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Day 61: Round-up


54 mins ago

The dust hadn't really settled on Day 61 after a night filled with the trauma of an eviction and a White Room exit that's already taken its place in the BB history books.

Unsurprisingly, Luke S awoke at quite a low ebb. He diagnosed himself with mixed emotions. Which is probably fair enough considering he'd just been released from captivity, 74 hours spent with a chap he thought was one of his best pals, only to have that same dude run away with a cool ÂĢ50,000 he could've pocketed for himself.

Conor and Becky leaving on the same evening didn't have the same effect on everyone though. Deana and Luke A took stock of their new House situation and, overall, felt it wasn't too shabby. They then went on to agree that it's not all about the money. Which is a nice sentiment, but maybe not one Conor would agree with at this moment in time.

As Luke S and Ashleigh got into their day, Sara chipped in with her opinion on the events of the previous evening before embarking on a rambling story that everyone enjoyed. Sort of. But luckily for Luke S, who was starting to look exhausted by all White Room-based discussions, a task soon came along to keep them all occupied.


The Magic Potions task saw housemates called to the Diary Room and offered an enchanted brew to sip. After glugging at a bottle, they returned to the House and saw that their roomies were overcome with the effects of whatever they'd imbibed. The results saw fun and frolics flow through the House (as if by magic, almost), and when they learned they'dwon themselves a party, it was almost as if the eviction and that White Room stuff had never happened. They danced as they prepared for the party, with all divisions obliterated.

The sudden change in dynamic meant our housemates were a little dazed. Without anything to gossip about, they discussed what the heck they'd talk about these days, now that they found themselves at peace. Scott and Sara wondered how it'd be without the 'big personalities'. As the cocktails flowed, the magic spell wore off for Luke S, who fell back into a funk after Deana dropped a minor clanger.

The evening ended early. Extremely early for this lot, with everyone in bed by midnight. Scott chatted with Adam and Luke A and, with no war left to fight and no team talks required, everyone had brushed their pearly-whites and jumped into bed before you could count any sheep.

An early night might well do them some good considering Day 60 was so intense. Enjoy your lie in, housemates.


Big Brother 2012: Double eviction this Friday before the final!


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Two of the remaining Big Brother housemates will be booted out this week, it has been revealed.


Seven housemates remain after both Becky and Conor left during last Friday’s latest live show.


Becky was evicted after receiving the fewest votes in the public vote, while Conor left the house after accepting ÂĢ50,000 in the White Room twist.


And with only five spots in the final, two housemates will be cruelly booted out of the show with just days to go before the final.


Luke S, who won a pass to the final as part of the White Room task, will be immune from eviction.


It means that Ashleigh, Luke A, Deana, Adam, Sara and Scott are all in danger.


It’s unclear whether or not there will be any nominations this week, or whether all six eligible housemates will go up for the public vote.

Scott has still yet to face the public vote, the only housemate not to have been nominated for eviction during the 61 day stay.


Vote for who you want to win Big Brother 2012 in our poll belowâ€Ķ

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Day 62: Sorry turns out to actually be quite easy to say


36 mins ago

It's safe to say that the housemates have been somewhat tiptoeing around Luke S since the whole ÂĢ50k bombshell. Well, all apart from Deana, who gave Luke S a bit of a hard time at last night's magical cocktail party.

After Deana told Luke S that he really should have pressed the button sooner (she has a point there, mind), he had a bit of a cry and slid into a funk. Understandably, Deana is feeling really rather contrite this morning, and has been chatting about the situation with Luke A,  over a nice cup of morning coffee.

As Luke S moped and scowled his way through the morning, Deana asked Luke A, "was it a bit nasty? I felt sorry after," to which Luke A replied diplomatically, "who am I to say?" 


Wondering why Luke S hadn't accepted her heartfelt apology, Deana did have to admit that she laughed when she apologised, and that she was a little bit over-excited after a couple of cocktails and decided that the best course of action was to apologise again today, perhaps without so much laughter. 

This shows that despite his protestations, Luke A has given her good advice.

Getting a bit philosophical, Deana realised she might have let past treatment from Luke S affect her judgement.

"I treated someone like I was treated, not how I'd like to be treated."

Wise words, Deana, wise words.

When Luke S emerged from a grumpy Diary Room trip, Deana sprang up to apologise, asking, "was I a bit insensitive last night?" and managed to say, "I'm sorry" without laughing once. 

Well done Deana. 

Luke S flashed her a lovely smile (a rare sight these days) and accepted her apology graciously.

With apologies and smiling all round, it's looking like today could be the chilled, calm Sunday that the housemates need...




Day 62: It's the final countdown


17 mins ago

Not long now is it? Next Monday is the final, which means today is one of only eight remaining full days for our seven housemates. How are they coping?

Luke A and Deana were the first to leap up post-hell-fire-alarm call and their thoughts turned to the fact that their chances of winning are now at a record 7/1. The soldiers also agreed that they feel a lot more relaxed now that the big personalities have left the House. Deana mused that this relaxation may have been the driving force behind her loose lips last night.

He on the receiving end of those loose lips, Luke S, had a bit of a rough transition to wakefulness. Propped up in bed with a thousand-yard stare, you could all but see his eventful week flashing before his eyes. However after a marathon DR sesh with Big Brother and an apology from Deana, he seemed to bounce back to his usual methodical self. Last we heard, he was analysing the probability of a task later, a particularly long monologue that is also a sign that he is moving on mentally.

Scott is in a strange mood. There has been a lot of singing with a notable ditty being one he made up called 'Amen'. The lyrics went "Amen, Amen, Amen" and were accompanied by Scott banging coat hangers against to vaguely rhythmic effect. Perhaps he is praying for victory in a form too obscure for our limited understanding.

Ashleigh has found her inner domestic goddess and is following through on her earlier announcement that she would be cleaning the bedroom. Is she trying to soothe her orderly boyfriend? Is this a genuine drive for self-improvement or is this a last-ditch bid to show her public that she's bang tidy?

Sara kick-started the day by gabbling nonsense but has become more circumspect as time has passed, mucking in to help with the cleaning and throwing into a conversation about eggs the non-sequitur, "if people don't want me in the final I'd rather not be in the final."

Good to know.

The darkest horse of the day has been Adam. He's always been the most likely to keep his own counsel but in this shrunken House the sound of his silence feels louder.




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