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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.59pm: Conor's on the phone with BB. He's getting chatty. Misses his girlfriend but used the phrase, "It's all good in the hood."

I t not so good on the outside for the McIntyres ,a FB page that they thought was private was not.DS members are outraged at the content.

I am reading that facebook are on a deleting splurge at the moment over peeps claiming it is a *fix* - they didnt learn from their errors last time did they 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.59pm: Conor's on the phone with BB. He's getting chatty. Misses his girlfriend but used the phrase, "It's all good in the hood."

I t not so good on the outside for the McIntyres ,a FB page that they thought was private was not.DS members are outraged at the content.

I hope it was bad enough to open peoples eyes to them. I truelly cant believe how he has a fanbase.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.59pm: Conor's on the phone with BB. He's getting chatty. Misses his girlfriend but used the phrase, "It's all good in the hood."

I t not so good on the outside for the McIntyres ,a FB page that they thought was private was not.DS members are outraged at the content.

I hope it was bad enough to open peoples eyes to them. I truelly cant believe how he has a fanbase.

It was bad enough that some have reported it to the press.Deana LukeA and Scott are the HMS targeted.


Day 57: On form for The White Form?
1 hour ago

They've barely had time to cal(ciu)m down after Luke S's first milky task when it was time for Sara, Luke S and Conor to elect a person to field  the second White Room challenge. The White Form task pulled six pieces of  trivia from the questionnaires housemates filled in before they entered the House – and a White Room rep had to attribute them to the correct person.

Luke S had recently had his moment so it was down to Conor and Sara to decide who is the most aware of others.

"I'm a good judge of character," said Sara. There was a lengthy pause.

"Naaaaaaah," said Conor, stringing out the vowel as if his life depended on it, "You think everyone's your best mate."

Conor clearly sees himself as more worldly than that, "I'll go...  I have a feeling about people," he said. We haven’t noticed this talent.

After a little more to-ing and fro-ing a doubtful Sara assured Conor that he was the right choice and he took his seat.

These were the six questions.

1. Who said that they want to meet a nice bird in the House and shack up with her?

2. Who said that they're a white tiger because they're sexy  and a beast?

3. Who has been expelled from four schools?

4. Who said, 'Guys want to be me, girls want to be with me'?

5. Who thinks he looks like Friends actor, Matt Le Blanc?

6. Whose party trick is stripping?

We'll reveal how he did in just a bit, but first of all, why not see if you can match up the housemate to the fact?

Clue: these only apply to housemates currently in the Big Brother House.


The trio hug as the second task is announced

Sara tries to negotiate with her tongue

Conor get his game face on

Conor takes the hotseat

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

Wow Erin, i wonder if anything will come of the complaints?

Action will be taken about some of the content I would think .Conor cant be blamed for what his family/Friends do on the outside but it does him no favours.

It must be bad then.

I agree he cant be blamed for their actions and deeds but he's done enough himself to make this just more fuel to the flame i would think.

Thank you again today luter's for all your epic work, don't know what we would do without you, what with no livefeed. Cheer's MrsH, Scotty and Erin


Day 57:The White Form reveal


1 hour ago

We left you on a cliff-hanger, Conor had been given six questions and, as in the milk task, been told that the greater his success, the greater the reward.  Enticing, mysterious, nerve-wracking...

He sat in the hot-seat, his face a mask of concentration. The first question was:

Who said that they want to meet a nice bird in the House and shack up with her?

After much umm-ing and ahhing, he plumped for Arron, only to discover that it was, in fact, himself. Whoops! BB should point out the application process took place before he got involved with his 'gurul'. 

Next question was:

Who said that they're a white tiger because they're sexy and a beast?

As part of a recurring theme, Conor went for Luke A. Also as part of a recurring theme, he was wrong. The true answer was Adam, an answer which caused uproar. Then came:

Who has been expelled from four schools?

Luke S and Sara conferred loudly in the background. "Go for the obvious one," they suggested. Conor went for Luke A again. The real answer was a bit of a shocker. It was Deana. How do you like that? 

Next up was:

Who said, 'Guys want to be me, girls want to be with me'?

Luke S gave a megawatt cheesy smile. "Luke S" cried Conor, followed swiftly by, "you d**k". He was right. Of course he was right. 

The penultimate question was:

Who thinks he looks like Friends actor, Matt Le Blanc?

"Luke A" was the tired and tested answer. This time it was right. Three times lucky, Con-man. Finally came:

Whose party trick is stripping?

Everyone scratched their head. Luke S looked at Sara, no one had a clue. Conor went out on a limb. "Becky?" Uh-uh. It was Sara. No one was more surprised than Miss Edinburgh herself.

So that’s a two out of six for Conor. What type of measly reward will this win him?


Day 57: Sara takes on the Hammer Slammer


36 mins ago

After a long day in The White Room, another test for our impounded housemates.

The third task for our isolated pals was Sara's for the taking. The Hammer Slammer required her to use her memory to maximum effect. In front of her were 36 cups – all of them white, naturally – and she had to bust up 26 with her mallet and leave ten of them standing.

The remaining ten would be the ones containing blue paint, if Sara did her job properly. She was given a heads up as to how the paint-filled cups were distributed on a plasma screen. A thirty second shot was all she got, and then it was all down to her hammer-arm.

Sara wasn't allowed to confer and, as yet, the poor girl has no idea how she's done.

Check back to find out how this White Room scenario turns out.




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