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Day 60: Reunited in glorious Technicolor (just a little light on the green)


1 hour ago

"I just feel played."

So said Luke S to Ashleigh as the reunited pair retired to the bedroom. It had been a roller-coaster hour. First the twist,then Conor pressing the most lucrative buzzer in BB historyleaving Luke S without, then a reintroduction to the House after four days in The White Room

It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. It’s certainly enough to shake Luke S out of his usual 'man of deeds not words' persona.

"I feel a million things because I’ve been cooped up in that room... It’s the most surreal experience of my life," he said, striding around topless. 

"I’ll be remembered as the guy who almost won 50 grand."

Of course, the housemates could talk of nothing but this drama. While Luke S was in the Diary Room voicing his sorrows to Big Brother they discussed what they would have push the buzzer or not to push the buzzer, that was the question...

Deana reckoned she would have pushed the buzzer at 15k, feathering her nest but still leaving a healthy wad for the eventual winner. Adam was adamant that he would have taken the money, while Ashleigh and Sara maintained they were here for the experience, with money meaning sweet f.a.

Luke A made the excellent point that CAC (Caroline, Ashleigh, Conor) is no more, the Insiders are now 'LA'.  

How will LA get on now they are a minority group? 

There was immediate aggro between Luke S and Adam when 'the guy who almost won 50 grand' caught sight of an untimely smile as he stormed back into the House.

"What are you f**king laughing at?" he asked in the tone of a lager lover at closing time.

His fellow Luke, Luke A, has hit the right sympathy notes while still keeping it light-hearted. 

"You were amazing at that milk task bollocks," he cooed at Luke S, momentarily taking the muscled one’s mind off recent events.

He has also found sympathy coming from the unusual quarters of Deana.

"Luke S has a lot of thing against him but I do feel sorry for him. He openly admits that money is a big thing for him," she said to her Outsider pals, later announcing to Luke S's face, "This is a f**ked situation."

Scott has processed the situation intellectually, fixating on whether Conor played fair while Sara seems characteristically overwhelmed  and is bleating, "money doesn’t make you happy," to anyone who will listen.

A twist this big is going be unravelling for a long time so stay tuned to the website to hear the full fall-out as it happens.




Day 60: The return of Lushleigh


7 hours ago

It was not the most joyful reunion taking the form of several distracted hugs, but there is one consolation available to Luke S and it hails from Romford. 

"Ashleigh better still be in the House," he muttered as Conor made his excuses and left the White Room with a suitcase full of wonga. It could have been otherwise with his sweetheart being one of the favourites to leave tonight, but fortunately for him Becky went and Ashleigh stayed and Big Brother's big romance is back on.

They stole a bit of time together in the bedroom where Ashleigh did her best to be soothing and charming. For the most part, she succeeded, taking the edge off her lover boy's frustration with her sympathy. However, as Ash is Ash and therefore prone to comical gaffes, there was a brief detour into unhelpful territory.

"You should have just took it, honey," she said, articulating a thought that has no doubt been plaguing Luke S.

"I don’t want to talk about it," he replied.

But a few moments later...

"Why not go at 40?"

"I don’t know. Let’s not speak about it," said the freshly topless Stoke boy.

The pair have consequently spent quite a bit of time apart, having separate long stints in the Diary Room with Big Brother. What is going on? Have their feelings cooled or heated while living in a divided House. As ever, there's only one way to find out. Keep checking the site, pals!




Day 60: Round-up

A big personality like Becky’s is difficult to overshadow at the best of times but Conor managed to steal her thunder with a shock exit which left us much lighter on housemates than we were this morning. Before we go there, let’s rewind.

Eviction days are often fraught and this was one was different. Deana and Becky had a silly tiff â€“ we can’t really blame them, they had a lot on their minds.

BB lightened the mood with a task to win a cream tea party. Housemates had to take it in turns to smash a cream pie in their own face after what they believed to be 60 seconds. They failed. This was Luke S’s first disappointment of the day. At that point, three days into The White room task, he may well have thought things could not get any worse.

The rest of the day was dominated by the usual pre-evicition preening. Ashleigh flipped out when she decided she had nothing suitable to wear but Big Brother calmed her down and Adam gave her a hug.

Before we knew it, the fake tan was on, the curlers had been taken out and seven housemates were sitting on the sofa waiting to hear who the public liked least. The boys in The White Room remained oblivious. It was Becky who lost out, leaving the House as she entered it, fist pumping and yelling 'c'mon'. If Brian had been by a pool she would have probably thrown herself into it.

Before her departure could sink in, BB had the bombshell to end all bombshells to drop. Luke S and Conor were given the chance to take the money and run –well some of it that is. The pair had a minute to decide whether to take a share of the prize money which rose steadily in the 60 seconds.

We were actually on the edge of our seats. As the prize fund approached the ÂĢ50k mark, Luke S went to press his buzzer but Conor was too quick for him. A devastated Luke S let a few tears leak from his wide eyes as Conor hot-footed it out of the House with a case load of cash.

Housemates were aghast and spent the evening debating what they would have done. Luke S told Ashleigh he would now be known as ‘the guy who almost won 50 grand’ – nice positive spin as ever.  The other six remaining have been telling Luke S that a place in the final is sufficient balm to soothe his wounded soul. He has agreed that his fast track to the final makes up for losing the cash but we are not convinced. Tomorrow is another day and there is not much chance we have the last of his ÂĢ50k fail.




Day 61: Luke S has 50k problems, and a Lamborghini ain't one


1 hour ago

How would you feel if you lost out on a big old suitcase of lovely money? Upset, probably. Luke S certainly is; after Connor wandered off swinging his ÂĢ50k cargo, Luke S has been having a bit of a tough time.

Back in the main House after 74 hours in The White Room with Conor, Luke S sought comfort in Ashleigh's arms, and told the other housemates; "it's a sick feeling that you could have had it, but I never had it." And said that if he had snagged the ÂĢ50,00, he would have liked a Lamborghini. There was also a hint of sour grapes, when he said; "I think if you give someone more money than they're used to, it's extremely dangerous," which seems a little harsh on Conor. But then Luke S is grieving the Lamborghini he never had.

After the housemates all popped off to bed, exhausted from a day of pie-splatting and eviction twist drama, Luke S wandered the house and garden, playing about with his jacket from The White Room and finally coming to the Diary Room to talk to Big Brother about his feelings. Though upset at losing out on ÂĢ50,000, he did have to admit he was happy to be in the final: "so much to take the same time, I'm glad I'm in the final - it's what I've always wanted. Just a massive amount of mixed emotions."

Chin up, Luke. At least you still have a chance at the remaining ÂĢ50,000, eh?


Day 61: It's not about the money, money, money


3 mins ago

"Did that just happen?" Luke A asked this morning, still slightly shellshocked from last night’s White Room twist. You better believe it did brother...

Yes, Becky did leave the House, shortly followed by Conor carrying a suitcase packed with ÂĢ50,000. Quite an eventful night you may say.

Sitting in the living room this morning, Deana and Luke A tried to compute last night’s action, and to some extent, convince themselves that they didn't want to bulk up their bank balance with a bundle of money anyways.

"You can always make that money, but you can’t buy this experience" Deana rationalised.

"I'd much rather the experience", Luke A added.

We hate to break it to them, but Conor did stay for 60 days and had added the bonus of a hefty sum of money - But we don't want to burst their bubble. What ever makes them feel better is fine with us.

And at least they have a chance of winning the other half of the prize money - That's go to be a consolation, surely?



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