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Day 63: The diminishing returns of ÂĢ50k


49 mins ago

Luke S seems to be gradually working Friday's White Room task out of his system. We're sure a small part of his heart will forever ache at the mention of a few key words. 'Conor' and '50k', perhaps 'buzzer' and 'white'. But on the surface he's settling into a rational response, helped by the housemates and their eagerness to spout platitudes.

"We live in a world where 50k isn’t that much," said Luke S.

The housemates fell over themselves to agree that tens of thousands of pounds really isn't very significant, not any more, not these days. Sara observed that it wouldn't even get you a top of the range 4x4 vehicle.

A 4x4 vehicle, of course, that universal reference point.

Since this conversation, the 50k hasn't reared its ugly head meaning the heartbreaking 'coulda shoulda woulda' feelings have, if not left Luke S’s head, then been allowed to fester in some remote corner of it. He's spent a lot of the time lazily wrapped around his lady love. A good call. A spoonful of spooning helps the medicine go down.

The House has yet to learn who is facing eviction on semi-final night (SPOILER). Maybe as the nominated housemates react to this news, the immune Luke S will start to feel even better about his brush with fortune. And who knows, with a free pass to the final in the bag, maybe he'll scoop 50k after all, although he shouldn't bank on buying a good SUV with the swag.




Day 63: Deana and the double-dupe


40 mins ago

Scott's supposed secret task has had a profound effect on housemates.

The Macclesfield lad's been encouraged by Big Brother to inform his pals that he's been in cahoots with BB from Day One, acting as a willing marionette, starting rows and acting the fool at BB's beck and call - even though this isn't true at all. He's keeping up the act rather well, remaining steadfast that he's constantly been a mole-type figure and acting all aloof when difficult questions arise.

Luke S and Ashleigh have been collapsed in a combined heap and don't seem too fazed by the whole thing. Sara's not bothered, saying "at the end of the day, this is Big Brother, so what do you expect?" Adam and Luke A are just happy to have some tobacco – but Deana's been thinking over Scott's pretend duplicity the whole afternoon.

Perhaps she's getting some ghastly flashbacks to launch night, when she herself was tasked with a secret mission before she'd even entered the House? It could be that horrendous memory that's spurred her inquisition, but whatever it is, her line of questioning's been pretty relentless.


Our Miss India UK at first was concerned that we might not have been seeing the real Scott, but later she was more interested in the ins and outs of how his task’s gone over the past 63 days. Talking about various events in the House, she's been asking "so all that night was an act – when you were bitchy?" and "tell me what else you had to do?" and more specifically "what about when me and Becky had that row?" She's pursuing the topic to the point Scott's having to pretend he's got makeup in his eye so he can quit the scene. He even went for a pool-dip in the rain to avoid her constant queries.

Whilst we might be willing to forgive the girl from Birmingham's curiosity, others are somewhat less so. Flopping on the sofa where Luke S and Ashleigh were lolling in the living area, Scott sighed and expressed his weariness after Deana's insistent grilling. Lushleigh were more than willing to sympathise.

"She's snidey" said Luke S.

"She does my head in" agreed Ashleigh.

Another sigh from Scott indicated he'll be glad when his task's all over - a time which isn't so far away now. The relief will be immense - though Deana might well take issue with him for what could accurately be described as a devious double-dupe.

Deana's mind turns over the times Scott may have been doing BB's bidding

Scott stresses over the Birmingham girl's line of questioning

Luke S sees Deana's curiosity as "snide"

Ashleigh's not impressed by Deana's persistence

Deana expresses her disappointment with a light-hearted pillow attack


Day 63: Bottoms up - It's party time!


1 hour ago

For successfully duping the housemates into thinking he had been on a secret mission since entering the House, Big Brother rewarded Scott and his fellow housemates with a soiree this evening.

That is, all apart from Ashleigh, Luke S and Deana who were banned from the party for discussing nominations earlier today. The trio were relegated to the garden, where they could only but look on through the glass doors and see the others having fun. 

And fun they did have - The highlight being some scantily dressed butlers, who managed to get Scott and Sara a little hot under the collar.

"This is the first bit of male contact we've had in weeks" the Scottish model squealed, as she pranced around the buff males. She spent the rest of the shindig trying to work out who she fancied the most and attempting to see what was under their aprons.

Luke A and Adam were less impressed, maybe even a little embarrassed, choosing to spend most of the party in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. However their reaction did whiff of male pride being dented.

We've selected a few of our favourite snaps from the eve for your viewing pleasure - Enjoy!
























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