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Day 62: Task - Choccy Chops


5 mins ago

After yesterday's task, which saw the housemates drink smoking glasses of magical potions, Big Brother has a food-related task to liven up their Sunday.

The housemates will be called to the Diary Room, where they wil be presented with a plate of chocolate fingers, and told that they must balance as many chocolate fingers in and on their faces as they possibly can. They can put them in their mouths, stick the in their ears and balance them on their noses (if that's even possible...)

As it's a Sunday, Big Brother is being laid back, and will judge the winner of the task to be whichever housemate creates the most creative and inventive Choccy Chops.

Check back later to see the task in all its biscuity glory.



Day 62: Task Results - Choccy Chops


9 mins ago

Today's task was, well, a bit of a mouthful. Big Brother called the housemates to the Diary Room, where they were presented with a pile of chocolate fingers, and told that the housemate who could balance the most chocolate fingers on their face, in the most inventive way, would win a treat.

Luke S was up first, and took a good long look at the chocolate tower before diving right in, utilising his ears, nose and mouth, and even trying to hold them in place on his eyelids. An attempt to transplant the tower onto his head like a hat was unsuccessful, because of the unavoidable law of gravity.

Sara, Scott and Ashleigh had similar techniques, going for the mouth-ears-nose classic. Luke A and Adam, on the other hand, opted for a horizontal approach, figuring that would be the best way to effectively pile the fingers on their faces.

Deana's technique was to stuff the fingers in her mouth in a manner reminiscent of a pelican, and then pile the remainder on her face, with the obligatory ear and nose insertion favoured by all the other housemates, apart from Adam, who pronounced "hell no!" when invited to put biscuits up his nostrils.

The winner of the task was Deana for their innovative sideways technique. She won the right to choose dinner, drink and dessert for the housemates tonight. The housemates will be receiving a "TV dinner" later on tonight.

Needless to say, they are very excited about what the TV dinner will entail...

As well as testing the biscuit-balancing brilliance of the housemates, this task has made us more than a little bit peckish. Biscuit, anyone...?

























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