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Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just watched a video on FB and ash is trying to work out who will be up and she is defo breaking the no nomination chat, she said to Sara i think we will all be up cause you wouldn't vote for me or scott



this one ?  they take a little longer to get on tubey 



It's nomination day. Try as they may they can't avoid the subject. This time it's Ashleigh who is trying to do the nom math. But has she got it right?


Repra-zentin': A look at how the housemates have lived up to their profile videos



33 mins ago

After last night's TV Dinners surprise, which saw the housemates watch the profile videos they filmed before entering the house, triggering many a giggle and cringe, we got to thinking that in the 63 days since the housemates were first locked up together, things have changed.

So, here's a quick look at how the remaining housemates have lived up to the promise of their profile videos...

In her profile video, Deana said she was "very honest and very straightforward", and it's safe to say that she has largely stuck to her guns on that score, occasionally upsetting people. She's also shown that she does find it hard to trust people, keeping close to the soldiers and maintaining a distance from Becky after she perceived she'd been used.

We were a bit surprised when Luke A said he loved being the centre of attention, because he's been quite quiet over recent weeks, and is not regarded as a big character by the other housemates. Maybe this is because, faced with personalities such as Becky and Benedict, Luke A felt he just couldn't compete? There's still a week left: we could easily see him come out of his shell a bit and take centre stage. He has lived up to his promise of talking about his transgender journey, though, which is great.

Adam's profile video was the most no-nonsense and pretty much nails the Adam we see today: sharp, confident and a little bit smutty.


Chatterbox Sara didn't even mention the fact that she can talk the hind leg off a very patient donkey, but she did make a big deal of talking about her temper, saying "I get myself up to 90 and just explode" but we've not seen her combust in a bout of incendiary rage. If anything, she's more likely to go off on one about stuff she loves (like the Queen) than stuff that angers her. Her appreciation of Chris, though, suggests truth in her confession of liking a man in a tracksuit.

Much like Adam, Scott's profile was pretty representative the Scott we have come to know and love. We think it was a bit remiss of him to leave out his love of re-enacting scenes from films, though. That's a big character point!

Luke S made us giggle with the "my to entertain" bit, because let's face it, there's nothing entertaining about constant car insurance and mortgage anecdotes. Eyebrows were also raised when he said he wouldn’t have a House-mance with a girl with an annoying accent...

Sweary Ashleigh dropped a few f-bombs in her profile, which didn't surprise us at all. We were a bit thrown by her assertion that she'd never go without makeup and nails and hair done, as she does tend to spend most of her days fresh-faced and with her hair tied back or in rollers... Maybe her time in the house has seen her focus more on her inner beauty?

So some people have changed, and some have stayed true to what they think of themselves, but there's still a week to see what developments may occur. You never know, the housemates may yet surprise us...





Big Brother to have double eviction this week

Published Monday, Aug 6 2012, 13:53 BST | By Alex Fletcher 
Big Brother will kick out two housemates in a double eviction this Friday (August 10), it has been confirmed.

Seven housemates remain on the Channel 5 reality show, but only five can make next week's finale.

Becky Hannon evicted from Big Brother

ÂĐ Channel 5

Conor McIntyre evicted from Big Brother

ÂĐ Channel 5

Luke Scrase won a free pass to the final in last week's White Room challenge, so there are six contenders for the chop - Ashleigh Hughes, Deana Uppal, Luke Anderson, Sara McLean, Scott Mason and Adam Kelly .

The final round of nominations will be made and counted up later today (August 6).

Deana Uppal is currently the bookmakers' favourite to win the series.

Big Brother ends on Monday, August 13. A new series of Celebrity Big Brother follows on August 15.
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just watched a video on FB and ash is trying to work out who will be up and she is defo breaking the no nomination chat, she said to Sara i think we will all be up cause you wouldn't vote for me or scott

Afternoon Mrs. H and Aimee I saw and heard that too. Hoping to hear she's banned from nomming will be annoyed if she's not

Yellow Rose

Day 63: How low will they go?


30 mins ago

Luke A was in a slump this morning so when Big B informed the smokers that cigs would be given in return for half an hour's worth of entertaining behaviour, he went straight for the broom cupboard. You're right, brooms are not classic entertainment. But when they're used to facilitate a limbo-dancing contest, they are the life and soul...

Check out our gallery of the housemate's efforts but why not take a punt beforehand on who the victor turned out to be....

Oh, and they all won on the cigarette front. Whoop.




















The winner!

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just watched a video on FB and ash is trying to work out who will be up and she is defo breaking the no nomination chat, she said to Sara i think we will all be up cause you wouldn't vote for me or scott

Afternoon Mrs. H and Aimee I saw and heard that too. Hoping to hear she's banned from nomming will be annoyed if she's not

How much you betting they gloss over it


Afternoon everyone

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just watched a video on FB and ash is trying to work out who will be up and she is defo breaking the no nomination chat, she said to Sara i think we will all be up cause you wouldn't vote for me or scott

Afternoon Mrs. H and Aimee I saw and heard that too. Hoping to hear she's banned from nomming will be annoyed if she's not

How much you betting they gloss over it


Afternoon everyone

If they do there will surely be an outcry. They can't change the rules at this late date...can they????

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:


still no mention of noms in the house today yet  by the tweeter so no tea time spoilers to look out for  


or maybe we will just get an announcement and they have all done them in secret today on their trips to the DR  


I am still hoping all up 



wandering off for a while now 

Maybe they're still deciding what to do about Ash, has she ruined BB's plans 

Enjoy your wander Mrs H.  I'd better wander to the washine machine and feed it

Yellow Rose

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