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Day 62: Dressing for TV dinner


6 mins ago

Sunday night and a TV dinner – when you think of that, what immediately comes to mind?

For most of us, it's a microwave meal for one watching reality television in our underpants. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's a fine tradition. Sitting down to a processed meal, feeling mildly fuzzy after a weekend of oblivion, zoning out in a pair of Y fronts or baggy panties is every man and womans' divine right on the day of rest.

Some might say our housemates deserve an evening spent in that manner and that's just what Big Brother's seen fit to reward them with following their earlier chocolate finger display. But our housebound pals aren't ones to shirk the opportunity to get dressed up for the cameras. There'll be no lounging in crusty smalls for these seven final-weekers. They're pushing the boat out for tonight's chicken, chips and telly extravaganza, style-wise – and we're inordinately proud of them.

It may just be a greasy fast-food feast, but that hasn't stopped Deana from dressing to the nines in a pale pink frock, hair side-swiped to the side. "Have I worn this hair-grip before in this House?" she asked Luke A, who responded with a bewildered shrug.

Luke A's  in his standard Jersey Shore type garb, Scott's in regulation open necked shirt and white slacks, while Adam's pulled on his brightest white sweater and bandana for the occasion.

But it's Ashleigh, Luke S and Sara who've really pushed the boat out for this deep fried poultry bash. Luke S is decked out in fresh white shirt, buttoned to the last whilst his beau is cleavage crazy in black strapped top and candy pink skirt. Sara takes the crown, however. False eyelashes and a crop top isn't what most people would throw on for a takeaway, but gosh darn it she looks a million dollars.

Just your usual Sunday night in then. A bit of telly-box action and heaps of junk food. The only part our housemates failed to compute is the standard outfit for such an occasion. Dressing gown? Fine. Soiled undercrackers? No problem.

A lavish costume that only just falls short of an eviction outfit?

That might be a bit much. But it's your last week in the house, friends – so you do whatever the heck you want.



Would something with an elasticated waist band not be more suitable for a TV dinner?

This top is just asking for a spillage

Hands up who feels a bit over-dressed for chicken and chips

Perhaps concerned he may drop some dinner on his perfectly tanned flesh, Luke S buttoned his shirt to the neck


Day 62: Cringe festival


23 mins ago

After winning a delicious feed in front of the telly, our housemates were treated to a seven-way spectacle. One by one, Big Brother showed our happy campers their original profile videos, shot just before they went into hiding.

They've been in the House long enough that they've all heard far worse spill from one another's mouths, but all the same, it wasn't necessarily comfortable viewing. 

Cue: plenty of examples of entertaining housemate cringing.



Adam's all "...I said what?"

Ashleigh can't believe she said she ****ing swears every other ****ing word

Deana worries loose words might earn her a dishonourable discharge

Luke A hopes the missus never sees his profile vid

Let's face it, Luke. You've said worse since...

Sara's gutted she forgot to name-check the Queen

Scott can't believe he came across as such a disgusting rapscallion

Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.42pm: Ashleigh is bitching about Deana to Scott in the toilet. We can still hear you Ashleigh.


Originally Posted by MrsH:

10.08pm: Scott and Deana are having a pow wow in the kitchen.

They seem a little tired of the Sara monologue in the garden.



Scot was a floater and is fast sliding into the Outside group - he needs to make his mind up quick - he does love a gossip but needs to be careful 


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