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Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all  


Thanks for all you hard work MrsH and erin    


Sorry I haven`t been around to help, I`m busy busy busy with Master Scotty leaving for NZ this Saturday. I can take over today and I`ll be here when I can during the rest of the week.  


Put your feet up MrsH    





I dont know about feet up but have a few things to catch up on 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all  


Thanks for all you hard work MrsH and erin    


Sorry I haven`t been around to help, I`m busy busy busy with Master Scotty leaving for NZ this Saturday. I can take over today and I`ll be here when I can during the rest of the week.  


Put your feet up MrsH    





I dont know about feet up but have a few things to catch up on 



Catch you later then MrsH    


Day 64: Silence is not golden

19 mins ago

It's been an exceptionally slow morning, even by this bunch's standards.  It was so quiet that the thunking sound of Sara's unusual hair-curling technique rang out like the footsteps of an approaching dinosaur.

Why so serious, housemates?

Well, we've got some theories... one theory, hear us out.

It's exactly one week until the final. The thing that everyone in that House has been playing for is close enough to smell and no one wants to jeopardise their position. The safest way to guard against rogue acts of anti-social behaviour is to keep one's peace. Adam knew it from day one, Shievonne knew it but didn't have the restraint to, as she said to Chris, "keep it cute and keep it mute" and now it seems the remaining seven know it.

This morning we've seen Luke A and Adam cleaning the kitchen, Scott reading his letter from home before joining the cleaning crew, Lushleigh in each other's arms staring blankly into space and Sara and Deana making themselves up with wordless intensity. Our minds are so numbed that we've been using them as an ice box. Let's hope Big Brother is equally displeased with this silent solidarity otherwise this is going to be one long week...


Day 64: The Museum Task

4 mins ago

he Big Brother Museum will open its doors today with housemates challenged to make a show of themselves.

It’s a shopping task and BB has told the housemates that five of them will be exhibits and must stand still and in silence in order to pass the task. The remaining two will be security guards and it will be their job to inspect the statue-like housemates when a red light on their desk flashes, noting down any movements. They will remain in the outside the museum when not inspecting.

If the security guards fail to do their job to Big Brother’s satisfaction, housemates will spend their last week on an economy food budget.

Sounds exciting doesn’t it? What do you mean not really....

That’s because Big Brother is only telling the security guards half the story.   They have been called to the Diary Room, leaving the remaining five to learn the truth of the task....

Stay tuned to the website to uncover the truth behind this curious curation caper.  


Who nominated who...


Ashleigh is first into the diary room. She nominates Deana and brands her as “sneaky and “snidey”. “I just don’t like her” Ashleigh tells Big Brother. Her second nomination is for Adam. She feels that Adam became snappy at her when Ashleigh said that she wasn’t bothered about the prize money being halved: “To me money isn’t everything. It’s about the experience. If I was bothered about the money then I would go on a game show” she claims. In addition, Ashleigh feels that Adam talks in riddle and can be very manipulative.

Deana nominates Ashleigh branding her as “selfish” and “two faced”. Deana believes that she has tried her best to be friends with Ashleigh but Ashleigh cannot let things go: “Even when I burnt toast she had to go and tell the others. I told her it was the toaster that burnt the toast – not me”. Deana also tells Big Brother that Ashleigh does not respect fellow housemate’s belongings: “She always borrows my shoes and never looks after them. She never lends anyone anything of her own” she says. Her second nomination is for Scott. Deana’s main reason for this nomination is that Scott has attempted to have several conversations with her since Conor and Becky have left the house and claims that he is acting differently as they approach the final. “It’s too late, he should have done it weeks ago” she tells Big Brother.

Approaching the diary room Scott cannot find his shoes. “O God, you can’t see your feet in there can you?” he asks Adam. Seemingly flustered, Scott tells Big Brother to wait while he moisturizes his face.

After some time, Scott eventually nominates Adam. “He stares a lot at me. You have two dinner plate eyes staring at you and it is quite unnerving” he declares. Scott feels that he gets on the least with Adam: “There isn’t much spontaneous, upbeat conversation” he quips. Scott continues to tell Big Brother that Adam is the housemate that he is least likely to be able to have a “chin wag” with. When asked by Big Brother to describe Adam in one word, Scott says “ponderous”.

Scott spends time debating whether he should nominate Sara until he exclaims: “What the f*** am I thinking. She is my friend”. He eventually nominates Deana. His reason for this nomination is that Deana sometimes upsets fellow housemates by taking jokes too far: “She can be heartless at times” he says and brands her as “bitey”. Scott mentions how Deana has an attitude towards other housemates, particularly Ashleigh. Referring to Deana’s “Soldier talk”, Scott labels her as “cringey”. Finally when asked to describe Deana in one word, Scott says “banterous”. Thirty minutes after entering the Diary Room, Scott eventually leaves: “I can’t even think about them” he groans.

Adam nominates Ashleigh as he is still angry about the shopping list being sabotaged. His second nomination is for Scott, branding him as “lazy”. Adam does not think that Scott pulls his weight when his fellow housemates are cleaning the house.

Sara nominates Scott because he had been talking about her mum to fellow housemates after friends and family nominations. Her second nomination is for Adam. Sara questions her friendship with Adam and doubts whether he likes her. She also feels that Adam spins what people say in order to appear the better person in: “Sometimes he is playing a game” she claims.

Luke A
Luke A nominates Ashleigh and brands her as “selfish”. He makes reference to when Ashleigh pushed in front of Lauren when they were having spray tans because Ashleigh wanted hers re-done. Luke A also claims that Ashleigh always blames somebody else when she loses any of her personal belongings. His second nomination is for Scott. His main reason for this nomination is that Scott is not a team-player when it comes down to cleaning: “he doesn’t want to join in” Luke A declares. Luke A also speculates that Scott is playing a game as he has been going from group to group within the house. When asked to describe Scott in one word, Luke A says “articulate”.

Luke S
Luke S is the last housemate to enter the diary room. Without hesitation he nominates Deana. “She is doing my head in” he grunts. Luke S brands Deana as “irritating” and believes that she has been deliberately winding him up by calling him “Charlie”. “She keeps calling me Charlie and saying I have won the golden ticket to the final. Well low and behold my name is clearly not Charlie – It is actually Luke”. His second nomination is for Luke A. Luke S tells Big Brother that he gets on better with other people in the house and feels that they haven’t bonded. When asked to describe Luke A in one word, Luke S says: “inspirational”.

With four votes Scott will face the public vote alongside Adam, Ashleigh and Deana who each received three nominations.

Luke A received one nomination and Sara did not receive any nom


Day 64: Behind the scenes at the museum


53 mins ago

The Big Brother Museum is currently curating its first show.

Some of the housemates were unimpressed when BB gave then this shopping task.  Sara said, "This task is so crap. Why couldn’t we have a party task for the last week?" A party is not a task Sara, it’s a treat. Big Brother however had a few new rules to give our exhibit housemates while the security guards were called to The Diary Room.

Big Brother broke the news that the exhibits only had to stand still and silent for one hour after which they will be able to move. If they managed to, they would be rewarded greatly.

The security guards are not to know the rules have changed. Housemates must convince them they haven’t moved at all.

Exhibit housemates have been given 'artifact' costumes for the duration of the task. Luke S is a T-Rex, Adam and Ashleigh are a totem pole, Deana is an astronaut and Luke A the Rosetta Stone.

Deana said, "There’s three Lukes here now. I’m Luke Armstrong." Luke A pointed out her error. Not that he and Luke S showed themselves to be any more informed, both admitting they thought Rosetta Stone was, "an actual woman", not "a piece of toast".

Security guards Scott and Sara are also looking very dapper in their uniforms. Luke S said Sara looked like a stripper. Quite a compliment.

Scott and Sara will be doing their best to make sure the exhibits behave, will they be able to spot that they have been moving? Will the exhibits manage to stand like statues long enough to receive their reward?



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