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Chris became concerned when he noticed a few key items were missing from the food delivery and took the matter to Big Brother, who broke the news of the overspend. He claimed he’d been doing the maths but that Lydia had rubbed out his calculations.
It's possible things went a bit pear-shaped during the salmon/gammon debate that took place when the shopping list was being compiled. Housemates were divided over whether to order salmon or gammon, with Becky firmly in the gammon camp and Luke gunning for salmon. Lydia and Ashleigh were united in their disdain for the piggy meat.
What the housemates did manage to order were 20 packets of biscuits – something Lydia was particularly proud of. With the announcement of tonight's Biscuit Party she was forced to eat her words. Biscuits are now the one thing that housemates could have done without ordering.

12.20am: If housemates' food budget was determined by their ability to party they would be eatting rice for a week. C'mon guys

12.21am: Benedict is pouring his heart out to Lydia. He says he is too old for drinking games 

12.23am: Scott thinks Benedict was put in the House to get on with him. Right now, it isn't happening

12.29am: Shievonne has decided to clean the bathroom. She won't find the party in there. Hang on, we have a sing-song.


Day 10: Who can you trust?

3 hours ago

If you watched last night's highlights show, you might have heard two of our beautiful housemates – Shievonne and Adam – separately giving their personal take on how to cope with all that muttered gossip that routinely does the rounds.

"Everyone's perception is completely different" said Adam after Scott pointed out that Becky's behaviour since gaining immunity is open to interpretation, both of them making the point that one man's beef is another man's couldn't-care-less. If you're presented with a confidential case-study rant on why one housemate or another is a sneaky swine, Adam suggested, you probably shouldn’t take any criticism as fact and might be better off building your own perceptions based on how you’re treated by every individual in the house, one on one.

Strangely enough, that same night Shievonne, Lauren and Deana were thinking along the same lines. "If someone says 'I think this person's fake', they can tell me that story and I'll take it on board" said Shievonne. 'But if I don't clock it...' she continued, making it clear that tittle-tattle will only wash with her if she sees it firsthand.

Wise words from the former Playmate as well as the former gang-member. If we look at who nominated who, it seems trust has gone out of the window in the HMs' first week in the Big Brother House. Examples of minor betrayals abound when you consider the alliances that have formed.

Despite mending their first night woes after Deana nominated Lydia, Andy Scott Lee's fiancΓ© still found time to call Miss India UK's name in what might be considered a payback nomination. Arron and Sara hang around with the same group of pals, so it's hard to see what motivated his nominating her (unless we’re forgetting a row the two might have had - which is possible, considering Arron's slightlyimpudent temper). Adam and Arron have shared a number of man-talks, but that didn't stop the Dudley dude choosing the cage-fighter as one of his picks for eviction. Then there are Lauren's choices which included Luke S, a lad she flirted with outrageously in the first couple of days.

Allegiances can change in a split-second in the Big Brother house – nobody's denying that. But housemates would be wise to take on board Shievonne and Adam's words from the evening of Day 8. Don’t listen to gossip, go with what feels true and, most importantly of all – trust nobody.

 "Standard", as Chris might say.





1.20am: Lauren and Ashley are having a hug. Tears officially dried

1.46pm: Lauren, chris and Benedict are now banging on about Luke S. They are not convinced about 

1.48am: Chris is claiming to be an Essex boy. We may have to get him a map 

1.59am: Luke S and Ashleigh are chatting in bed, Lauren is hanging with the boys, Conor's rocking his onesie and we're signing off



Day 10: Food fail



10 hours ago


We would hope the housemates had mastered basic addition back in school, but they proved themselves a Vorderman short of the numbers game when it was revealed they’d overspent on the shopping by Β£147.

Yes. That's a whole Β£147.

Chris became concerned when he noticed a few key items were missing from the food delivery and took the matter to Big Brother, who broke the news of the overspend. He claimed he’d been doing the maths but that Lydia had rubbed out his calculations.

It's possible things went a bit pear-shaped during the salmon/gammon debate that took place when the shopping list was being compiled. Housemates were divided over whether to order salmon or gammon, with Becky firmly in the gammon camp and Luke gunning for salmon. Lydia and Ashleigh were united in their disdain for the piggy meat.

What the housemates did manage to order were 20 packets of biscuits – something Lydia was particularly proud of. With the announcement of tonight's Biscuit Party she was forced to eat her words. Biscuits are now the one thing that housemates could have done without ordering.



Day 10: Is it all over for Lushleigh?


7 hours ago

The House of love took a bashing this afternoon when Ashleigh announced she was going to give lover boy Luke the heave-ho.

Housemates keen to keep the fires burning encouraged her to persevere with the first 'real' romance we have seen this series.

She was noticeably distant towards Luke S during tonight's party but she later offered to assist him with a little intimate grooming and was clearly impressed with the little heart he managed to shave, although she commented that it, "looked more like a tick"

If that's not love then we don't know what is.

As we prepare to sign off this evening a love triangle is starting to emerge. Lauren and Ashleigh are having a heart-to-heart. Lauren thinks Ashleigh thinks she likes Luke S and Ashleigh thinks Luke S likes Lauren. 

Got that? We're not sure we have.



Day 10: Round up


52 mins ago

Waking up with food on their minds, the housemates were in fine fettle as they approached a new day. that promised food. A luxury shopping budget, crammed with food.

Glorious food!

But first, technical issues. The only barrier in the way of a fridge full of spoils was the tricky task of getting the shopping list right. With 16 housemates intent on ensuring they got their favourite nibbles (gammon versus salmon was one conundrum among many), there was always going to be a little confusion. But eventually Lydia managed to get the board to Big Brother and make their order. Unfortunately, after she'd scrubbed out Chris's maths, they ordered far more food than they could afford, to the tune of Β£137.

Meanwhile, Luke S gave Arron a little groom and, later on, nominated housemates Chris and Arron went on a pizza snaffling mission in a theft that threw up faint echoes of the opening stages of sausagegate. Remember that one?

In the garden, Lydia tried to hide the fact she was discussing her fellow housemates as Ashleigh gave Luke S a bedroom based massage, and then it was time for the day's task.Risk It For a Biscuit involved the housemates entering the diary room and delving into the unknown, attempting to grab a biscuit from a box filled with nastiness.

The 'Lushleigh' situation was discussed, albeit briefly, as Ashleigh spilled about her wariness when it came to Lauren.  And then it was party time, as the results of the biscuit challenge came in with a win. Biscuits and drinks were the order of the day, inspiring dancing and delight amongst the housemates.





Afternoon all   

shopping done in between the rain showers - let the weekend begin 



9.37am: the shutters are up and daylight is flooding the bedroom. HMs are slow to depart their beds - we don't blame them!

10.01am: Arron is having his first coffee in the BB House, although he'd prefer a skinny vanilla latte. Dream on, Arron!

10.11am: Arron and the Lukes are discussing meat. Keywords we're hearing include: organic, blood, rigormortis. Keep it light,guys!

10.18am: the HMs are complaining about Chris' symphonic ass.

10.39amThe HMs are talking about life after BB. Will Sara become a royal correspondent?

10.47am: Arron, "does the fridge make eggs taste different?"It's breakfast, it's breakfast time!

11.04am: Arron is still shocked over the evil clown episode, and Shievonne with the "killer octopus"

11.27am: Ashleigh (aka one half of ) is doing her + Shiev's signature dance (GIF)




11.55am: Nice jumper, Ashleigh

12.14pm: Deana reckons someone has been using her epilator. Gross.

12.46pm: Is there a novelty jumper craze hitting the House? This is the second today

1.07pm: housemates, napping? C'mon guys... Meanwhile, Chris is chatting nervously about eviction later.But who will it be?

1.35pm:"I swear on my mum's life, I love a bit of velour" Shievonne


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