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Thanks erin    


Morning all  


12.55am: Caroline says Deana is a Bantersaurus Rex

1.08am: "A good grope never hurt anyone." Arron to Lauren. That is one awful chat-up line.

1.18am: Housemates are comparing themselves to animals. Caroline says Lydia is a mongoose. No one is sure if this is offensive

1.21am: Look who's getting cosy on the bed. Hey  .




1.37am. "I'm not sleeping with Ashleigh... parents are watching... and she's lost the plot." So says Luke S.

1.42am Literally three mins after Luke S' previous remark, Ashleigh is giving him a temple massage. Can't keep up with these kids.

2am: It's been an eventful day with the  but it's time to draw stumps. We leave HMs in hot tub, sofa and Diary Room.


Day 11: Eviction night outfits

12 hours ago

There's nothing the housemates like more than an excuse to get dolled up. Eviction night with the promise of outside contact and the drama of losing one of their numbers provides the perfect excuse. For several years (sorry, hours) they curled hair, slapped on fake tan, posed in the mirror and changed in and out of outfits. Well, most of them did. Arron was content to stroll around topless. We didn't complain. He eventually remembered to pop on a shirt. Here's a sneak peep of what he, fellow nominee, Chris, and a handful of the other housemates are wearing tonight...




Have we seen the last of Arron's chest? 

Ashleigh has finally settled on that LBD


Is this Chris's favourite vest?

Lydia is looking frilly

Get a wriggle on Deana, it's almost eviction time

Conor is doing double denim

Last edited by Scotty

Day 11: Chris has been evicted!

11 hours ago

Chatty bailiff and doorman Chris - no doubt used to ejecting people himself - has been evicted from the Big Brother house after losing out in the public vote to fellow nominee, Arron.

In the short period he spent in the House, 'Squeaks' has blown the lid off the bungalow, providing us with moments of tenderness, breathtaking silliness and vast amounts of laughs. He also had an impressive array of catchphrases, always employed to expert effect. Standard.

Chris had a great time in the opening days of the competition, but on Day 4, when Becky entered the house, he found himself embroiled in a double-headed disagreement - first with Luke S over food and then with recently arrived Wildcard, Becky. Against this backdrop, the infamous incident dubbed Sausagegate began - a stolen sausage and a lorry load of grief.

But we won't remember Chris for that. We'll remember him for his endearing chats with Shievonne, his lovely friendship with Benedict, his frequent flashes of sparkling wit and the celebration he did when he found out the group had won three or four pizzas. We'll also remember him for being a great housemate. Definitely one for the history books.




Bye Squeaks  


Day 11: The housemates bounce back

10 hours ago

One of the boys had to go but although no tears were shed, the housemates initially took the Chris’s eviction hard.

Lydia put an excitable Arron in his place, leaping to the bailiff’s defence. She said, "Arron, Chris was a personality in this place, things will change, things won’t be as entertaining."

Arron agreed that he would miss 'Squeaks'. Having slipped out of his suit and into a onsie, he has since been unable to stop dancing.

Caroline is sticking firmly to her guns. Even when pushed by Lauren to have a little sympathy she had nothing nice to say about her one time 'date' stating, 'He was horrible to me.'

It wasn’t long before housemates shifted focus back onto themselves with Shievonne lamenting, "Oh God, every Friday either way, it’s going to be the same."

Deana abandoned all social etiquette and moaned, "I’m going next week. The boys are voting for me."

With a night to sleep on it, will Chris be missed in the morning? Will the housemates decide Arron deserved to stay or will he be back facing the chop when next week’s nominations are made on Monday?



Day 11: Caz and Az get pally

8 hours ago

As victorious nominee Arron moved into his new bed – Chris’s incidentally, how cruel – royal housemate Caroline sat by, showering him in appreciation.  The two had bonded pre-eviction news with Caroline telling Arron how much she wanted him to stay. They share a playful streak according to her.

High on public validation, the Manc model sounded off about Lauren. "Someone needs to tell Lauren that crunk isn’t attractive to me," he said before regaling Caz with a tale of teenage dates lost. "I went to meet a girl when I was younger and ended up meeting someone else that night."  The mysterious girl’s crime? Turning up crunk. 'Crunk' by the way, is housemate speak for 'drunk'. They switched the 'c' with the 'd'. It’s pretty smart.

As fascinated as Cazza rightly was by Azza’s dating past, she had some personal fawning to do. "I would have cried my eyes out if you’d gone and Chris had stayed," she said.

"Caroline, we’re going to have such a buzz," grinned the judger-of-drunk-women.

Will they? We look forward to this...



Day 11: Round up

2 hours ago

It’s all over for another housemate as last night the pretty boy beat the bouncer meaning Chris was out on his ear.

But before all that happened Big Brother had a task for Caroline. The plummy one needed to convince two housemates that she had blue blood. Lauren and Sara fell for her ruse, believing Caroline was related to the royals which won the trio afternoon tea and earned Sara another opportunity to belt out the national anthem.

The Ross and Rachel of the Big Brother House once again left us guessing.  A day of barely a glance between Lushleighwas rounded off with a proper pashing on the bed pre-eviction announcement. 

As night fell housemates threw on their best togs and slapped on gallons of fake tan to receive the news that Arron would stay to fight another day. A visibly shaken Chris made a triumphant exit, endearing himself further to his fans outside the House. Inside, housemates were divided over their feelings for Chris with each very glad not to have been in his shoes.



Day 12: Benedict gets gossiped about

1 min ago

Ooft! Scott, Becky and Deana got their gossip on even though they're still shaking off their sleepy heads.

Gossip is an integral part of life in the Big Brother House. It's no surprise that with the second eviction over and two weeks in, that everyone is starting to identify (and moan about) each other's character flaws.  Right, let's get to it. Deana is annoyed with Benedict because when she said that she wanted to "marry a man with a good job", he twisted her words and made her sound like a gold digger. The lads started making gold-digger jokes. Poor Deana. That would make for a forgettable version of Kanye's song: "She ain't nothing but a (*deep breath*) girl-who-wants-to-marry-a-man-with-a-good-job.." Deana doesn't feel she has bonded with him, but that could equally be her fault, she wasn't exactly a social butterfly when she started out in the House, was she?

Twisting the already deep knife Deana said, "he preaches too much and uses his knowledge to feel superior". Yowzers!  Scott admits that Benedict makes him feel uncomfortable. Last night Scott said he witnessed Benedict lose his composure, getting visibly angry ("how can anyone be so angry all the time, he doesn't seem real to me at all"), so Scott just walked off.

This is typical. You would think Benedict would be gutted to hear this. Then again, maybe he wouldn't give a monkeys? What do you think of Benedict? Are Deana, Scott and Becky being too harsh?



1.39pm: Scott can't seem to get comfortable. He tries out 4 different pillows before finding one that meets his approval


1.56pm: Boys talk about their nether regions, delightful!


2.09pm: Becky asks, "would you rather live off gravy or apple juice?"


2.24pm: are engrossed in conversation with Benedict. He knows lots of stuff.


2.28pm: Lydia was called to the Diary Room and informed of the new TASK. HMs will pair up and dance off. Lydia will judge.


Later Scotty  


Day 12: Who'd play each housemate in the film of life?

2 hours ago

To save them from getting too bored while they were tucked up hiding pre-BB launch, the housemates were asked a series of probing questions, one of which was, 'Who would play you in the film of your life'. We think the answers below are fairly interesting – Meryl Streep et al should certainly take note.

Watch this space to find out more nuggets, such as the housemates' celebrity crushes and qualifications...

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Arron: Ashton Kutcher

Caroline: Renee Zellweger

Becky: Renee Zellweger

Shievonne: Gabrielle Union

Benedict: Whoopi Goldberg

Scott: Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)

Lydia: Natalie Portman

Sara: Meryl Streep

Conor: The Rock

Adam: 50 Cent

Luke S: Mark Wahlberg/Gerard Butler (whoever is free)

Lauren: Kylie

Deana: Angelina Jolie (or Deana)

Luke A: Johnny Depp

Ashleigh: Ashleigh

You can see the answers visualised here on Pinterest.


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