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Day 59: Faces of boredom


1 hour ago

Between tasks, there's not much to do in BB's White Room. That's why they call it an endurance task. Enduring the company of a fellow housemate when there's literally nothing to do besides looking at a glaring bright light or your own reflection would be a test of anyone's mettle.

Luckily, Luke S and Conor have a strategy. In their downtime - which lasts for long, long stretches of time - they pull faces. It's a relaxing and constructive way to spend the time - far more constructive than meditating or sharing your hopes and fears. So let's join The White Room's duo as they do funny faces. And let us share in the joy.

Only a day to go chaps. Keep your chins up.


Day 59: The price of peace


54 mins ago

Peace and harmony, ain't it great? You can't knock peace and harmony.

Yet peace and harmony has reigned in the House for most of the day with Insiders and Outsiders putting their considerable differences aside in order to chill on the sofas talking about interesting stuff like what cars they enjoy.

Apart from a few scuffles with a moth and Becky and Sara teasing each other like a pair of schoolyard crushes, hanging out and chatting fraff is literally all that has taken place, and we mean literally as in 'actually', not the obscure meaning Becky has assigned to it.

And how is this working out for our six pals in the main House? Well, they seem very bored. This promised land of friendship and harmony has proven to be less interesting than listening to spending four days in a white room as part of an endurance task.

While that in itself is not interesting the implications of it are.  Although most of us dream of settling down in a tranquil bubble, free from dramatic highs and lows, it would seem that without these highs and lows we're left a little fed up.

Take note, people, enjoy your dramatic lives! They're better than the alternative.



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