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Just caught up again Sara had an enjoyable night with those butlers I wonder why BB haven't confirmed whether it's a double or single eviction, even Emma didn't know lol. I wish it was a single because I'm sure Ash would go, but that would leave 6, soooo it's all up in the air atm


Night Mrs H thanks as always for all you do for us  thanks also to Erin for her input today  night if you've left, sleep well ladies

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:


Night Mrs H thanks as always 

thanks rose 



1.05am: Everyone's now in bed. Scott's tossing a deodorant can in the air. He's clearly forgotten about Caroline's shiner.

1.26am: Housemates are well and truly fast asleep. ZZZZZZ.

1.58am: We're all a-snooze in the House at the moment so we'll see you in the morning, bright and early.

Till then... n'night!


Day 63: Nomination reactions


8 hours ago

Tonight live on Big Brother's Bit On The Side, it was revealed to the housemates that Adam, Ashleigh, Deana and Scott will face the last eviction this Friday.

With the final only a week away, knowing that you may miss it by only a few days is undeniably a hard pill to swallow. So how did the nominated four react to the announcement?

Cool as a cucumber Ashleigh, took the news in the only way she can - shrugging it off and declaring that it was 'no biggie'. She wasn't going to let something as small as an eviction bring her down, which doesn't really come as a surprise considering she's dealt with previous nomination reveals with similar nonchalance. Does anything faze this girl? A lack of fake tan, maybe.

Serial nominee Deana was similarly unshaken, later declaring that she was a "strong woman" and stating that she should get a trophy for the 'most nominated housemate'. We’ll see what we can bodge together.

And speaking of her strong qualities, the Miss India UK exclaimed to fellow 'soldier' Luke A, "My mum always says I'm a man in a woman's body" which he rather aptly replied to with the words "Don't go there". You couldn't write this stuff...

Scott and Adam, on the other hand, have been slightly more concerned about the news.


As the only person not to face the public vote, first time nominee, Scott took the news as well you would expect - badly. The protective blanket has been firmly pulled off him and he's been thrust into the unknown world of live evictions. Although the others tried to assure him that he'll be fine, he's certainly not convinced.

And Adam seems to share his sentiments. The man from Dudley is worried that his fan base won't come up to scratch in comparison to Ashleigh and Deana's, who have both been saved from the public vote several times. And it's fair to say that he's been the most vocal about wanting to get to the final, which could explain his despondent reaction.

So four nominees, four very different reactions, but anyone's call who will go this week.






Day 63: Four in the frame


7 hours ago

The nominations are in and we have four in line for eviction at a crucial time. The final is less than a week away now and three are guaranteed to be involved. Luke A and Sara survived nominations and Luke S was always guaranteed to be there at the end after he made it out of The White Room penniless but final-bound. Not that it seems to be much consolation for the boy from Stoke, who's still licking his wounds over that 50k mistake on Friday.

So that leaves four of our friends who found themselves in the frame this evening when the nominations announcement was made. Adam, Ashleigh, Deana and Scott will face the public vote- and here's how they've been getting on recently. Will past behaviour come back to haunt them? Will their more outspoken and outrageous acts catch up with them? That's where you lot come in...


He's faced eviction before, but Adam's a popular fellow both inside and outside the House. Caroline's anti-Adam campaign ended a long time ago, and since then Adam's generally found himself an uncontroversial figure in a house filled with love or hate characters. This past week has seen Adam keeping his usual cool but low profile. This below-the-radar, friend-to-everyone attitude could serve him well – but conversely it could result in a lack of public interest. He'll be hoping that good guys finish first when Friday comes.



As usual, Ashleigh's been in and out of arguments as often as she changes her clothes in a day (and that's rather a lot). Only yesterday, she reprimanded Deana for burning toast (Deana blamed the toaster) and she hasn't had many kind words for Miss India UK on Day 63. This bad blood between housemates means those viewers who support her opposition will campaign just as tirelessly to end Ashleigh's time as they will to save their fave. But it also might get her respect from the anti-Deana faction. Bear in mind she's been saved for eviction quite a few times. In fact, she's only survived less than...


...a girl who it feels has been up for eviction every week. She hasn't, according to the facts, but it feels like she's been forever staring eviction in the face. Her fanbase seems to grow stronger with every week as the underdog slowly rises to a top-dog position. But as her confidence grows and her head slowly emerges further from her shell, those who oppose her grow in number too. Where she only had support in the early days, there's an increasingly vocal crowd on social media who are angered by her mockery of Luke S's bad fortune. But then, saying that, there are those who find her jibes hilariously funny.


Scott's the real unknown quantity in our unfortunate quartet. Here's a lad who's never been up for eviction and barely ever been nominated. If Adam flies below the radar sometimes, Scott denies the radar ever existed. In the early days, Conor called him a sheep. We were slightly kinder, referring to him as a Floater's Floater. Social media is usually kind to the posh kid from the North, but has he grown enough of a fanbase to secure himself a place in a final? Or has that aloof nature and tendency to avoid any ganging up meant that he's not made anywhere near enough of an impact on a public as impressed by big characters as they are by decency? He'll be hoping his rapscallion outburst – a dead cert for his best bits – bought him some fans that have stuck with him. That much is sure.

Those are our nominated housemates. As ever, friends, it’s down to you to decide who deserves a place in the final. Who're you going to go for?



Big Brother news: Luke A, Adam make ÂĢ5,000 bet over who will win!





Big Brother housemates Luke A and Adam have made a ÂĢ5,000 bet over which one of them will win the series.


Speaking into the early hours of this morning, the duo discussed who had the potential to be crowned BB champ in less than a week’s time.


There’s just six days to go until the final, and Luke A has already made it after escaping yesterday’s nominations.


Adam meanwhile is up for the final eviction, but Luke is convinced he’s safe.


The duo bet that the other one would win, and agreed that if either of them did scoop the ÂĢ50,000 prize money that they’d give ÂĢ5,000 to the other one.


Watch the video below for moreâ€Ķ

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Last edited by MrsH

Day 63: Round-up


1 hour ago

What better way to start the day than to highlight the big fat divide in the House - Or so Deana thought anyway. Whilst Luke A argued that the bungalow is now a unity of peace and oneness, Deana hammered it home that there is still a 'us' and 'them' situation going on. Welcome to Day 63 indeed!

Later in the day, Ashleigh, Luke S and Deana decided todiscuss nominations- something which was going to bite them in the bum later in the day. How they haven't learnt that talking about nominations will result in punishment is beyond us. But there we are, you just can’t get the message through to some people.

In the afternoon, Big Brother rewarded the housemates with cigarettes, but only after they had suitably entertained the big boss man with their 'entertaining' behaviour. We use that term lightly, as we're not so sure about their methods of amusement. In the words of Russell Crowe - "Are you not entertained?" Not so much - But Big Brother was and that’s all that counts. We think BB was in a good mood that day.

Early evening, Scott was given a secret task to convince the other housemates that he had been acting as a mole from the start of the show. The little white lies flowed out of his well pronounced mouth so easily then he successfully duped the other housemates into believing his story - so much so thatDeana even began questioning who the 'real' Scott was.

But all the doubt was forgotten when Big Brother revealed the true nature of task and announced that he had won a party for the housemates that evening - one which Ashleigh, Luke S and Deana were not invited to for aforementioned reasons. Whilst Sara and Scott got over excited by some butlers in the buff, the loose-lipped three could only watch on in the garden.

And then came the big news of the night as Big Brother unveiled who would be facing the final eviction this Friday - namely Ashleigh, Adam, Deana and Scott. As you would imagine, the nominees reacted with varying degrees of positivity, with the girls faring slightly better than the boys. But as reactions go, they certainly weren't the worst.

But how will they feel today after they’ve slept on the news? Let’s wait and see, shall we?


Final Big Brother 2012 nomination details revealed





Big Brother’s Scott topped the votes in yesterday’s final round of nominations, meaning he’s up for the eviction for the first time this series.


Scott received four nominations this week, the same amount that he had received throughout the entire series up until Sunday!


He’ll be joined in the final eviction by Adam, Ashleigh and Deana, who all received three votes each.


One of those who nominated Scott was Deana, who claimed that he was being “fake” with her following Conor and Becky’s eviction last week.


She told Big Brother in the Diary Room: “It’s too little too late.”


Meanwhile Deana was branded “sneaky and snidey” by her fellow housemates, as she goes up for eviction for a fifth time.


Adam was described as “manipulative” while Ashleigh was called “two-faced and selfish” by her fellow housemates.


The nominations drama and fallout will air on Channel 5 tonight.


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