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Day 64: Fibs and food fight


57 mins ago

The Big Brother Museum task trundles on with the exhibitions continuing to dupe curators, Sara and Scott, into thinking that they're standing on show at all times. But in the words of our dear departed Becky, are they 'eck!

They're actually living it up in the secret chamber, only leaving when an inspection is due. And the added bonus? Every time they return, they find that Big Brother has upped the ante in the treat stakes. 

So far they've received a room full of sweeties, a massage chair, pool table, a revitalising oxygen mask treatment, make-up station, protein shakes and a dinner party - the list is endless. Not bad considering they originally thought it was an endurance task.

In keeping with the task rules, the exhibitions have been making sure they lay it on thick when in the presence of the curators. They've done an excellent job of looking forlorn and playing the martyr - natural deceivers you could say. And Sara and Scott have bought it hook, line and sinker...

"You're doing an amazing job, I wouldn’t be able to do it," Sara sympathetically encouraged. "Just think of all the food and cigarettes".

Oh but they are, Sara...

The exhibitions have so much food, that they've even been able to waste some in a giant food fight.

"How have we gone this long without a food fight?" Luke A exclaimed. How indeed - it wouldn't be Big Brother without the classic 'spur of the moment' fray.

If only Sara and Scott knew what they were really up to behind closed doors. If only...


12.47am: The topic in the kitchen for , Sara and Scott at the moment is fake tanning. High brow! 

1.01am: Adam's preparing for bed. Luke A's in the pool. Sara and Ashleigh are smoking. Luke S is talking to BB and Scott's dozing.

1.16am: Deana is telling Scott about the oxygen masks in the secret chamber. Talk about rubbing it in.

1.31am: Luke S is talking about face treatments he has known and loved. Ashleigh looks fascinated. 


1.34am: Scott: "If I had a deskjob I'd just be on Facebook all the time. Or asleep". Potential employers: take note.

1.41am: Adam and Luke A are hanging out in the Smoking Area. They're going to miss these evenings together, aren't they?

1.53am: Scott's doing some play-acting in the bedroom.

1.58am: We'll leave Adam and Luke A puffing away in the Smoking Area.

See you tomorrow for Day 65, 


Day 64: Night after the museum


7 hours ago

After Scott and Sara rumbled our mischievous museum exhibits (and that won't make any sense whatsoever unless you're up to speed with The Big Brother Museum task), the bad news of an economy budget for their final week hit the housemates.

The reaction could have been worse. Our beloved final seven aren't exactly over the moon about their misfortune, but they're not exactly livid either. It's not surprising, really. Five of them – Adam, Ashleigh, Deana, Luke A and Luke S – had what was essentially a day of partying and are probably shattered after all the pool games, feasting and food-fighting. Sara and Scott have more right to be annoyed having essentially put in a nine hour shift, with the fruits of their labour being a weaker diet than they might have expected.

Perhaps it was this setback that provoked their Floater on Floater mini-argument that kicked off around the midnight hour. As the twosome sat at the kitchen table enjoying some refreshments, courtesy of BB, Luke S and Ashleigh asked Scott what he fancied doing with his 2:1 in history. The lad from Macclesfield said he'd rather like to take up Chihuahua breeding for a living. Failing that, he said he'd be quite interested to investigate the slightly seedier world of being an operator on one of those kinds of phone lines. The naughty ones, for a very niche kind of audience.

Sara was disgusted and let Scott know in no uncertain terms. It didn't phase our friend from the North, but in a House now echoing with the loss of the majority of its inhabitants, the discussion couldn't help but take centre stage.

Where were those Outsider soldiers throughout? 

We'd give you three guesses, but you'd probably get it first time. That's right, friends! They were outside the whole time.



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