep in regular contact. Some young are so adventurous aren't they, it will be a great experience

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi Scotty and Mrs H thanks for the updates I hope the recent neg stuff about Deana doesn't lose all her supporters, I want all the soldiers in the final Scotty is your son going on a holiday to NZ, or emigrating, I know people who've done both and they love NZ

Hi Rose  thanks  


As far as I`ve seen over on DS, Deana`s supporters are sticking by her 

I want all the soldiers in the final too   but want Deana to win 


Master Scotty and his gf are going to NZ for a year maybe two. If they like it they`ll considering emigrating. Good to hear that you know people that love it there Rose  

There's different reasons why I'd be happy for any of the soldiers to win but I keep putting Deana just that bit ahead


It will be very hard I bet to see Scotty jnr leave, thankfully these days there's free Skype so you can see and talk to him as well as email to keep in regular contact. Some young are so adventurous aren't they, it will be a great experience

She might be a pain in the neck sometimes but Deana`s got character. Look at what she`s been through and she`s still standing strong. There`s not many would be able to do that. She fiesty    and she can be very funny    


It`s not going to be easy without Master Scotty but I want him to live his life to the full, like any parent would   

Yes, thank goodness for Skype Rose. It`s going to make missing him much easier.

They`re looking forward to their new adventure, nervous but excited.     


She might be a pain in the neck sometimes but Deana`s got character. Look at what she`s been through and she`s still standing strong. There`s not many would be able to do that. She fiesty    and she can be very funny   


I agree and I'd like Conor, Caroline and Ash to see that despite what they think of her the supporters think differently

Yellow Rose


Day 65: The reality of Lushleigh3 hours ago                                                      
"This time next week we’ll be out of here," remarked Luke S. Can’t fault his calculations, but can he put a number on the days his relationship will last outside? He and Ash have never exactly been peas in a pod but do Lushleigh have enough in common to make it once they leave the Big Brother stage?

The current signs are mixed...

"I wanna go on holiday," said Ash, not for the first time. Her insatiable desire to hit Ibiza and soak up the rays of its superior sun is well-documented. But Luke S had more practical concerns.

When he gets out of the House he needs to check on his own house then go to the bank. Exciting. Although he has the body of a ripped young thing, we are coming to realise that Luke S has the personality of a stuffy old man. This is most evident when he’s bellowing 'Ashleigh', brow furrowed, after she’s done something irresponsible.

Of the tedious chores her boyf' has planned for next week, Ash asked; "can’t you get your mum to do it?" While we admire her for revving up the ol’ ideas factory, this is the suggestion of a shameless woman-child. If she and Luke S stay together, he could potentially find himself wearing the hat of both lover and carer. Not wildly appealing.

But there is a ray of hope for the pair... Luke S has always been Mr Domestic, darning clothes, cleaning and grooming his fellow housemates. Ash has a less consistent track record but has been upping her game on these fronts recently. Having spent hours cleaning the bedroom earlier in the week, today, she whipped up lunch  then spent a leisurely half hour massaging her lover's back, using a range of techniques, includes the power of her butt.

We don’t want to read too much into this, but if being with Luke S is causing the gal from Essex to attempt self-improvement then it's a healthy sign, really, truly.


Day 65: The final food delivery

52 mins ago

Grub's up! The final shopping order has arrived and the boys with the chalk – Adam, Luke A and Luke S – are pretty pleased with their performance. They even managed to come in under budget - ÂĢ4.77 under the ÂĢ150 limit.

Luke S was chuffed to discover they had even been some offers on products, meaning his original 16 pack of crisps had become a 22 packer – the stuff of dreams.

The smokers skipped merrily into the garden with their new haul and Deana pondered whether you could make a dish using eggs and chicken – we have no idea which would come first. Luke A told her she could eat whatever she liked.

Here's what will be sustaining our remaining housemates for the rest of their time in the House...


Bananas Loose



Cucumber (whole )

Lettuce  (iceberg)

 Unsmoked Back Bacon

Pork Sausages

Smoked Salmon (Scottish) Slices

Olive Spread

Mature Cheddar (Caledonian)

Full Fat Milk


Skimmed Milk

Half a Dozen Free Range Eggs (medium)

Frozen Cheese Pizza

Frozen Pepperoni Pizza

Frozen Ham & Pineapple Pizza

Baked Beans

Tinned Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce

Chicken and Mushroom Noodles



Brown Loaf

White Loaf

Variety Pack of Crisps

 Tobacco Leaf

Light Cigarettes

Menthol Cigarettes

Free Range Chicken Boneless Breast Fillets

Cheap Tuna Chunks In Brine

Ye Old Oak Hot Dogs

Sara is pretty confident Big Brother will be presenting them with a few slap up meals before the week is out, but even if not they should be well-fed. Probably best not to let Deana near the kitchen though...



Day 65: A housemate like you

22 mins ago

"The entire world’s a House and we only housemates," Shakespeare famously said, or would have, if only reality TV had taken off during Elizabethan times.  

It's Day 65 in the Big Brother House and the remaining seven housemates have become suspiciously calm, to the point where they're a bunch of shy and retiring violets.

Lushleigh are spending most of their time being lovey-dovey with Luke S fulfilling his DMQ (daily manliness quota) by crunching numbers with the male soldiers and Ashleigh fulfilling her GMQ (girlfriend material quota) with massages, cleaning and cooking.

The Soldiers (Luke A, Adam and Deana) have been channelling 'lazy sixth former' chic, lying around getting opinionated about the work of M. Night Shyamalan. As for The Floaters, Scott's been focusing on his hair and Sara's been providing a steady stream of white noise.

We know there's more to them all but then who amongst you hasn't undergone a personality clamp-down in exceptional circumstances?

We're less than a week away from one of them walking away with ÂĢ50,000. When the stakes are much lower than this, think an interview or meeting a new person for the first time, it's normal to become introverted with your mind telling you repeatedly, 'don't screw this up'. Although it's frustrating that housemates aren't prancing around making nail biting TV, it's understandable that they've opted to take a collective chill pill. A rash move could be the most costly one they ever make.

And as much as we take pride in our ability to gently mock them, we must doff our caps and accept that this quietude equates to sensibility proving that the housemates are not invented personalities but people, like all of us.  

However they – like us – should remember not to take restraint to the point of repressing their identities. No one likes a colourless tool.

This brings us neatly to the question at the heart of Big Brother. Who is 'being themselves' and who 'has a game plan'? We hate to spoil your fun (actually, we enjoy it a tad) but the line between the two is virtually non-existent. Put simply, Big Brother is a personality contest, just like much of life is a personality contest.

Even confrontational people, like evicted housemates Benedict and Lydia, who seem like they’re marching to their own drums are playing a personality contest. They've just decided, controversially, that they're only playing for the approval of a select crew. This is a high-risk game plan because the more selective you are, the smaller your fan base – or in normal terms – friendship circle. Edgy characters are divisive, in BB and out.

So what does it take to win Big Brother and why were  Adam, Arron, Ashleigh, Becky, Benedict, Caroline, Conor, Chris, Deana, Lauren, Luke A, Luke S, Lydia, Sara, Scott, Shievonne and Victoria willing to leave all that's familiar in order to be watched 24 hours a day as part of a social experiment?

This impulse feels alien to many of us but when you think about it, winning Big Brother is a validation of your character, a mass decision that you deserve good fortune. Is there anyone out there who wouldn’t benefit from such a profound and lucrative pat on the back?


Day 65: The Nommy Awards

31 mins ago

As we speak (write?) Big Brother has invited the housemates to the Nommy Awards, an exclusive awards ceremony the likes of which Elstree has never seen.

The housemates will dress up in their gladrags to attend the ceremony in the living area, where they will be rewarded special Nommy statues and give acceptance speeches to the other housemates.

The winner of the Nommy Awards will be the one who receives the most statues, and they will be awarded a special tasty meal, with three housemate guests of their choice, cooked by a Michelin-stared chef. Check back later to see who gets this tasty treat.

The award categories are...

Kiss Of Death Award
The Housemate who has successfully nominated the most evicted housemates.

Under The Radar Award
For least nominated housemate

Public Enemy Award
Most nominated Housemate

Nemesis Award
For the two Housemates to have nominated each other the most

Close Shave Award
For housemate who has nearly been up for eviction the most often.

Broken Record Award
For the housemates that has nominated the same housemate every week.

Best Hair and Makeup
For the Housemate that was consistently best groomed when nominating  

Special achievement award: Worst nominator
For the Housemate who just can’t make up their mind.


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