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1.45pm: Lauren is singing 'Magic Moments', she just squeezed a spot for Conor - isn't that nice?

1.50pm "If China started growing it would take all the oil", Sara. The HMs talk world travel, social class and babies.

1.57pm: Chris said the toilet "looked like a crime scene" this moning. Nice

2:31pm: Sara is helping Caroline put her make up on. She's being very generous with the blusher

2:44pm: Luke A, Lydia and Benedict are talking about how social media sites have completely changed the world


Day 11: Caroline's Paahrty


3 hours ago

Piscean Caroline is already organising the big bash for her 21st birthday next year and all the housemates are invited (really?). She has chosen The Great Gatsby as the theme. Mummy and Daddy will be there too, in fairness, they sound like a laugh. She gave the guys a few style pointers too; they should wear red bowties and white tuxes. The girls can go "tootally OTT" with "head things"(fascinators?), white gloves and very fancy dresses. Becky has been given special permission to wear her dressing gown to the event.  Nice!




Day 11: The Royal deception


1 hour ago

It's secret task time in the Big Brother House. This afternoon Caroline will be called to the Diary Room where Big Brother will set her a mission to convince two of her fellow housemates that she is, in actual fact, related to the Royal family.

Caroline will choose which two people she would like to confide in. If Big Brother is satisfied that the two housemates totally believe her, then she will win cream tea for her and the two housemates that she targeted. If she blows it they will receive nothing.

Check the website throughout the day to see how she gets on.



3.14pm: Adam's rapping: "I got Milli Vanilli arm sweat, I don't got the Benedict bod-ay,but I got a cute face indeed.." Hit?

3.30pm: Caroline has been set a secret task. She has to convince 2 HMs that she's related to the royal family to win cream tea.

3:36pm: Caroline chose to tell Sara and Lauren. So far so good. Caroline has demonstrated excellent restraint + acting skills

3.44pm: All the boys are working out in the garden. Here's a snap of the body Benedict... RT if you like :-P



Day 11: A right royal performance

23 mins ago

That crafty trickster Caroline seems to be pulling the wool over both Sara and Lauren's eyes with her Royal Deception task.

Her fibbing seemed worryingly convincing as she told Sara and Lauren that her father (Daddy 'Duke of Konovan' Wharram) and Mummy  (just Mummy) didn't want her in the House but at a Royal picnic engagement; "there's a party in the palace today", she said.

Caroline Rose Wharram of Konovan just ran with it. She was seen smudging her makeup and pretend-crying to cover up her embarrassment, but we know she was cracking up inside. They turned into a little gang earlier, wearing furs and traipsing around the House. "Do I look like Princess Eugenie" asked Caroline.

This task shows that Caroline is a good sport, and damn funny. But what about poor self-confessed royalist, Sara, and lonely Jersey farm tomboy Lauren? The latter was gushing with excitement in the kitchen a few minutes ago, telling Benedict how happy she was that she's finally bonding with "the girls".

Check back very soon to find out if they won cream tea courtesy of Big Brother.



Day 11: Tea fit for three Queens

33 mins ago

Having won her task by convincing Lauren and Sara that she is, in fact, HRH Caroline Rose Wharram of Konovan, Caroline earned herself and her two duped pals a Royal High Tea. It's safe to say the trio were a little bit pleased when they entered the secret room BB had made over with Union Jack flags and a spread of Royal sweet treats. Sara, who got emotional last week over her intense love for the Queen, must have felt like she'd won the lottery. The girls feasted, waved their flags and sung a rousing version of the National Anthem. When they'd stuffed themselves to capacity they brought out the remains to share with the other housemates. We are most amused.










HM star signs

adam      virgo

deana     capricorn

lauren     virgo

luke A      virgo

conor      leo

luke s      taurus

sara         aries

caroline   pisces

benedict  taurus

scott       taurus

vonne     cancer

ashleigh  cancer

chris       virgo

arron      gemini

becky     scorpio


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