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Day 62: The magnificent seven


1 hour ago

With the number of days left in the House now firmly in single figures, housemates' thoughts have turned to the past, present and future.

The old chestnut, "I never thought I’d still be here..." has cropped up so many times it is starting to resemble a soundtrack.

The housemates are pretty unanimous in the opinion that the House has affected them all. Scott says Ashleigh has made him more down to earth. He said, "I don't like the way I was, I was too serious." Quite a compliment.

Luke A said, "When I came into the House I thought Adam was really cool." Who'd have thought they’d become bessie mates. That’s the stuff of dreams.

Sara and Ashleigh had a whispered chat in the toilet where they decided Adam was the housemate who wanted to win most. They predict one of the boys will take the prize but secretly they’d both like Scott to be victorious. Thank fully Luke S, who has brought up that £50k button pressing blip once or twice, was out of earshot.

Sara said, "The money is nothing. It's the experience. It's all about the people you are with."

Deana gave Luke A and Adam her opinion in the garden. "There's been a lot of bulls**t going about tonight. Maybe I just need to keep schtum."

The housemates have been enjoying a TV dinner complete with a few cans of cider. As they relax, will Deana say her piece, or will she take her own advice?



Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.42pm: Ashleigh is bitching about Deana to Scott in the toilet. We can still hear you Ashleigh.

Ash knows she needs at least Scott to nom Deana like she will. I still think she's the only bitchy one left in there

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.42pm: Ashleigh is bitching about Deana to Scott in the toilet. We can still hear you Ashleigh.

Ash knows she needs at least Scott to nom Deana like she will. I still think she's the only bitchy one left in there

Ash is one desperate skank right now..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.42pm: Ashleigh is bitching about Deana to Scott in the toilet. We can still hear you Ashleigh.

Ash knows she needs at least Scott to nom Deana like she will. I still think she's the only bitchy one left in there

Ash is one desperate skank right now..

She sure is, all her bezzie mates have been chucked out, or run out with the money

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:



I love their little prayer sessions they make me chuckle lol. Even God must be relieved at times to receive prayers with some humour instead of just the serious ones Well they say he works in mysterious ways, even if it's through voters saving the soldiers

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



I love their little prayer sessions they make me chuckle lol. Even God must be relieved at times to receive prayers with some humour instead of just the serious ones Well they say he works in mysterious ways, even if it's through voters saving the soldiers

Senora Reyes

Day 62: Seven deadly sinners


48 mins ago

Nominations day is almost upon us and with the old Insiders/Outsiders dynamic thoroughly dissolved, let's take a look at how our remaining seven are interacting - and how their sins may come back to haunt them.

We've had blissful moments of apparent harmony which have seen seven merry souls sitting in a gaggle in the garden but as the pressure builds, these are becoming fewer and further between.

Ashleigh and Deana have had a tempestuous relationship from the start and Deana pushed Ashleigh’s buttons last night by upsetting Luke S. This morning the pair fell out over some smoking toast. Ashleigh took the opportunity to have a proper moan, spouting off to Scott that Deana had been mouthy. Deana later told Scott she thinks Ashleigh should, "grow a pair of balls and say something to my face". Luke S has one big enough for two – perhaps he can lend a hand.

Scott has been pouring oil over troubled waters trying to convince Ashleigh that Deana doesn’t mean any harm, while suggesting to Deana that some people just don’t get her sense of humour.


He is not without his own trouble. Having told the housemates how much he is enjoying being part of a smaller group he's experienced his first serious fallout. With Sara, of all people. When Scott went over what he thought he'd heard Sara's mother say during her time in the nominations hotseat, she became offended when she thought he'd misquoted her. They've made up since, but it's hardly a prime time for a bicker when Monday's around the corner.

Sara and Ashleigh have bonded. Ashleigh likes to have a girlie mate in the House and having lost Shievonne, Caroline and Becky, she has picked Sara over Deana. The pair mostly use each other as vessels to pour stories of their home lives into but they've also spoken about the other housemates, both appearing to share the same opinion. Whether this will last remains to be seen.

Luke A has been making some out-of-character crude comments. With Conor gone he may be trying to step into the alpha male shoes which may rattle the other housemates. The 'soldier' threesome share an opinion of Sara, vocalised today by Luke A who said, "You can never reason with people like her so there is no point in trying." Deana said that if she ever tries to question Sara on her opinions she, 'goes mad.' Sara has often said that she likes to speak her mind and has been doing so more than ever as housemate numbers dwindle.  

Not much seems to shake up Adam and the reduction in housemates appears to be no different. He's been moving smoothly between the other six. Sara and Ashleigh think he wants to win more than any other housemate but we have no convenient  tool with which to measure this fact.

And what about Luke S? He's still trying to find peace after missing out on that £50k. He told housemates he didn't press the button but we know he did – just not before Conor had. He's been getting closer to Ashleigh but has gone to bed early every night since leaving The White Room and has not really joined in with the housemates' parties.


Last week the nominations decision was taken out of our housemates' hands.


With the power now restored, who will they be putting up tomorrow?



Scott argued with Sara, made up with Sara and now isn't sure where he stands

Deana's had some abrasive conversations over the course of the weekend

The stress is starting to show for Sara

Luke A and Adam have been keeping up their customary al fresco House breakdowns

He may be down in the mouth about The White Room outcome, but when it comes to nominations, Luke S has power

Ashleigh's been fighting with Deana and bonding with Sara in a slightly off balance weekend

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Night Mrs. H,  thanks for everything



12.50am: Adam is talking about polar bears. He knows plenty.

12.57am: Deana and Scott are having a hot tub moment. They think everyone is after a slice of the fame pie

1.11am: Adam and Luke A are talking movies and rating actors. They're on Johnny Depp at the moment

1.25am: Luke A is farting in the living room. Adam does not appear to be too impressed by his wind power.


1.34am: Caroline has left a legacy. Deana is sporting a towel head-dress and it looks fantastic

1.43am: Deana just addressed the soldiers and Scott was present. Has he been conscripted?

1.56am: All have turned in but Adam and Luke A who talk about their favourite confectionery.

We'll leave them to it - sleep tight!



Week 9 round up


39 mins ago


The week began with a crazy twist on the usual nominations process. It was the week that friends and family got to nominate on behalf of housemates, and nobody expected thefallout to be quite so extensive. There were some unexpected calls – nobody expected Sara's mother to pick out Scott, for example – but the biggest source of trouble came from Becky's corner. When her sister made mention of Luke A's earlier infamous BMI comment it went from being an ill-thought out, incidental and under the breath curse into a catalyst for war. To say Becky wasn't happy would be an understatement. Luke A paid for his comment in spades.


Still reeling from the nominations madness, housemates awoke to find a strange presence in the garden. A large white outhouse had suddenly landed in their exterior outdoor area. After Luke S and Ashleigh had one of their first official rowsas a couple, The White Room suddenly came into play. But first the HMs had to decide who was going to inhabit the thing, and BB put them under pressure to make a quick decision. It was Conor, Luke S and Sara who ended up pulling on white clobber in the overlit compound. And then the day's activities began. Milking It tested Luke S's agility, whileThe White Form task tested their knowledge of their fellow housemates and the Hammer Slammer gave Sara the chance to test her memory. Back in the House, the non-White Room inhabitants took on the same tasks, and it was soon revealed that The White Roomers had won.


With an economy budget on the cards, 
shopping list preparations were underwhelming but far less tense than the previous, more chocolatey week. But at least the housebound gang weren't restricted to eating white-only comestibles like the White Roomers. There were more games on the cards when Big Brother introduced Musical Charades into the mix, causing much hilarity. The chuckles could only last so long, however, and soon a slightly claustrophobic Sara left The White Room, leaving Conor and Luke S to fight it out. Back in the House that evening, the newly returned Sara got politicaland this fuelled a new row with Deana. Yet again, nobody was entirely sure who was on what side, what started it and what the point was. Sound and fury, signifying nothing some might say.


Sara and Deana's politically motivated tiff spilled over in Thursday morning sending Sara into the arms of Becky. Ashleigh and Becky competed against Conor and Luke S in The White Answer task. Luke S got pretty irate with Ashleigh who did not seem to be taking the task too seriously. Becky triumphed which scored Conor a treat and Luke S a punishment. Conor received a steak dinner while Luke S separated white and brown beans with chop sticks. Becky let rip with some show tunes after scaring Scott half to death by jumping out on him in the bathroom.


cream pie in the faces of each of our housemates took attention away from the big issue of the night's eviction on Friday. A cream tea party was won but there was always going to be a loser at the end of the night and Becky proved to be the unlucky housemate, leaving as she arrived, with plenty of fist pumping and whooping. But Big Brother had one more surprise for the housemates. Conor and Luke S, languishing in The White Room were given a get out of the House with £50k card which our Derry Man took from the trusting hands of Luke S. Luke S was mortified and housemates were in a state of shock as Conor strolled through the front door clutching a case full of cash. Housemates tried to console Luke s telling him it, 'wasn’t about the money' and that his guaranteed place in the final was a worthy second prize. Understandably, he struggled to accept any of this, telling Ashleigh he would always be known as 'the guy who almost won 50 grand.'


Saturday came and with it Luke S's realisation that he had let £50k slip through his manicured fingers. He replayed the previous night's events over and over but failed to sooth his troubled mind. The Magic Potions Task offered a welcome distraction. Housemates were called to the Diary Room one by one and given a 'potion'. Housemates had to analyse the 'effects' of the magic brew and come to a conclusion about what they had imbibed. The task was passed and the reward was a party - which called for the obligatory epic dressing up session.  Cocktails flowed and Deana took talk a step too far in Ashleigh's opinion, upsetting Luke S by asking him why he hadn't been quicker off the mark and pressed that White Room button.  With a bit of an atmosphere hanging over the House, the group opted for an early night.


Sunday certainly was a funday with housemates proving theirdexterity with chocolate fingers. Deana managed to balance the most choccy bars on her face winning housemates a TV dinner for which they dressed accordingly. By accordingly we mean they dressed up for a night on the town. Social norms go out the window after 62 days in the Big Brother House. Housemates were treated to a viewing of their profile VTs from launch night which caused a few cringe moments along with a couple of giggles. 

Housemates hung out in relative harmony for a while but the peace was shattered by a tiff between Sara and Scott who fell out over a misunderstanding over what Sara's mum said during nominations. They hugged it out. Luke S went to bed early again and Ashleigh and Sara followed soon after leaving Deana, Scott, Luke A and Adam to mull over their time in the House and ponder what tomorrow may bring. 

It's nominations day and Luke S may be the one to sleep soundly as Day 62 draws to a close. For the other six, there's still a chance they may not make the final.



Morning LUTers Now there is no rowing or swimming in the morning I've got time to catch up Thanks once again for all the wonderful work you've done over the last couple of months .... I'm afraid I have DQ'd the HM's, but I award you all gold

The final Big Brother 2012 nominations round up!


Big Brother 2012 Diary Room chair



As Big Brother 2012 nominations day rolls around for one final time, we recap what’s been going on in the Diary Room so far!


We’re in the last week now, with the final next Monday, and just seven housemates remain.


Deana is now the most ‘successful’ housemate, having survived four evictions so far. She leads pal Luke who has been saved three times by the public.


Deana also tops the tally of total nominations received, standing at an impressive 28 throughout the whole series so far.


At the other end of the scale is Scott, who has been nominated just four times throughout the past eight weeks, with one of those votes coming from Sara’s mum.


Scott also remains the only housemate to have never faced the public vote, while Sara, Luke S and Adam have only ever faced eviction once.


Fortunately for Luke S, he doesn’t need to worry about today’s nominations having won a pass to the final last Friday night.


With Luke S immune there aren’t many choices when it comes to who the housemates can nominate, so there could be some interesting results.


Of course, knowing Big Brother anything could happen today – will the nominations even count?


We hope that all of the remaining housemates are put up for the vote.


Share your thoughts in our comments section below…


Check back later today for the nomination results!

aha that would be good - let them nominate and then no matter what put them ALL up   heres hoping 

Conor McIntyre - uncovered


16 hours ago

Villain to some, bad boy with a heart of gold to others, Conor McIntyre left Big Brother's White Room yesterday and is back in the open air. He's also a wealthier man than the personal trainer we saw going into the House having pressed his buzzer a split second before White Room rival Luke S, meaning he grabbed himself a cool 50 grand before heading for the door.

In his time in the BB compound, Conor was a man who split viewer opinion right down the middle. There were those who loved his antics and his tendency to pop on a tutu even when the occasion didn't call for it and then there were others who felt some of his remarks were beyond the pale and campaigned tirelessly to make themselves heard. No matter which side of the divide you fall on, it's fair to say Conor will go down in BB history. And he'll also go home £50,000 richer. We caught up with him to see how he was handling the craziness, 24 hours later.

Now then, Conor. You've only just got out of The White Room and, watching the live stream, you seemed to cope a little better with the environment than Luke S did. Do you think that's a personality thing?

I think so because I try to make the best out of a bad situation. We were playing football, we were playing games. I was singing, laughing, I put Sara's knickers on my head. I wanted it more, so I tried to make the time there as easy as possible for myself. Even eight hours in The White Room is tough going and it's hard to adapt – though I didn't think about it that way. I just tried to make the best of the situation. I don't know if it was entertaining. It's crazy that people are saying 'The White Room was your highlight'.

It was very entertaining. We especially liked Big Brother's telephone conversations with you two. 'What's your favourite colour, Conor?'.

Ha! Yeah! I answered with 'What's your favourite dog, Big Brother?' I remember that.

But when you're not on the phone to BB in there, what does your mind turn to with that much time to think?

Oh, man. This is the truth. On Thursday night I was thinking 'Me and Luke S are in this room. There's two of us in here' and I'm thinking to myself 'I've watched previous shows'. Everything was going through my head, but then 'remember that year, that guy Eugene went to the Diary Room, Big Brother asked one housemate to go to the Diary Room and there was £50,000 cash waiting on the Diary Room chair?' I thought 'that's going to happen tomorrow'. Right hand of god, I thought 'that's going to happen tomorrow'.

And it did. The previous night, Big Brother was asking 'so you don't care about the money?' and I said 'nah, I don't care about the money – I want to get to the final' because Luke S was in the room and I knew he was listening. I knew that he knew how much winning the money would mean to me.

So you were saying things, knowing Luke S was taking it all on board? It was all mind games?

Oh yeah. 100 percent. 100 percent.

So you think it's just that you played The White Room game better than him? 

I knew that if there was no money involved, he'd let me go through to the final. I had a strong feeling he'd have turned round and let me go through, because it meant a lot to me. I had him saying 'you have more friends than enemies in the House, Conor' and 'you'll get voted in'.

But whatever happened, happened. I'm £50,000 richer so it obviously worked out alright for me.

Now the adrenalin's starting to fade, are you feeling good?

You want to know something? It still hasn't hit me. Everybody back home has been amazing saying 'you've been entertaining'. They told me 'forget about what's been said, put that away. If you hadn't been in that House it would've been so boring. All you wanted to do was have a laugh'. I think that was the main thing for me. Walking away with the 50 grand plus being myself was just amazing.

You're £50,000 richer – are you thinking of a charity donation, a golden toilet or are you going to buy a robot?

A robot?!

£50,000 will definitely buy you a robot.

I could get a robot. I did a lot of cleaning in the House so it would've saved me some time. But I'll give some money to my mum because I know she'll put it to a good cause, so I'll give it to her to let her slowly do what she wants with it. Generosity, y'know? I'm going to throw a huge party and I'm going to have a massive raffle. I'm going to raffle off my 'Conor 25' Big Brother jersey and I'm going to try to get all the housemates to sign it. I'll raffle it off, see how much it gets and give all the money to charity. I think that will work out well. At least, I'll get the housemates who like me to sign it. Becky and Arron, that's probably it!

It's strange you say that, because though in the outside world quite a few people were upset, in the House you were getting on okay. You were almost friends with The Outsiders by the end. You got on with Adam, you were friendly with Luke A. With Deana, by the end, you were both civil and sometimes joked together.

I haven't got a malicious bone in my body towards Deana at all. What I said was totally disgusting and I do apologise, but I never had a full blown, controversial row with Deana. I never allowed myself to get into that situation. I felt she was bitchy and had a split personality but I didn't want to be a bully and direct all my anger to her. That's not me. Whatever way that's perceived, that's that. At the end of the day Adam and Luke A had a gameplan. I think they wanted to be the two left at the end.

I guess some people would say the minute you're in the game you've got a gameplan, whether you admit it or not...

I guess.

The whole Insiders / Outsiders split, which you've probably heard about now...

I've heard about it now but I hadn't when I was in the House. Yeah – it's crazy.

We used those terms simply because you guys were inside and they were on the outside.

Exactly – I get that.

Do you think that divide was down to personality clashes?

Nah. It was definitely because they smoke. Adam, Luke A, Benedict and Lydia – they'd sit out, in the hot-tub or smoking, so that's how they grew their wee group. I don't think it's personalities. If you look at Shievonne and Adam, they came together because of smoking. But then they exploded because of whatever...

When it comes to people saying things they don't mean and wish they hadn't come out with, do you think it's the House itself that makes people lose their filter and also makes them stubborn when it comes to apologising?

Yep. I needed that kick up the arse from Big Brother to help me wake up and realise where I was. I was absolutely devastated. [The reason I was angry with Deana was] I wanted a letter from home and Big Brother builds it up. 'You're going to get a special reward'. That's all you're looking for – a letter from home because you've been in there so long. When I found out she'd failed I was devastated. I'd eaten that egg and all she had to do was eat spam. All I wanted was a letter from home and whatever I said, I realise I completely overreacted . It was so wrong and I apologise for what I said. I'm not a bully or whatever I was perceived as over some stupid words.

So you’d say it was down to circumstance. The nomination on Day one followed by the spam thing. It all kind of worked against you and Deana?

It was that and a personality clash. Nothing else.

Do you think you'll stay in touch with any of the other housemates or, now you're a bit wealthier, are you taking the money and running back to Derry?

Nah! No, no, no. Me and Arron – I was talking to Arron and me and him are going to have an absolute ball when we get out of here. And Shievonne's been amazing too – she's a complete character. She's been so nice to my family and she's an absolute star. Caroline too – she's been amazing. I was talking to Arron last night and he said 'you're paying for my trip over, my bags are packed' so I've got to pay for that. So that should be fun.

You're spending the money before it's even cleared.

Flights over to Derry are only 40 quid – but don't tell him that.

Have you learnt much about yourself?

Yeah. Think before you speak. 100 percent I need to think before I speak.

You're not alone - we could all do with remembering that at times. Finally, congratulations, Conor. Enjoy your newfound wealth and, before you go, can you lend us a tenner?

Easy! No probs. It's in the post.


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