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Day 56: Mystic Ash

1 hour ago

We hope this isn’t going to affect the dynamic within the House but it is looking very much like Ashleigh has 'the gift'. The gift of second sight that is.

There was no need for tea leaves or crystal balls for our very own Russell Grant, she says she saw it in the coal, explaining; "I don’t know why but I’ve got a feeling about the number seven. I think it means something. When we were painting coal in the warden task, I saw a number seven in the coal. Before I came in here I thought I would be seventh. Now I keep seeing the number seven."

Sara wasn't sure about this, adding; "that means you’ll be in the final...?"

"Yeah," mused Ashleigh. "Maybe I’m going out on the 7 Aug."

How about seven nominations this week, Ashleigh? It happened to Lauren, it could happen to you. Just.

We have been on the edge of our seats waiting to see if she has any more visions today. She appears to have been in a trance for much of the morning but she may just have been sleeping.

With housemates still floundering  in nominations limbo, perhaps Ashleigh could use her new found powers to shake things up.



Day 56 - and beyond: A few clues

2 hours ago

An eerie silence descended over the House this morning meaning we could almost hear the cogs whirring in our housemates’ minds as they prepared to nominate.

Those who weren’t trying to sleep through Big Brothers wake up alarms – Becky Scott and Conor being chief culprits - have been making themselves busy with a few household chores.

Becky hopes it’s face-to-face nominations again, she says she likes them. She may not have enjoyed the last round quite as much if she had been in Lauren’s shoes but we admire her enthusiasm.

Ashleigh thinks everyone will be up for eviction.

"Imagine your friends and family nominating you," said Luke s with uncanny accuracy, instantly elevating himself to the position of sharpest tool in the House, in our minds at least.

For as we announced on Bit on the Side Last night, the housemates’ mates and rellies will indeed be taking the strain and picking who they want to see exit the House. The housemates are off the hook as far as making nominations is concerned.

But they don’t know that.

While we are in a gossiping mood, we’re going to take the opportunity to get our on back on those scandal mongering housemates and let you know what else we know that they don’t.

For a start, three housemates will have the chance to battle it out for immunity starting tomorrow in The White Room.

And Bit on the Side will be busting into the garden on Friday 10 August for a special live show. We hope Big Brother lets us out again. 

That’s all you’re getting for now. Housemates are still in the dark about today’s nominations and that’s how we like it. Just don’t ask us about Yellow Reggae. For now.


Day 56: A House united

37 mins ago

Housemates are unanimous, for once. They all agree that there is a weird atmosphere in the House.

Deana said she felt like they were in a soap opera and Becky was worried Big Brother may have some 'cheesy games' planned to decide nominations. Housemates are watching their words, sticking to safe subjects like life outside the House and praising Ashleigh for successfully whipping up a bowl of mashed potato with no assistance from Luke S.

"Everybody is being very weird," said Luke S. "When it's like that, I like to sit outside and sleep."

Becky suggested there might be live nominations later, prompting Sara to get stuck into doing her hair, make-up and selecting an outfit. Scott did have to explain to her what 'live' meant, but once she'd got to grips with the concept, there was no stopping her.

Ashleigh thinks ex-housemates might be making the nominations tonight – that would be a wheeze, wouldn't it?

Becky may be losing the plot now. She has been doing doggy paddle round the pool with a burst beach ball on her head.

A little bird told us Big Brother is going to put the housemates out of their misery soon. We'll let you know how the news 



OK I am bit confused   ...  not hard for me 


 tellymix who are normally quite accurate say this is the last lot of noms - this would be correct if Final night was next week 10th Aug as they will all be up to save for the final but I am  about the BOTS going to the garden on the 10th ???  would make more sense that they did that this week 3rd 


so ... if the final isnt the 10th do we know when it is ????


CBB starts the week following the 10th 


see you when I get through my letter writing etc etc  ...  


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