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Big Brother 2012: Luke S, Conor can win ÂĢ50k... but will be EVICTED!


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Big Brother has revealed a huge twist for the White Room tomorrow, which could see one of Conor or Luke S winning ÂĢ50,000.


Sara, Luke S and Conor entered the White Room on Tuesday afternoon, and only Conor and Luke S remain after Sara left yesterday.


Tomorrow night Big Brother will offer up the pair an agonising decision that “could change their lives forever”.


Big Brother will give one of the duo the chance to win half of the ÂĢ100,000 prize money.


But if they accept the deal, they’ll be evicted immediately.


The other will take the free pass onto the final on August 13.


It’s currently unclear how the decision will be made, and whether or not one of the pair will have to take up the offer.


For the uber competitive boys it’s sure to be a tough decision, while they may get the money they’ll miss out on the final, and the potential of winning.


On the other hand, both have received boos from the crowd and so maybe they’ll want to take the money and run out the back door.


It will also mean that tomorrow night’s live show could be a double eviction.


Deana, Luke A, Becky and Ashleigh are all facing the eviction, with the one housemate who receives the fewest public votes also getting the boot.


Live show producer Jamie Sutcliffe remarked: “Tomorrow’s not a cheer night, big characters get big reactions, we’re going to get a lot of boos.”


Big Brother 2012 airs nightly on Channel 5.


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Originally Posted by erinp:

Thanks again Mrs H your a star, this has certainly been a trying BB and you have  kept us all up to date when you could have easily thrown in the towel.

I am not emotionally attached to anyone this year erin  

I was last year from very early on 


Nothing CH5 does surprises me anymore - they tested all the dirty moves last year and just made them dirtier this time 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

12.52am: Becky is keeping Sara entertained with a show-tune medley. "I love it! Do more!" enthuses Sara after each ends.

I really do think Sara has lost the plot! Sensory deprivation must have done it!   

I agree - a completely different person since she went in that room 


Day 59: I'm Adam, not 'dad', ma'am


12 mins ago

Deana has been feeling pretty glum. She's worried about House weight-gain and consequently ain't feeling at the top of her game. Fortunately there was a solider around who knows how to fight the battle for self-esteem.

"Say, 'I'm beautiful, I love myself, I'm a good person,'" Adam instructed Deana in a gentle but firm voice.

"I can't" protested Deana. Of course she couldn't. We Brits are a self-deprecating bunch.

Adam wasn't to be derailed.

"Yes you can"

Out came his secret weapon. No, gosh, not that, please. This is a family website.

Every time Deana protested that she could not recite a self-help mantra, Adam tickled her.

Luke A who was standing by said,  "I don't think he's going to let you go Deana, you better say it"

And she did.

"You don't do that to me. I need that s**t" said odd-man-out, Luke A, sadly. Adam was more interested in Deana's response.

"You'll make a great dad," she informed Adam. "That's what all girls need..."

"Or anyone with insecurities." piped up the forgotten Luke A.

"You're such a good dad!" continued Deana.

Something about Adam's face suggested that 'father figure' wasn't the vibe he was going for with Miss India UK. In fact, he downright got up and walked away.

Looks like all is not straight-forward in the Outsiders' barracks.




Day 59 round-up


Day 59 kicked off with Sara and Deana's political bust-up still hanging in the air. Sara vented about the Outsider to Becky and eventually said equally irate things to Deana's face. The whole scenario is as clear as mud but what is obvious is that the Sara-Deana relationship is fading while the Becky-Sara relationship strides to the fore.

Both Sara's old and new pals face eviction tonight but neither of them, or indeed Luke A and Ashleigh, seemed phased on the day that could have been their last full 'un in the House. These positive vibes even permeated The White Room when BB took pity on Conor and Luke S and gave them a lunch that wouldn't pale in comparison to their diets in the outside world.

Food was something of a theme as in the Diary Room, Ashleigh and Becky competed against each other for The White Answer in order to win a colourful meal for their man of choice. Neither of them came out with shining colours but Becky pipped it, which meant that Conor was in for a treat, and Luke S, another punishment – and he'd only just got the smell of onions out of his hair....

In the main House the peaceful mood continued to hold with curious conversationsoccurring in place of bitching. We enjoyed this for a while then got to thinking, is peace and quiet really all it's cracked up to be? Boredom was also a feature in The White Room,making stupid faces was all our boys had.

Dinner arrived to break the monotony. Conor feasted on steak and macaroons while Luke S separated white and brown beans with chopsticks. It was not fun. His face was a picture of barely-contained rage.

Becky was in a playful mood, evidently having chosen to enjoy her time while she can. Scott was on the receiving end of a scare and Sara enjoyed wave after wave of show tunes. Grease classic 'I'm Sandra Dee' was a particular pleaser. Fair play to her for enjoying the hell out of her time.


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